Crash Time Demo Review!

The Crash Time Demo is Out Now on the Xbox 360 Marketplace.

I downloaded it today, and have played through it, and had a lot of fun with it too!

I previewed Crash Time a bit in a previous blog which you can read HERE. It is based on a German Police drama TV show, so it has a story. The demo starts off with you working on a case "Beginner's Luck". You can choose 3 different difficulty settings and if you don't like the default controls you can choose between 3 different controller layouts.

The HUD is an unussual layout, there is a big speedo along the bottom of the screen, the map in the top right corner, gears in bottom right (you can choose manual or automatic transmission), car damage is in the bottom left. There is a big green arrow at the top of the screen when you are approaching corners which turns yellow or red if you are going to fast to make the turn safely. 

To solve the case in the demo there are 6 different missions to go through, some have you racing through checkpoints, there is a lapped race where you have to hit 10 jumps in 2 laps, one mission has you following a suspect at a safe distance... but don't drop too far behind! And in the first mission you have to stop (takedown!) a speeding car. 

Once you complete the 6 missions a few races are unlocked. The races give you even more options. You can choose to have traffic off, on normal setting or on rush hour setting to make the racing more difficult. You can choose to have Nos on or off, how many opponents you have and what type of vehicle they are in.

In the demo there are 6 vehicles to choose from. 5 cars; Police, Plain, Tuned, Cab, Offroad and 1 Van. There are 2 types of races. Stages, which are point to point and Circuit races. There is 1 Stage race and 2 x Circuit races in the demo.

In the Circuit races your Nitro refills when you cross the start/finish line. In the Stage race the nitro is not refilled.. so use it wisely!

I find it similar in feel and style to Burnout 1. The crash replay reminds me of Burnout 1. You can sort of Traffic Check, although it gives you damage. It is much better to try and weave between the traffic, just like old school Burnout (there is not enough room between the cars in Paradise!).

This is a big demo, there is lots to do! It has inspired me to buy the full game and I recommend that you download the demo and give this title a try! It may not have flashy graphics or a licensed soundtrack or licensed cars (there are some licensed cars), but it is a FUN offline game which has up to 4 player split screen! So when your mates are over even tho you can't play Burnout together, you could play this instead!

Try the Demo and let me know whay you think!


Segaswirl's picture

I thought the demo was pretty piss poor, it just felt really REALLY tacky. I can see why people would find it fun though. If you can find the game for £15, are tolerant to terrible voice acting, sloppy presentation and borderline average graphics... then go for it.


+ Simple and kinda fun car handling

- Woeful voice acting, would have been better off with just text

- Bland environments

- Feels very cheap and unfinished

- Looks like something from PS2
