Taking Burnout out of Paradise

After the announcements yesterday I steered clear of the Criterion Games forums, and did not play online or write anything more as I had not heard the podcast for myself until this morning and I was frankly, far too upset last night.

The first announcement was the one which blew me away more then the BIG one.

Criterion are bringing a car with no boost to Paradise City.

Why? ....   Why?? ....... Alex mentioned something about skill??????

OK deep breath..... more announcements to come, more Freeburn Challenges, Motorbikes, Night time and they have a plane in the office which probably wont make it to the game. They are also making a big calender and news section which has exciting possibilities:

"If we want to bring you a special boost free racing day, test a prototype car for a few hours or reward our best forum posters with something special...it's no problem!" 

I'm sorry... did you say Boost Free Racing Day???? This is NOT Burnout!

Matt recently accused me of a couple of things in the Criterion Games forums:

"Well, we can't bring everyone to the future with us I suppose. Perhaps you should change burnoutaholics to revengeaholics.com...."

And from the changes being made to Paradise, I think Burnout should be dropped from the title.

I was a strong supporter of Burnout Paradise when other Revengers were worried about it not being Burnout. It's still Burnout, I said, cos you still have boost and earn it by driving dangerously and you still crash!

But, none of the new additions are Burnout.

Bikes are fun! and I loved Road Rash probably as much as the next person who has heard of it. But, Bikes are not Burnout and Paradise is starting to  look very similar to Midnight Club: LA, instead of looking unique.  Ofcourse Criterion would argue that they are running at 60fps, but to be honest, that never meant that much to me. I would love to have a good Bike racing game, but honestly... who wants to ride bikes in the middle of a city? you want long winding country roads to tear down, and there aren't many of those in Paradise.

Criterion Games are looking at the telemetry and lots of people are playing Freeburn Challenges, so they are adding more. If there are more people playing challenges then racing it is only because the racing doesn't work! If Paradise racing was anywhere near as good as previous Burnouts, I would be playing for hours every day.

There are still things I am really excited about, like online Road Rage, Marked Man and Stunt Run. I am going to want to play the new challenges too, and try the bikes, in fact I do think all the changes are going to be awesome, but it's not Burnout ... and for that I am broken hearted.


Xandu's picture

Lots of exciting stuff in the latest podcast. It's cool to see that the Burnout Team gets the time to play around with new stuff. Well done on Paradise by night! I think they should put a couple of weeks into adding boats as well. There are no good next gen boat arcade racers out there so I think they should go for it.

As for the new multipart/timed challenges that is really cool... but they need to keep in mind that challenges might not be as popular as they think. I know lots of people only do them because there is nothing else to do (or to get the achievements). And by that I mean that lots of people think that racing does not really work very well at the moment. By the end of the year of paradise I want racing in Paradise to be taken beyond perfection. With the current focus Im a little bit worried that this will not happen.

Yay! Boost free racing day! What a brilliant idea! Isn't that really just PGR4 with fancy crashes??? I thought it said boost locked racing day... I had to read it 3 times because I could not belive what I was reading. Surely they must be able to come up with something better than that... ???

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

SUFFUR's picture

I thought burnout was about speed, boost, drifting, the racers way, 'Let the boost be with you?' etc! But the racing needs to be fixed, from the cars up! The brake button is analog, and there should be controlled drifting, not happening? The X-Hand Brake is fine, but its for J-Turns, Power Parking and flaty spinning, using it in a race, to prevent a smash sometimes works, but you don't gain any boost from it, so why should it be used? It's Part of the game fine, but is usless to a racer.

I can see Criterion are having fun playing with the Paradise engine, and the game is technically, an acheievement on it's own, and putting sound trax stuff on the PS3, and with the new stuff at the load screen, it seems to be using a Wii interface, before you start Racing sorry, start playing.

It's all great, none of the new stuff bothers me, amazing stuff but it's the team having fun, they need a year to keep busy, and the Paradise Players have got lots of ideas to throw at them, and may be the game will get finished, with what it should have had in the box in the first place.

When Paradise has, all the flavours of what the other Burnout games had, with in an open world, I'll be happy especially if they go through the last games and look at their racing engines, 3 was spot on and its takedown physics was almost spot on too, throw in a bit of spice from Revenge, but not the takedown physics, look at all of them for drifting especially 2 then follow its progression. They are all great arcade racers. Paradise is not, WHY?

