
400 MS points for a Lightsaber without sound effects!?

Now I am happy to have some Avatar stuff and I know a small fee must be presented or you got to buy the game and complete some task to gain stuff, but some of this stuff does not show up unless you go right into your party menu, to see the stuff in action.

So you pay to see the stuff, but your friends will have a small wait before you or they, can see you use it, I have never seen the stuff in action while in the friends list dash board, so until you can really show off I am putting off buy anything as yet, though Pom Pom's FTFW! It hilarious and slightly erotic, sort of lol. 

Premium Reversi Platinum Edition

As some of you may know I am a computer programmer by trade and I also enjoy programming in my spare time. Yesterday I discovered this game, a version of Othello, on my hard drive that I made 10 years ago. So just for fun I have upgraded it to work on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. I have also added some new features that were not in the original version.

The game is multiplayer enabled so two people can play against each other over the Internet or on the same computer and the game also has integrated chat support.

Burnout: Resurrection... teaser

Here are some quick images I had to work on and sent in to a contest.  Hopefully Criterion will bring back modes from Burnout Takedown and add some new things to the game. The pictures below tease on the idea of World Tour mode via cargo plane to get from country to country.  The second pic is the idea of being able to use another alternative shortcut such as smashing through windows during a race.


Jeg kan snakke Norsk!

or... I can speak Norwegian!

At least a little bit anyway... I just completed my first Norwegian language course. It was a 6 week course, for 2 evenings a week, 48 hours of tuition, so I should have learnt something! However, it is nowhere near enough for me to feel any confidence in holding a full and normal conversation.

Upcoming Racing Games... will any of them be good??

There is a plethora of upcoming racing games, but with the dissapointment of FUEL amongst others which just haven't fuelled the excitement of the racing community... will any of them be any good? Will there be a racing game which my friends list all get and actually play for more than a week?

Which title do you think will last? Which has got you most excited to play? What titles are you gonna pass over? Which ones are must buys?

1 vs 100 denied!

After really enjoying 1 vs 100 last week MS have moved the goal posts and are now preventing players who are not located in the UK from being able to play, even tho we have UK accounts and an address in the UK where any prizes we are unlikely to win could be sent to.

This is proper annoying!  and means I will have to find another game to play.... again!

Am setting up a new forum

Hi guys,

I am in the process of setting up a new forum

Not much there at the moment am afraid.
Looking about i see different fan based forums for different games.
Now that BP is moving on and so are most of the racers if like myself your looking back to previous games to play as a tied me over till something better comes along.

Good News

Well i consider it good news, good news that id like to share with my friends ...... *psyche looks round* hmmmm it appears some still visit ..... anyway my news well as you all know  i am a contents editor over on well today i no longer became the contents editor .....


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