ZombieTron's blog

This is Paradise!

Tune into Crash FM and let DJ Atomika take you on a tour of Paradise City. The video isn't the best quality but it does give a good idea of what Paradise feels like.

Gamespot "Welcome to Paradise" Video


Official Announcements

This week seems to be the week for official announcements, so I thought I would add one of my own.

Xandu and I are engaged! WOOT!!

Extra Hour for Burnout 3

Thanks to the clocks going back on Sunday I used my extra hour to play Burnout 3 again. I have not played it for a while but we got a good full room going and ran some Road Rages for old times sake!  

There is now a Burnout Paradise forum at Xbox.com we have added a link to this on our links page.

I had a bunch of Kids knock on the door yesterday Trick or Treating, I told them they were 2 days early, but I guess this means I need to get some candy incase they come back. Pesky Kids!

Ex Londoner's Lament

Living 2 hours out of London is lovely most of the time, but I definitely don't have my finger on the pulse as much as I did living in London.

Yes, I knew about the London Games Fest, I was even thinking about travelling up on Monday night to see the Video Games Live Concert. And I heard about the Xbox Games Lounge at the Vinyl Factory in Soho. But I did not hear about the EA event in Trafalger Square until after the fact.

Campaign to Get Burnout 2: Point of Impact on Xbox 360

The only Burnout game which can not be played on the Xbox 360 (except for the handheld games) is Burnout 2: Point of Impact.

This NEEDS to be rectified! So the campaign to get Burnout 2: Point of Impact on the Backwards Compatibility list starts here!

After a little bit of searching I found out what to do to get a game added to the Backwards Compatible list.

We all need to send an email to backcomp@microsoft.com and request that Burnout 2: Point of Impact is added to the list.

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The Elusive Podcast 10

I have a feeling that Podcast 10 has gone the way of Podcast 8 into the cyberspace void of what might have been.

I have sent a couple of questions as requested by Criterions website which promises that emails will be answered in episode 10. But when will episode 10 be?

The lack of Crash FM updates has led to a couple of other questions:

Is Paradise finished?

Will there be another Crash FM podcast?

Burnout Team Rock!

Go listen to the new Crash FM Podcast and then read on!

OK so here's the deal - Xandu and I just spent the weekend with the Burnout Team in Guildford, they asked if we would go and hang out with them and try Paradise! Ofcourse we said yes!!! The only condition.. you can't talk about Paradise! So although we have had a sneak peak of the game please don't ask us about it because we wont tell you!

The Paradise Cars Unveiled

As IGN are previewing a car a day this week, and we have seen a bit of the Steel Wheels car in the trailer we can finally get some opinion on the game content.

So what do you think of the new cars? and what do you think of the cars names?

Steel Wheels

Montgomery Hawker

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