Extra Hour for Burnout 3

Thanks to the clocks going back on Sunday I used my extra hour to play Burnout 3 again. I have not played it for a while but we got a good full room going and ran some Road Rages for old times sake!  

There is now a Burnout Paradise forum at Xbox.com we have added a link to this on our links page.

I had a bunch of Kids knock on the door yesterday Trick or Treating, I told them they were 2 days early, but I guess this means I need to get some candy incase they come back. Pesky Kids!



BootlegGiant's picture

You guy's have it bad, playing such old games I wonder if its a retro game yet!!, have you ever thought aboyt turning off the light's and hiding or getting a realy scary zombie outfit plastering your self in blood and scaring the shit out of them


----No1 baby, you know it!!!----

Xedec's picture



The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

SUFFUR's picture

Building a fort out of cusions and pillows. Boot your name is not Robinson, by any chance, from the Meet the Robinsons Movie. Keep Moving Forward?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?