Was that why Criterion said alot of people will not like it if they played the old games, because they could not build a better race engine? I doubt it, it's just they are now going in a different direction, racing does not seem to be what people want, going by what data they get back. The reason being, racing don't work so we do the other stuff, because how else do we justify buying the game in the first place, other than being fans.

As for Matt telling you to change the site, why, we have people who like what they got (Paradise), and we support them, just as much as CRITERION DOES, in truth Criterion jumped on 'aholics' band wagon, and did it well enough to build their own torch and invented the fire to burn in it. Cool, its what you people do, but you could not build a racing game that works any more, to keep the 75,000 people from your previous games happy, 4 or 5 of them even started webs sites of love for you!

Or did you drift from the racing part of the game, because you can't race, lol.

Whatever, I miss so much, from 8 hour racing sessions or more from the previous games, road raging till dawn and some of the stuff that is happening is great, cool, amazing stuff, and may bring me some joy, but racing has been left behind, driving solo is fine, like the French Film, but when you can do it with your mates side by side, in the safety of a computer game, it would be cool. And bring the speedo back and drivers, got them on the bike!

And looking at the video show, the look of guilt, are in the eyes of men, also shame. Don't get me wrong excitement, happiness, is there but every time the men looked at the man Alex Ward, the faces were out of sync. Something is not right. Me reading to much into body language and facial expression or was it all fear of the great leader and being on the Web telly.

Sorry got to cut it short, might be going on another trip, plus i hurt to much to sit here whinning.

Chow for now!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

drunknnumpty's picture

First off I have to say that I haven't played that much Paradise.. maybe 30-40 hours of it so I wouldn't say that I dont know what its about.. and I have not listened to the Podcast so I'm not going to comment on that.. but after what Zom, Xan and Suf have said about it and what is planned down the line I'm starting to get the same feeling I had while listening to the original podcasts (pre release) and playing the demo.. even when I played the release on the first day.. that this is not burnout.. i dont believe it has ever had the same heart that was in takedown or revenge.. the same interaction between players.. the same feel of community that seems to be there from the start on the previous versions when you jump into the all important lobby..

with paradise it was alway turn on, login, jump in a room and drive.. no choice.. you can sit there and talk but because everyone is concentrating on driving its not the most social of games.. and by the sounds of it if you have more than 4 then you wont hear everybody..

as for bringing in bikes to burnout.. sorry but WTF.. if I wanted a bike game I would buy a bike game.. something that has bee designed by people who work on these all the time.. rather than the crew at criterion.. fair play to them for the work they did to bring the 360 and PS3 closer together with the engine but was it really worth killing off a popular series of games with it?? did someone give them a copy of TDU and say make this with crashing?? I know the people who love paradise will probably not agree but thats their choice..

also I really can not believe the two-facedness of the criteron crew.. this is a burnoutaholics website... its not just about revenge.. there are a number of us out here that still like takedown.. in fact prefer takedown to revenge.. I would rather be playing roadrage on takedown than any other game format in the burnout world.. but due to having to unlock my profile again I cant... there is information on all formats of the burnout series incl PSP etc.. it is not platform dependent.. it caters for Playstation and Xbox players both new and old generation.. were not picky on here (although maybe we should with some people).. we welcome all that like burnout.. it doesnt matter what version you like.. and if anything this site was here first and criterion should strip the title of burnout from paradise.. in fact I think they should call it Santa Ana.. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W5v81HrPQU)

yes I am a burnoutaholic and yes although I do not like paradise that wont affect my genuine affection for the games in the series that I do enjoy.. maybe Im just old skool when it come to what I want to play and enjoy playing.. I like simple.. I want to drive as fast and as wreakless as I can and for that I need boost, drift and a decent circuit to drive on.. which they achieve on revenge (to a point).. and had nailed on takedown for roadrage.. never much of a racer on takedown..


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

Rofer's picture

Seems like some of you are just now realizing how much the developers don't care about if it is a burnout game and that all they care about is money. True Burners smelt this coming even before paradise was out.

oO EezO Oo's picture

Always the optimist but just hear me out on this.  Its safe to say many people (gamers and game designers) know what a great game the Burnout series has been (up til Paradise)  I think its safe to say that if Criterion no longer plans on putting out a fast as hell, boost filled crazy fast, crash filled, boost jumping circuit racer, I'm sure another development company in the industry will notice the opportunity to put one out there.  I can only hope...

