When U know Yer Old!

We went to the Vue on Saturday, it's the big 10 multi-screen complex and it was packed!

We went to see Beowulf, which has a 12 rating in the UK - Not suitable for those under 12.

The first 5 minutes were so gory and violent, with people being ripped from limb to limb and the ugliest monster/demon with hardly any skin covering his guts and bones. There was sooo much blood that I turned to Xandu and said "I can't believe this is only a 12!"

I know it is CG Blood but it was really gory! And as the movie went on there was also quite a lot of sexual references and nudity. You can see Angelina's nipples!! (although they are covered with gold).

But, I didn't think my views were too prudish or made me old until I went to the loo after the movie and overheard some young girls talking about it. One said "I can't believe that was a 12!" so, I agreed in my head, yeah I know, it was crazy!! But, the young girl went on... "there was nothing bad in it. It should of been a PG!!"

How old did that make me feel!!! I did leave the cinema giggling away about it tho! I'm turning into my Mum!!

Thinking about it now tho, when I was 12 we had only just bought a VCR at home and video nasties like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Driller Killer had been banned completely. So I am a product of my generation, and I do believe that the level of sex and violence in Beowulf should be a 15. Go on call me Old, cos now I know its true!



ichienkai's picture

I know exactly what you mean by product of your generation! Me and my cousins would love to watch Zombie films when we were kids on the old Betamax Videos.  I dont reckon any of us suffered from nightmares even though we were like 9 years old - My parents let me watch anything when i was growing up even films with sexual references in them which is quite embarrasing when you are young!  A few years ago i discovered Japanese Horror which started with the Ring series - thought those were ace - collected a whole bunch of the since, rare and hard to find and cult classics and there are so many Western remakes of Eastern films its untrue.  Think the last one i watched was Kairo (Pulse for the American version) so little time these days.  If you get a chance grab yourself Kichiku Dai Enkai and Suicide Club, great films though i couldnt figure Suicide Club out.... It starts with a really surreal scene of about 20 Jap schoolgirls standing on a train platform to weird 80's music and they all jump in front a passing train smiling away, the amount of blood is tremendous.

Films like Hostel i think are just Violent and Gory just for the sake it:  i prefer films that make you think a little but there is nothing wrong with just kicking back and watching something you dont have to think about.  AND why do some people have this freaky gift to know how a movie is gonna end right at the start?? Clever ass so an so's!!

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ZombieTron's picture

I haven't seen any new ones for a while but I really like The Eye and the Battle Royale movies. There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to look out for obscurish movies anymore. Darn Xbox Live!

I was dissapointed with Hostel, but still want to see Hostel 2.

Sixth Sense was really dissapointing for me because I got the twist early on. Kinda makes the movie a bit pointless once you know the twist.  I prefer not knowing what is going to happen next. The Saw movies are pretty good for that. And the Cube movies are really good too.

--- The Original and the Best ---

ichienkai's picture

I liked the Eye stuff, even have Eye Infinity which i bought six months ago and still havnt watched, Takeshi Kitano or Beat Takeshi from the first Battle Royale (The director of BR 2 actually died during the making of and his son stepped in an ruined it)  is my fav actor though - he's the guy who has a show called Takeshi's castle on Sky where Japanese people do seriously crazy stuff! His early Yakuza style movies are fantastic.  As for Jap Horror wow i could go on all day about it but suprisingly i liked the weak ones like Blair Witch Project (2nd one Book Of Shadows was pants) big fan of Clive Barker's books too but have refrained from buying Jericho for the 360 for some reason?!

I didnt figure Sixth Sense until the end - yes me yes noob - i'm too tired for movie talk damn these burnout weekends are killing me....

There is nothing better than a 2am Horror movie, open fire spitting at you, pitch black - lights out (living in the middle of practically nowhere alone adds to the creepyness somehow) all the windows wide open, smokey atmosphere and a cool new Jap Horror movie - damn its been so long since i did that - passing out at 11pm will do that to you darnnit!

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ZombieTron's picture

I love Beat Takeshi, have you seen Zatoichi? (presumably as he's your fave actor doh!) Thats a cool movie.

I kinda like the way BR2 goes abit political, but its definatly not the same as the first one.

I really like the Hellraiser series too, but I know there are probably a few newer ones I haven't seen. I haven't tried the Jericho demo yet but its waiting for me to be in the right frame of mind for it, maybe tonights the night?

