GCA 08

DICE & EA GCA Interview

In the last of Suffur's interviews from Game Convention Asia, Martin Frain, Marketing Director for Dice and part of E.A. chats about upcoming titles and long haul flights. The interview was not recorded so the answers are taken from notes and are not direct quotes. We would like to take this opportunity to invite Martin Frain to let us know about any misquotes so we can make any corrections.

EA PC Booth GCA 2008



Mirror's Edge GCA Interview

As promised here is Suffur’s interview with Tom Farrer, the producer of Mirror's Edge, also a Producer at Dice who made Mirror's Edge which is distributed by E.A. Games. The interview was not recorded so the answers are taken from notes and are not direct quotes. We would like to take this opportunity to invite Tom Farrer to let us know about any misquotes so we can make any corrections.



Need For Speed: Undercover GCA Interview

Suffur has been to the GCA as a roving reporter for BurnoutAholics.com, this is the first of his series of interviews from the convention. This interview is with John Doyle Producer for NFS: Undercover. Black Box is the company making this game and it is distributed by EA Games. The interview was not recorded so the answers are taken from notes and are not direct quotes. We would like to take this opportunity to invite John Doyle to let us know about any misquotes so we can make any corrections.



Was a Live Blog but the wireless let me down, so a Nearly live blog from the EA Con.

Suffur's first report from Games Convention Asia in Singapore, at the EA press conference.

EA Press Conference GCA 2008

Well waiting for the show to start, lot of press here, and this will be a LIVE Blog, so see if I can Type fast enough for this.

Aaron Younger (MC) Online marketing director for this region. Welcome, for the second GCA 2008.

John Newman, the EA Asia head honcho.

The booth push:



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