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


hn6's picture

We are not the ones who get to decide what is and is not Burnout, all we can do is lament the things we miss (or just go play a previous game). In Revenge I was a Crasher and could never get my head around the Drift-Jumping exploits of the Racer crowd - so racing never really appealed to me in Revenge, except as a diversion. A lot of the people I played with on Revenge hate Paradise because it has no Crash mode (for them Showtime just doesn't work) and they have been saying "it's not Burnout" for a long time now. Racers like Rofer miss their Circuit Racing with Drift-jumping/Boost-jumping and say "it's not Burnout". I recently went back to Revenge, and it felt dull and slow in comparison to Paradise, still had good time - but more because of the people than the game. If Criterion want to experiment with the mechanics or themes of the game in order to tweak it or evolve the experience then who are we to say that is, or is not burnout? I respect your views and opinions Zombie but I think that removing the Boost is just the one thing that made it Burnout for YOU. It is still Burnout, just not the same Burnout.

50 Hurtz

ZombieTron's picture

So, yes, it is still Burnout.

Criterion Games created Burnout, they own it and can do what they like to it.

If they want to release a Motorbike simulation game and call it Burnout, it will be Burnout.

If they want to release a flight simulator and call it Burnout, it will still be Burnout.

And, in Paradise there are still plenty of cars which have boost... so it is still Burnout.

I always thought of myself as being very adaptable and reacting to change in a positive way, but I guess I was wrong, because I will not be able to adapt to Burnout without Boost.

As Silent xGTx puts it.. "Boost will always flow through the veins of Burnout Legends"

--- The Original and the Best ---

oO EezO Oo's picture

hn6 - even though you stated that you could never get your head around boost jumping, I beg you to give it another go.  It really is a cornerstone of Revenge right now and when you get it down its like a night and day difference as far as how you play the game.  Its no longer just hanging on to the gas and boost the whole race, it turns it into a very fast, constantly improving yourself, finesse way to play the game.  I really don't think its looked down upon by the majority of players these days.  Give it another shot, you might surprise yourself.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


drunknnumpty's picture

I think there has been a general unrest within the opinions on paradise since before the demo was released.. i think there was so much people wanted from the game and want to be able to get out of the game that there was this blind alligence to the series that it was played in an attempt to prove that it was 'burnout' but I dont think it has grabbed any of the existing fan base by the balls and say 'you must play me'.. it didn't ever or will never have the additive qualities that takedown and revenge had.. with takedown it was like a drug.. you had to play it whenever you could.. it was the first thing you did when you got home from work/school/wherever, turn on the xbox, load the game and find your friends cause they were the same as you.. revenge came along and kept that feel too it.. although it had its flaws you still wanted to play it.. for me it was partly for the people and partly to feed the need to go fast and be aggressive.. was very soothing.. whereas when I was playing paradise it was like, 2hrs in and im bored, im fed up with crashing on every f*cking corner as I attempt to drift a la revenge.. or how many challenges must I have to suffur through for the sake of my friends.. even the offline game.. i dont really want to drive half way across the map to attempt the last event again.. and I always ended up at the end of a challenge where I have completed all the ones around it and I still have to drive half way across the map..


now that said I am not entirely giving up with Paradise.. but will try it again once more dlc and updates have been applied.. you never know the criterion crew may actually put something that I find playable into the game..


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

ZombieTron's picture

Paradise is non-addictive for me.

I used to run home just to be able to play Burnout quicker, I thought that I stopped doing this because I had grown up a little, or settled down a lot, but I think it is like you say numpty, my balls have not been grabbed!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Nakard's picture

Paradise is game, but not having the flavour of Burnout from old, it's designed to play for a few hours before you move on to something else.

Until the games sorts out its racing handling, so you can drive under control, rather than let the engine, control you, there are times when I should not have crashed, but the engine says i did.

Drift around a corner under control, rather than  bounce into a wall. No traction, each wheel is a brick, not a gripping part of the code.

There is enough room to drive between traffic.

You can get online and communicate with all in the room, just so we can bytch about how crap the game plays in races.

You earned boost in past games, a lot more than what we are earning now, this is supposed to be a fast game, the agression cars are rubbish, you don't even earn boost for checking traffic, which I thought was the point of them cars, in the first place.