--- The Original and the Best ---

SUFFUR's picture

I don't watch the stuff (much, will watch from a SFX point of view, have written a psyco killer script, that was well recieved, and will be writting another soon, as i bought another cooks knife, if you have seen Dextor, it's along those lines, may even post it one day?), as i don't like torture to much, but have watched the Jap versions of most of the horrors, better than the yank remakes, but at least people will hear about and watch them after. I like Asian cinema  a lot, Old Boy, Happiness of the Katakuras, a must watch for all, as its mad as a bag of spiders, there is a new Jap horror called the Notebook, no not a romantic film from America, but a sort of like the diary of Lord voldimort from Harry Potter type of thing, saw it in Sing and awaiting it to make it way this way. Love Jap animation, big eyes, large bobbs etc, lol. Crap ,I have seen most films except for the stuff out this year, then just the majors, and the odd indipendent, Darwin Awards was a funny one. Have not seen Ichi, sorry dude, but thats just makes me feel like i should copy it, and i want to be a real boy, and live under the radar. Sorry read this and it does not make sence but muck it, I just need to write something. And love Beat, for the said film below, and he is so versitile, he even does stand up, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

Yeah i collected the whole original series for a friend of mine cost me like £300 and still havnt watched further than number 3 (first two were black an white) goes from 1969 or something but the Beat remake was hilarious - loved it mucho.  Old Boy is one of the best tho Suffer, the scene in the flats where he battles loads of bad guys in a corridor to get to the lifts is awesome - good story too, nice twist!

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

and there is lil old me thinking ah great a chin wag about the aches and pains of growing old and was about to mention my stiff joints in the mornings, glad I dident  now, I can't wach those kind of film's due to having the scary  mary syndrom, Its not the actual film that scares me, its usually happens a couple of days later when I finally get it, I cant even look in the mirror and say S.M three times, yep Im a wet blanket when it comes to those kind of films, Active imagination I like to call it, The last Horror Film I was stupid enough to see was Day of the Living Dead way back in the 80's and still have problems when if I  see an old man in a cemetery.

Xedec's picture

i might be the youngest freqent poster but i do remember growing up to scary movies like childs play, friday the 13th nightmare on elm street, hellraiser, holloween, texas chain saw masacre the origanl!, kristine hehe id like a car like that lol amaty ville horror, darkman all i grew up watching and i remember playing mortal kombat for sega befor there were any rateings for video game so much gore!! lol and im a sweet kids lol wouldnt hurt a lady bug haha


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

oO EezO Oo's picture

Im still waiting for someone to go with a modern day version of Christine with Hondas and stuff.        Christine : Fast and Furious.   Then they can make about 30 annoying sequels.   Sry, I've always been a big fan of the origianal,  wait, its not called the original cuz there isn't any other version right?  I need sleep.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


oO EezO Oo's picture

I always thought they would be but now we have proof?  You say they're golden????

Hey Ichi - is that the movie you put your gamer tag together from? Kichiku Dai Enkai ?  I was watching one of those specials, something about 100 scariest movies and they had the Psychos and a bunch of Freddy movies in there but the one that got the top spot was some Asian horror movie about a girl that got blown off for a job interview and she abducted the interviewer and tortured the heck out of him.  And for the life of me I can't figure out what the title is.  I really wanna see someones #1 scariest movie.  I figured if anyone knows alot about foreign horror flicks someone on this page might might be able to help out.  I wish I had more to go off of but aparently it must be pretty popular and its fairly recent, like within the last 7 years or so?  It has a pretty short title, something that would be like (in english)  'the interview' or 'the message'  I know that answering machine messages are a big point of the story.  Crap, I wish I had more info.  Any ideas?  Any help would be appreciated.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


ichienkai's picture

One of the most prolific directors in Japanese history and the movie is Audition dude... Pretty visual torture scene at the end Eezo?!  He also made SUFFER'S recommendation Happiness Of The Katakuris which (im ashamed to say) is a bit of a rip off  a movie called The Quiet Family.  One of his best for me was Gozu - damn that was a funky thing to watch!

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

oO EezO Oo's picture

Thanks Ichi!  I knew you'd know what it was.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


SUFFUR's picture

Happiness, then quiet family, but the other way round, or the other way would be best, and i have keys made of cheese...

