
Love the new website!

Hey Xandu good job on the new website, it looks awesome.

Message from Alex Ward

Hey, Xandu has been working really hard to get filled with Burnout information, and I really like how the site has turned out. There is still a long way to go and we have a lot of other ideas and articles in the pipe line. Today, we got an email from Alex Ward saying that he likes the site! Thanks for the feedback Alex :-)

Update 28-05-2007

The second article in the "A Blast from the Past" series has now been published. The article covers Burnout 2: Point of Impact.

For some strange reason we didn't have a link to Burnout Legends in our Official Burnout Links section. This has now been added :-)

The last thing I did was to add a hit counter so that the total number of unique hits is displayed on the bottom of every page.

Burnout 2: Point of Impact

In a day or two we will publish the next article in the “Blast from the past” series. This time we’re covering Burnout 2: Point of Impact. Hopefully we will have some new and interesting information about the game.
We will also be doing some updates to the original article covering Burnout 1.
Check back in the next couple of days if you’re interested in the old Burnout games.

Profile pictures are back

Profile pictures are again loading properly. If you tried uploading a picture yesterday or today and got an error message or it just failed you can now try again.

Updates 21-05-2007

Done a couple of configuration changes today.
Blog entiries are no longer automatically promoted to the frontpage.

Modding, and .....

700,000 people were kicked of live for modded boxes, last week and the number is climbing, that means 700,000 new 360s will be sold, more M$ dollars, but the modders have got round it, so i hear and thats sad, but they just never die they just mod themselves into rocks, Weather out the storm and get a new mod.


I have done some updates today:
* Added a couple of new answers and questions to the FAQ
* Added new video in the Community Videos section
* Opened for user registrations
* Users can now add their own avatar
* Users get their own personal blog


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