Race cars, burn boost the fastest, but hardly earn any, compared to the stunt cars.

I await the updates for game play which will happen with online play, of Road Rage, Stunt run and Marked man, but racing sux, now please fix it.

It's cool that Criterion can play with the engine on the fly etc, add bikes, planes, night and NON-BOOST cars, but if the engine can't even get normal driving under it's hat, whats the point of adding new vehicles, if the old ones can't be driven under control of the player.

Yes Dicking about is OK, but when can we take it seriously, and drive hard, race hard, takedown hard, and enjoy it like we did with the others.

Alex Ward had a vision, so did hundreds of fans, we are supposed to work together, and if Criterion are deleting anti views of new stuff, they are not as open as they want to make out, to its players.

Burnout had handling that pissed over other racing games, easy to use, pick up from the get go, just had to find the right car to suit the game play.

I drive the GT flame, because it can take the hits sort of, but it slow compared to the F1 Cars and even some lower classed cars, and its heavy, but that car crashes on a fart, just like them all. Why oh why, is this game designed around game modes, rather than Racing, Road rage. Racing first, then game modes.

Paradise (the map) is the game true, I think Suffur said that, but Burnout  was the game play, and it's not in Paradise, Racing, Raging, Crashing came first and should have been the priority, now its second best, to Challenges, which are fun while you wait, but not thrilling.

Even the map editor, has not been given a thought, zooming in to make sure the check points are placed where the creator wants to put them, I want to race and rage, not wait for some noob to do a barrel roll, in a hanger.

We were supposed to have control, but only through Criterions say so, not so open as it's sold or talked about by the TEAM!

Cool stuff Criterion, but not Burnout for the masses, there are lot of new players to the game, but hardly any of them can play the older ones, because Paradise is that different, it's not even backward compatable.

I would like a Burnout 3 Island, Burnout 2 island etc etc, so we could compare, how the cars could race in a circuit enviorment, and we would see they can't with out some serious tweaking, I would pay 800 points for each Island, as long as it played equivalent to what it was supposed to represent.

I expected greatness from Paradise, I expected Burnout Next Gen, not got that yet, visuals ok, sound great, open space cool, driving crap, Mario Kart is way better, and at least you know you can't talk to other players from the get go.

Criterion are a talented team, but they had roots stick with them, then kcuf (suffur does this, I like Butcher speak) about with new stuff, new engine or not they built it, they need to work somemore, to get the Burnout Flavour Back to Racing, and Raging which we see in a few months to see if that works.

I don't hate Paradise, but whats next Train Racing, Hovercrafts, bring in Pedestrians so we could do 100 meter sprints. Or swim from on Island to another.

Crackdown had racing and that was poor and using the same engine via Renderware, not Paradise's as that would be done different, but the car handling is so similar, i'm just wondering.


Part -time Burner.

Part -time Burner.

Rofer's picture

thats what i've been saying how in all the other burnouts after you play a certain amount you just wannah play it more and more and in paradise, the only way you are going to like it is if you force yourself to play it and convincing yourself that it is fun thats not how a burnout game should be.

I was never addicted to burnout 3, until after all the revenge i have played i tried playing burnout 3, i honestly never saw what was so special about it until i understood the essense of revenge. Burnout 2 is alot better than burnout 3 imo, i have always thought that but when burnout 3 came out i  really did hate it, then as a few years passed after playing revenge daily (which when i first got into it i loved it right away although i thought the traffic checking was kinda stupid i just kinda got used to it and couldn't stop myself from playing more) i started to gain alot of respect/ and a new addiction for burnout 3, infact i feel like playing it now. If there were new tracks for revenge than i would have never even tried playing burnout 3 again ever. Revenge is just so much more of an addicting and thrilling game.


oO EezO Oo's picture

Alot of good comparisons of peoples interest in different games in the series.  Heres one of mine...  I'm stuck at work for 12 hour shifts, sometimes bored out of my skull.  Alright, fine, I'll google a couple Revenge videos and see whats out there.  After about 3 clips its time to fake an illness so I can go home and play some Revenge, even after playing for a year and a half, I still cut out early some times to catch races with friends.  You know what happens after googling Paradise videos?  Oh Noes!  I gotta fix what I just saw, quick, go back to the Revenge videos!!!