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

Here is a list i put together of what i managed to gather together before i got bored of collecting Eezo - Audition i dont seem to have but its worth the watch!  Watch out for the gay recommendations next to the films! Some of the best Asian films are on there but i've been out of touch with it for ages

13th District - Banlieue 13 - French (Pierre Morel Starring David Belle, Co-Founder Of The Sport Parkour - Top Movie)
2046 - 2005 - Cantonese (Wong Kar Wai - Sequel To In The Mood For Love)
A Snake Of June - 2001 - Japanese (Shinya Tsukamoto)
A Tale Of Two Sisters - 2004 - Korean
A Touch Of Zen - 1969 - Chinese (King Hu - As Influencial As They Come)
Ab-Normal Beauty - 1997 - Chinese (Oxide Pang)
Acacia - 2003 - Korean (Ki-hyung Park)
Agitator - 2001 - Japanese (Takashi Miike)
Akira - 1987 - Japanese (Katsuhiro Otomo - Groundbreaking Anime)
Angel On The Right - 2002/2003 - Italy/Tajikistan TE119
Animatrix - 2001-2003 - Japanese Manga (A Must Have For Matrix Fans)
Appleseed - 1988 - (The Original From The Creator Of Ghost In The Shell) Manga - Japanese
Appleseed - 2004 - Japanese - Manga (Visually Stunning)
Arahan -2005 - Korean 
As Tears Go By - 1988 - (Wong Kar Wai - With Andy Lau)
Ashura-jo - 2005 - Japanese (Yojiro Takita of Twilight Samurai Fame)
Aussie Park Boyz - Australian TE104
Azumi - 2003 - Japanese
Azumi 2 - 2005 - Japanese
Babycart At The River Styx - 1972 - Japanese (Starring Tomisaburo Wakayama - Brother Of Shintaro Katsu - Zatoichi)
Babycart In Peril - 1972 - Japanese
Babycart In The Land Of The Demons - 1973 - Japanese 
Babycart To Hades - 1972 - Japanese
Bad Education - 2005 - Spanish
Bad Guy - 2004 - Chinese 
Battle Royale - 2002 - Japanese (Takeshi Kitano)
Battle Royale 2 - Requiem - 2004 - Japanese (Kinji Fukasaku's Last Film)
Blood - The Last Vampire - 2000 - Japanese - Manga
Boiling Point - Japanese (Takeshi Kitano)
Bombon - El Perro - 2004/2005 - Argentinian
Brother - 2000 - Japanese/US Collaboration (Takeshi Kitano - Omar Epps - Slow But Rewarding)
Brotherhood Of The Wolf - Pacte Des Loups, Le - 2001 - French (Christophe Gans)
Bullet Ballet - 1998 - Japanese (Shinya Tsukamoto - Of Tetsuo - B/W - Frantic & Sublime!)
Carandiru - 2003 - Argentinian
Casshern - 2004 - Japanese (Part CGI - Fantastic But Long)
Chaos - 2003/2004 - Japanese (Hideo Nakata)
Chinese Odyssey 2002 - Cantonese
Chronos - 1993 - (Guillermo Del Toro)
Cop On A Mission - 2001 - Cantonese
Cowboy Bepop - The Movie - Japanese Anime (Classic)
Cursed - 2004 - Japanese
Dans Ma Peau (In My Skin) - 2002 - French
Das Experiment - German TE103
Dead Or Alive - 2002 - Japanese (Takashi Miike)
Dead Or Alive 2 - 2002 - Japanese - (Takashi Miike's Sequel)
Double Vision - 2002 (Tony Leung & David Morse)
Evil Dead Trap - 1988 - Japanese (Like Jap Horror? Unusual & Creative)
Eye - 2002 - Cantonese (Pang Brothers)
Eye 2 - 2004 - Cantonese - (Pang Brothers Sequel)
Face - 2003/2004 - Korean
Flaming Brothers - 1987 - Chinese (Chow Yun Fat)
Full Contact - 1992 - Cantonese - Ringo Lam With Chow Yun Fat
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex S.A.C. 2nd Gig Vol.1 - 2004-2006 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex S.A.C. 2nd Gig Vol.2 - 2004-2006 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex S.A.C. 2nd Gig Vol.3 - 2004-2006 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex S.A.C. 2nd Gig Vol.4 - 2004-2006 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex S.A.C. 2nd Gig Vol.5 - 2004-2006 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex S.A.C. 2nd Gig Vol.6 - 2004-2006 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex S.A.C. 2nd Gig Vol.7 - 2004-2006 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex Vol. 1 - 2002-2004 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex Vol. 2 - 2002-2004 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex Vol. 3 - 2002-2004 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex Vol. 4 - 2002-2004 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex Vol. 5 - 2003-2005 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex Vol. 6 - 2004-2005 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex Vol. 7 - 2002-2005 - Japanese Manga
