
Why are there no adverts on this web site?

We are a self funded non-profit community web site. Donations from our members help us cover some of the running costs.

Adverts are currently only visible to guests. As soon as you sign in all adverts are removed.

We are still accepting promotions for specific products through reviews, contests etc. provided that all expenses are covered by a third party.

How can I change my BurnoutAholics.com username?

If you entered the wrong name when you signed up for BurnoutAholics.com or just want to change it for some other reason all you have to do is PM Xandu and state what you want your new name to be. We will normally change your name within a day. When the name has been change we will send you a email saying that the name has been changed. You will then have to use your new user name when you sign in.

I've have signed up for BurnoutAholics.com but have not gotten my verification email. What should I do?

First of all you should check your spam folder. If you can not find the mail there you either entered the wrong email address or the message has been deleted by your spam filter. Make sure that admin at burnoutaholics dot com is in your "whitelist". Then send a message to the mentioned email address  including the username and email address you signed up with. We will then either delete your account so you can sign up again or re-send the verification email.

How can I display my XBox Live Gamercard or PSN gamercard in my profile.

Your XBox Live Gamercard or PSN Gamercard will be displayed in your profile if you have entered your Gamertag or PSN ID in the appropriate fields in your user profile. Please note that if you have both a XBox Live Gamertag and a PSN ID only your XBox Live Gamercard will be displayed.

How can I display my twitter badge in my blog?

If you want to add your twitter to your blog you need to do the following:

  1. Sign into your twitter account
  2. Go to: http://twitter.com/badges/square_badge and select copy to clipboard
  3. Go to your user profile on BurnoutAholics.com and click edit.
  4. Scroll down until you find the field "Blog Description".
  5. Paste the text you copied above.
  6. Submit / Save

If you don't know what twitter is go to www.twitter.com to find out more about it.

How can I add a picture/avatar to my profile?

Go to your account. Then click on “Edit” to edit your “Account Settings”. Half way down the page there is a “Upload picture” control. Click the “Browse…” button to select a picture to upload. The picture you upload must be in jpg, png or gif format. Maximum dimensions are 85x85 and the maximum size of the file is 150kB.

What are the addiction points?

Members of BurnoutAholics.com get awarded Addiction Points when they contribute to the site. The Addiction Points indicate how much a user has contributed either by adding content like blogs, comments, articles or by donating money to the site.

Currently points can be earned as follows:

How can I create my own blog?

When you become a member of BurnoutAholics.com you automatically get your own blog. To add entries to your blog select "Add blog" from the top menu which gives you access to add content to the site. You can also select "Blogs"->"My blog" from the community menu in the left side bar. Then select "Post new blog entry" from the top of the page.

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