Paradise isn't a horrible game, but like others have said before,  Paradise just hasn't grabbed me, well, probably cuz Revenge has such a firm grip.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


Drainnak's picture

You are right, Burnout is supposed to be the next-gen racing, AND IT IS. Come on, I mean if you driving in real life and you hit something your are going to crash, If you go around a corner to fast you are going to hit the wall.

Speed cars earn just as much boost as stunt, you just got to drive in the other lane and don't get hit. I will give you that stunt cars are the best cars in the game.

As for aggression, you  know how many times I have traffic checked a car and earned boost, you need to learn to play the game.

I have played every Burnout for Xbox and Paradise is by far the best ever made. Bikes would be an awesome edition. (no planes or speedboats, they just aren't Burnout)

Say what you want that is what forums are for, but if your don't like Paradise you AREN'T A BURNOUT FAN!

Crackdown racing is sweet, but Paradise is better.

drunknnumpty's picture

So according to you I am not a Burnout Fan because I do not like Paradise.. lol.. are you serious.. so the x hundred hours on revenge and x hundred hours on takedown dont mean a thing because I am not a fan of 1 title in the series.. I also have dominator and legends on the PSP but I dont like Paradise so I'm not a fan..


firstly this is a burnoutaholics site for all burnout games not just paradise and definitely not just Revenge as the muppets at criteron claim..  so if you like any single title in the series then you are more than welcome here..


second, is that if what you say is true then you have to like every song a band makes anytime in their career to be a fan.. if there is a single song you dont like then you are not a fan..


also, who said that the next gen racing had to be realistic?? did I miss that memo?? just because they capabilities are there to make something seem like real life doesn't mean you have to.. you may not be looking for that in a game and if you did there are plenty of other racing games on the market that have been doing that for year and doing it well..


why can't a next gen game be fun and unrealistic.. why does it have to so precise and infurriating just because the programmers can so it?


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off... and now I've been told I'm not a fan of Burnout.. Boo hoo...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

Rofer's picture

"Our mission is to be the best user driven community for all Burnout enthusiasts. A BurnoutAholic is a gamer who is passionate about the Burnout series developed by Criterion Games"

so yeah that means all of the Burnout enthusiasts are welcome to be a burnoutaholic. I think there should be a new site called Paradiseaholics.com, then that would settle all of the disputes that the paradise fanboys have in here. The paradise fanboys could go there, and then the REAL burnout community can stay being burnoutaholics.


ZombieTron's picture

We are all here because we love Burnout! Even fans of Legends on the DS are welcome here!!

Alex Ward said before Paradise came out, that not all Revenge fans will like Paradise. Everybody is entitled to their opinions about all the games in the series, and this is the best site to put them on, as it is dedicated to every single one of them!

Whether you are addicted to the speed races on Revenge, the Road Rage battles on Takedown or the challenge of Paradise, you are a BurnoutAholic and a true Burnout Fan!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Drainnak's picture

 Say what you want drunkennumpty. True Burnout fans are right here.

 That is what I am saying, you don't like one, you are not true fans. true fans like their bands no matter what, just like sports and just like gamers. The only reason some Revenge players dont like Paradise is because they cant handle the speed and power Paradise offers.

Rofer's picture

These kind of ignorance should not be tolerated here most/ if not all of the ignorance seems to come from the paradise fanboys. And i feel sorry for you if you actually think paradise is faster.

ichienkai's picture

Dude why dont you ask Drunk for a race on Revenge or Takedown? I assure you you will find out what a "True Burnout Fan" can do.  I'll tell you what most Revenge fans cant "handle" about Paradise - the fact that criterion actually deemed it worthy of the series, the endless wait we had endured only to be dissapointed and the fact that it is a really totally shitty game.