Ghost In The Shell - The Movie - 1995 - Japanese Manga 
Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence - 2004 - Japanese Manga
God Of Gamblers - Cantonese (Chow Yun Fat & Andy Lau)
Gohatto (Taboo) - 1999 - Japanese (Takeshi Kitano - Gorgeous To Watch)
Gonin - 2001 - Japanese (Takeshi Kitano)
Gonin 2 - 2002 - Japanese 
Gozu - Japanese (Takashi Miike - One More Weird Journey From The Godfather Of Jap - Watch Out For The Cow's Head!)
H - 2003 - Cantonese
Hana-Bi (Fireworks) - 1996/1997 - Japanese (Takeshi Kitano - One Of Beats Best Creations)
Hanzo The Razor - Sword Of Justice - 1972 - Japanese - (You Gotta See Hanzo - Trust Me!!)
Hanzo The Razor - The Snare - 1973 - Japanese - (Did I say Watch this?!)
Hanzo The Razor - Who's Got The Gold? - 1974 - Japanese - (Don't miss the last one!)
Harry… He's here to help - French TE102
Hero - 2002 - Chinese (Jet Li - Stunning) TE121
Heroic Duo - 2003 - Chinese
House Of Flying Daggers - 2004 - Chinese  TE122
Ichi The Killer - 2001 - Japanese (Takashi Miike - Extreme Stuff - Fantastic)
Ichi The Killer 1 - 2002 - Japanese Anime (Takashi Miike's Story Behind Ichi The Killer - Very Cool Indeed)
In The Mood For Love - 2001 - Cantonese (Wong Kar Wai)
Infernal Affairs - 2002- Cantonese (Andy Lau & Tony Leung - Mega Cool Lethal Weapon Style Serial)
Infernal Affairs 2 - 2004 - Cantonese (Andy Lau & Tony Leung)
Infernal Affairs 3 - 2004 - Cantonese (Andy Lau & Tony Leung - Last Of 3 To Date)
Initial D - Drift Racer - 2005 - Cantonese (Andy Lau - Alan Mak) 
Into The Mirror - 2004 - Korean (Suprising Stuff)
Irreversible - 2002 - French (Monica Bellucci - Warning Heavy Rape Scene & Extreme Violence)
JSA (Joint Security Area) - 2000/2001
Ju-On - The Grudge - 2004 - Japanese
Ju-On - The Grudge 2 - 2004/2005 - Japanese
Kagemusha (The Shadow Warrior) - 1979/1980 - Japanese (Akira Kurasawa)
Kairo (Pulse) 1997 - Japanese (Ghosts & Suicides!)
Kichiku Dai Enkai (Banquet Of The Beasts) 1997 - Japanese (One Of The Sickest Films You Are Likely To See)
Kikujiro - 1999 - Japanese (Takeshi Kitano)
Koma - 2004 - Korean
Kung Fu Hustle - 2005 - Korean (Tremendous)
Lady SnowBlood - Blizzard From The Netherworld - 1973 - Japanese (Tarantino's Blatant Inspiration For Kill Bill)
Lady SnowBlood - Love Song Of Vengence - 1974 - Japanese
Le Bossu - French TE108
Le Dernier Combat - (The Last Battle) - French TE107
Legend Of The Overfiend - 1989 - Japanese Manga/Hentai
Letters From Iwo Jima - 2006 - (Clint Eastwood)
Ley Lines - 2003 - Japanese - (Takashi Miike's Final Film In the Triad Society Trilogy)
Mafia Family Yanagawa Pt 1 - 2000 - Japanese
Malena - 2000 - Italian (Guiseppe Tornatore) Starring Monica Bellucci
Man Bites Dog - Belgian (Cult Classic)
Marebito - 2006 - Japanese (Takashi Shimizu)
Memento Mori - 2005 - Korean (Follows Whispering Corridors In A Trilogy)
Memories - (Katsuhiro Otomo) Japanese Anime (Classic)
MPD Psycho - Series 1&2 - Japanese - Takashi Miike
MPD Psycho - Series 3&4 - Japanese - Takashi Miike
MPD Psycho - Series 5&6 - Japanese - Takashi Miike
Naked Killer - 1993 - Korean
Naked Weapon - 2002 - Chinese (Siu-Tung Ching)
New Dominion Tank Police - 1993 - Japanese (Masamune Shirow) Manga
Night Watch (Nochnoy Dozor) - 2004 - Russian (An Excellent Original Film - 1st Of A Trilogy)
