C&VG Awards: Who will you vote for??

It's that time of year folks! Award season!!

Classic games mag Computer & Video Games have opened the votes for their 26th Annual Golden Joystick Awards.

Cast Your Votes Here

So what do you reckon? Does Burnout Paradise have the best soundtrack? Is it the best Xbox or PS3 game of the year? Are Criterion the best developers? Is EA the best publisher???

Is Burnout Paradise the Ultimate game for 2008?

Criterion Games are familiar with winning the odd AWARD or TWO, but will their past successes be repeated with Burnout Paradise? Will the few pre-release AWARDS be added to?

Let me know what you think, will you be voting for Burnout Paradise... and why!??

And for those who have been following my blogs, yes, I have exchanged exclamation marks for question marks, it is my new favourite punctuation symbol?


SUFFUR's picture

That is not even out yet.

Lego Indy is not even out yet but on the list of Family games.

Sorry not voting on anything if it going to be 'fixed'.

Did not even bother to look at the rest.

Though if there was a catagory for new and inventive, Portal and Paradise would get a vote, though more game play fun for Portal, sorry. But that came out last year so don't know if I could vote for it?

Criterion have done some amazing engineering, and should get Kudos for that. And with the update of Cagney, and being able to change stuff on the fly will be even better, for some sort of catagory, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

All games out between July 07 and August 08 are eligible, and this is the long list vote which will be narrowed down to a shortlist, by which time all of the games will be released.

For Burnout Paradise to be in with a chance of winning it will need enough votes at this stage to go through to the short list.

--- The Original and the Best ---