  --Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

SUFFUR's picture

So says Alex Ward, and drunknnumpty, is spelt this way, so copy it from his comment, like a good fan boy, you know just above, your mis informed commentythingy, gosh, you have no evidence that you play anything but Paradise, good for you, well built game, but does not really follow the burnout formula of the Burnout games before, but they will get there eventually, just enough time for you to go back and play all the other Burnouts again, and see that Paradise is missing out on some classic style of handling, of drifting around corners at speed, using all the buttons, of accelerate, boost and drift. To do this in Paradise, you have to take your fingers of the boost and accelerate, to drift similar to the other games, strange, thats seem to be a real difference. Oh good luck with the first Burnout, it was difficult, to the point that i never finished it. Burnout 2 was awesome, did that game for hours, but you know that because you read my blogs. Burnout 3 was the greatest online experiance for any online arcade driving  game on the Xbox, enjoy that, but if you want to be getting a rank on that game you would have to play with the people on this section of the blog, and do that for a couple of dayz to get a rank. Then you need to play Revenge on the Xbox, now I call this game the Dratsab child of the Burnout Series, traffic checking, glitches etc, but great game until its revampled clone of HDness came out on the 360. Now this game was no burnout 3, for road rage, but great racing could be had, and you getting a great rank on this is fairly easy, again if you raced any burnoutaholic. Sorry to the crashers, great modes to the series but not a good person to write about it, but I had more fun with Revenge crashing, but enjoyed 3 and 2's versions as well. Oh, and I have not finished 360 Revenge, still the burger sign to get.

Now I don't hate Paradise, but I don't love it either, Read my blogs and you will understand or not, can't spell but then nor could you. Paradise is next gen, has the formula for no loading and criterion team back up for the next year or so, which seems to be better than what the last games had, if 3 and revenge had the back up that Paradise had, Paradise would have still been Paradise but it might have been called Burnout Paradise a place were Burners Hang, fueled by Burners input, from the day Criterion opened up to us.

Criterion are a talented games company that have decided to let fans into their world, it could be an interesting experiment, or great marketing, or love back, seems to be a mixture of all the above, and I am happy that it is happening, but when same pissant shouts from the roof tops, that drunknnumpty is not a fan of burnout, hence a burnoutaholic, i will find away to push you of that roof. 

Paradise, has some good stuff going for it, but its not gamer freindly, its too complicated to play straight from the box for some people, which seems to push at that age rating, yes roam around,  but complete the game anyway you want, great, but some people don't even know where to start, the interface is that much of a pain, but you can start anywhere you say, sounds like hard work already. And that is the point, Burnout was play the game, have fun, be frustrated about being a knoob and crashing for a while, but after that, it was about having fun, going around with 6 friends, from one point to another, preferably lapped, you know what can't be bothered now, Paradise is not fun comapred to the other games in the cannon, (forgot the handhelds shoot), but it may get better.

I played Paradise for 300++ (i think its 500+) hours, still can't be bothered to finish it, have 19 challenges to go, have a rank of 700 odd with 4500 elo or rank points, which tells me not many people are racing regular, but I can flat spin like a helicopter (coming soon in Hitchcock), barrel roll to the sum of 5, yawn,  jump 250 yards and fart when i eat beans.  Still need a job, and you sir are TawT, or GTA IV internet provider of your choice, which I can't play because of some one forgetting that 30% of the population are lefty gamers, but was more open world, with some loading than I have ever seem since I saw the developer copy of Far Cry 2.  Paradise is Burnout but not as we know it, Jim Bob!

Oh and this is a quick fire back, I could put in some effort, but you don't really seem worth it yet, and me saying it means your are on the radar and i'm lana, and need a job.

PS My old job asked me to come back, and the cherry on top was, the guy I was not keen on, has been moved on, I would have come back for money, even if the guy was there! Money makes the material world spin deeper down the plug hole. Enjoy the ride.

Bye fan boy with the dusty playstaiontois, want one but need a kidney first. And another HD TV, a beer or two, a holiday, and a oop.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Wei's picture

That is really funny, Rofer, considering you are the one that told me I am not a true 'Burnout fan' because I like Paradise.  You are ignorant and intolerant against anybody who likes Paradise, while insisting that they must 'understand your opinion' to lose their ignorance.  This is when most of the ignorance and intolerance I have seen has come from you.

Just because somebody likes Paradise does not make them ignorant and intolerant.  Your precious Revenge is barely in my Top 5 favourite Burnout games.

1: Takedown

2: Paradise

3: Dominator (PSP)

4: Revenge

5: Legends

Actually, I have not played as much Legends as I have Revenge yet, so it may still move up a notch.

ZombieTron's picture

Everybody who took the time to sign up to this site is a True Burnout Fan.

Anybody who doesn't think so can feel free to delete their account.

I am now locking comments on this blog. Please play nice on BurnoutAholics.com as we are all here for the same reason, we ALL LOVE BURNOUT!  

--- The Original and the Best ---