Nowhere To Hide - 2001 - Korean
Old Boy - 2003 - Korean (Park Chanwook - Thought Provoking Twisty Turny Thing!)
One Missed Call - 2004 - Chinese
Ong Bak - 2004 - Thai (Prachya Pinkaew - Starring Tony Jaa, Must See Thai Boxer)
Pan's Labyrinth - 2006 - Labertino Del Fauno, El - (Guillermo Del Toro) NBB410
Phone - 2004 - Korean
R.O.D - Read Or Die - 2001 - Japanese Anime (Kouji Masunari/Amanda Winn Lee)
Rainy Dog - 2003 - Japanese - (Takashi Miike's Second Film Of The Triad Society Trilogy)
Real Fiction - Korean TE120
Ring - 1998 - Japanese (Hideo Nakata) - Groundbreaking)
Ring 0 - Birthday - 2000 - Japanese (Hideo Nakata)
Ring 2 - 1999 - Japanese (Hideo Nakata)
Run 2 U - 2003 - Korean/Japanese (Kang Jeong-Su)
Samurai 7 -2004 - Japanese Anime (Akira Kurosawa/Shinobu Hashimoto/Hideo Oguni/Mico)
Samurai Commando Mission 1549 - 2005 - Japanese (Tezuka Masaaki)
Samurai Trilogy - 1954/1955/1956 - Hiroshi Inagaki - (Rated PG Based On A true Samurai Warrior - B/W Very Interesting Films)
Seven Samurai - 1954 - Japanese (Akira Kurosawa - Top Ten Best Films Ever Made B/W - Remade As Magnificent Seven)
Seven Swords - 2005 - Mandarin (Tsui Hark)
Shin Juku Triad Society - (Takashi Miike - First Film Of His Triad Society Trilogy) TE110
Shogun Assassin - 1970/1971 - Japanese (First Of The Babycart Series)
Silmido - 2003 - Korean - (Emotional War Orientated Film)
Sky Blue - 2005 - Japanese Manga ("Akira For The 21st Century")
Sleeping Beauty - 2000 - Japanese (Hideo Nakata - One Of His Lesser Known Films)
So Close - Cantonese
Sonatine - Japanese (Takeshi Kitano)
Sophie Scholl - Die Letzten Tage - 2005 - German (Marc Rothemund)
Spirited Warrior - 1994 - Thai - (Tony Jaa's First Film)
Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring - 2004/2005 - Korean (Beautiful - Takes Patience)
Story Of Ricky - 1993 - Hong Kong (Much Admired Hong Kong Classic - Tongue In Cheek Horror/Gore/Martial Arts)
Suddenly - 2003 - Argentinian - Diego Lerman TE125
Suicide Club - 2002 - Japanese - (Sion Sono - Gore & Violence Galore - If You Figure This One Out, Let Me Know!)
Switchblade Romance - 2004/2005 - French (Gory Slasher - Pretty Bloody Cool)
Sympathy For Mr Vengence - 2003 - Korean (Stunning Ride)
Tae Guk Gi (UK Release Called The Brotherhood) - 2004/2005 - Korean (Highly Recommended Korean War Film)
Tales Of Terror - 2004 - Japanese
Tattoo - 2002 - German (Based On A Japanese Novel)
Taxi - 1998 - French (Gerard Pires - High Speed Fun)
Taxi 2 - 2000 - French (Gerard Krawczyk - More Of The Same!)
Taxi 3 - 2003 - French (Gerard Krawczyk - Even More Of the Same - Cool Movies Though)
Tetsuo - The Iron Man - 2002 - Japanese (Shinya Tsukamoto - Cult Classic B/W)
Tetsuo 2 - The Body Hammer -2002 - Japanese (Shinya Tsukamoto's Sequel In Colour)
The Avenging Fist - Kuen Sun - 2001 - Cantonese (Andy Lau/Corey Yuen)
The Barbarian Invasions - 2003 
The Battleship Potemkin TE106
The Black Angel - 2002 - Japanese
The City Of Lost Souls - 2002 - Japanese (Takashi Miike)
The Closet - 2004 - Korean (Very Similar To The Grudge - Rated 12) TE124
The Doll Master - 2004/2005 - Korean
The Dual - 2000 - Hong Kong Version - (Andy Lau)
The Eye Infinity - 2006 - (Pang Brothers)
The Happiness Of The Katakuris - 2003 - Takashi Miike (The Sound Of Music Meets Dawn Of The Dead)
The Humanist TE112
The Idiots - 1998 - Dutch
The Isle - 2001 - Korean
The Manual - 2005 - Japanese - (Hot Topic For The Japanese: Suicide) TE123
The Motorcycle Diaries - 2004 - Spanish (Young Che Guevara)
The Quiet Family - 1998 - Korean (Sorry To Say Takashi Miike Ripped This Off With Katakuris) TE109
The Red Siren - French - (In The Style Of Leon)
The Ring Virus - 2003/2004 - Korean  TE111
The Sea Is Watching - 2002/2003 - Japanese (Akira Kurosawa's Final Tale Of Love)
The Spiral - 1998 - Japanese (Unofficial Sequel To The First Japanese Ring - You Have To See This If You Enjoy The Ring Films)
The Stormriders - 2001 - Hong Kong Fantasy (Andy Lau)
The Triple Cross - Japanese (Kinji Fukasaku) TE101
The Twilight Samurai - 2004 - Japanese (Excellent Story)
The Warrior - Musa - 2001 - Korean (Kim Sung-Su)
The Yakuza Papers - Battles Without Honour & Humanity - 1973/1974 6 Disc Box Set - Japanese (Kinji Fukasaku)
Thesis - 1996 - Spanish (Brilliant)
Three Extremes - Korean/Chinese (3 Director's Short Stories - I'll Never Eat Another Dumpling. Ever)
Time And Tide - 1999/2000 - Hong Kong
Tokyo Psycho - 2004 - Japanese (Ataru Oikawa) TE126
Tsotsi - 2006 - African (Gavin Hood)
Tzameti (13) - 2005 - French (Gela Babluani - Very Tense And Atmospheric - A Must See)
Uzak (Distant) - 2002 - Turkish (Nuri Bilge Ceylan) TE127
Uzumaki - 2000 - Japanese (Jap Horror - Stunning)
Vampire Effect - 2003 - Chinese (Dante Lam/Donnie Yen)
Vampire Hunter D - 2000 - Japanese Anime (Yoshiaki Kawajiri/Jack Fletcher)
Versus - 2000 - Japanese - Ryuhei Kitamura (Dare You Enter The Forest Of Ressurection!?!)
Violence Jack - 1988 - Japanese Manga
Violent Cop - Japanese (Takeshi Kitano)
Visitor Q - Japanese (Takashi Miike - Extremely Weird - Plenty Of Breast Milk)
Voices Of A Distant Star - 2002 - Japanese - Anime
Volcano High - Wasango - 2001 - Korean (Kim Tae-Gyun)
Warrior King - Tom Yum Goong - 2005 - Thai (Prachya Pinkaew - Starring Tony Jaa! - Excellent!)
Warriors Of Heaven And Earth - 2003 - Chinese (Ping He)
Welcome To Dongmakgol - 2005 - Korean
What Price Survival - Hong Kong Martial Arts Collection
When The Last Sword Is Drawn - 2003 - Japanese (One Of My Favorite Samurai Films - Sumptuous & Honorable)
Whispering Corridors - 1998 - Korean (Ki-hyung Park)
White Heaven In Hell - 1974 - Japanese - (Last Of The Babycart Series)
Who Killed Pixote - French TE105
Wild Strawberries - 1957 - Swedish (Ingmar Bergman)
Wishing Stairs - 2004 - Korean (Follows Memento Mori As The Third Of A Trilogy)
Yojimbo - 1961 - Japanese (Akira Kurosawa - Remade As A Fist Full Of Dollars - B/W)
Young & Dangerous - 1996 - Cantonese (Andy Lau)
Young & Dangerous 2 - Cantonese (Andy Lau)
Young & Dangerous 3 - Cantonese (Andy Lau)
Zatoichi - 2004 - Japanese (Takeshi Kitano - Modern Retake On The Old Zatoichi - Great Fun)
Zatoichi - Adentures Of Zatoichi - 1964 - Japanese
Zatoichi - Fight Zatoichi Fight! - 1964 - Japanese
Zatoichi - New Tale Of Zatoichi - 1963 - Japanese
Zatoichi - Samaritan Zatoichi - 1968 - Japanese
Zatoichi - The Blind Swordsman/The Legend Of Zatoichi - 1989 - Japanese (The Only Film Katsu Wrote, Directed And Starred In - Awesome)
Zatoichi - The Tale Of Zatoichi - 1962 - Japanese (Starring The Legend Shintaro Katsu Who Did 26 Zatoichi's)
Zatoichi - The Tale Of Zatoichi Continues - 1962 - Japanese
Zatoichi And The Chess Expert - 1965 - Japanese
Zatoichi And The Chest Of Gold - 1964 - Japanese
Zatoichi And The Doomed Man - 1965 - Japanese
Zatoichi And The Fugitives - 1968 - Japanese
Zatoichi At Large - 1972 - Japanese
Zatoichi At The Blood Fest - 1974 - Japanese
Zatoichi At The Fire Festival - 1970 - Japanese
Zatoichi Challenged - 1967 - Japanese
Zatoichi In Desperation - 1972 - Japanese
Zatoichi Meets The One Armed Swordsman - 1971 - Japanese
Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo - 1965 - Japanese
Zatoichi On The Road - 1963 - Japanese
Zatoichi The Fugitive - 1963 - Japanese
Zatoichi The Outlaw - 1967 - Japanese
Zatoichi's Cane Sword - 1967 - Japanese
Zatoichi's Flashing Sword - 1964 - Japanese
Zatoichi's Pilgrimage - 1972 - Japanese
Zatoichi's Revenge - 1965 - Japanese
Zatoichi's Vengence - 1966 - Japanese
Kai Doh Maru - 2001 - Japanese Anime (Nobuhisha Terado - Script) NBB411

Wow Word does weird things with your copy an paste thing!

--Funny How... Time Flies!-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xfkd7Js_P4

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

oO EezO Oo's picture

I noticed you have Cowboy Bepop but no Samurai Champloo (/Champuru)?  I'm pretty sure it was Shinichiro Watanabe that directed both of the T.V. series (i think).  Have you seen the show before?  You just cant beat break dancin, beat boxin samurais man LOL!  That show is hilarious.  Kinda reminds me of Kung Faux, another one of my favorites... Old kung fu shows mixed up with hip hop dub overs and batman style "Kapow!   Zowie!  Blammos!"  Drawn in for each hit, and a running score / level indicator on the bottom of the screen.  Funny stuff.  I've heard really good things about Kung Fu Hustle but haven't had a chance to see that one yet, actually I've only heard good things about it, everyone who's seen it so far liked it.  Pans Labyrinth was a great movie.  Lots of good stuff in that flic.  I gotta say I was really surprised several times in that one and made me glad that I've never shot a rabit before LOL.  "Alright Capitan,  lets see a BIG SMILE mkay????"

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


ZombieTron's picture

I prefer Shaolin Soccer to Kung Fu Hustle, but then again Jackie Chan's City Hunter is one of my favourite asian movies so I may not be the best critic!! You gotta love Jackie dressed up as Chun Li!

--- The Original and the Best ---

oO EezO Oo's picture

Im kind of new to the Kung Fu scene so I need lots and lots of light hearted entertainment mixed in with mine LOL.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


SUFFUR's picture

Some great choices, all the Car ones are a must, Drift racer, came from an animation, 6 or 9 disk set, no i did not buy it it was £30, and I could not afford it, i am poor, even on holiday, lol. I have 2 series of the Water Margin, seen most of your list, Apple seed, yes, awaiting the rest of Ghost in the Shell, CowBoy Bebop, awesome, what was the one with the Hospital bed that defends itself, has an OAP in it and the nurse is trying to save him, lol. Nice viewing dude. Anything with Stephen Chow is great, all round movies, with a musical on the side, lol. I had more to say but can't remember, But people must watch Dextor...

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ichienkai's picture

Hahaha Scrolling is almost as fun as cake, maybe not...!

--Funny How... Time Flies!-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xfkd7Js_P4

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ichienkai's picture

Have to ask man if its any good coz i dont do manga etc i just collect stuff and watch what i like? Guilty of short attention span... love horror, love Beat, dont love being naive at Japanese so much, can say headlight in jap hahaha, will learn the lingo sometime - only Jap i know is "I think i've drunk too much" lol

---The Way You Are--- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7_GjdJmrWQ&feature=related

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--