We Have Paradise!!

We got a copy of Burnout Paradise today, and Xandu has been playing non-stop since he stopped working at 3pm this afternoon.

Unfortunately, I still had to work til 5pm and I could hear the game from where I was working!

The most frustrating 2 hours EVER!!!

The game sounds awesome! and the soundtrack really works, Janes Addiction and Adam Ant great combination! (I'm still gonna turn off Avril)

OK, I'm gonna kick Xandu off now and have my turn!!

This could cause a few domestics until we get a 2nd copy!

We are in Paradise! 


SUFFUR's picture

Or is it Keymosabie? I will learn how to spell one day, but at least the meaning is clear.

I don't have Paradise, I don't have an HD TV and I don't have a fully working internet connection, why should i happy that you will fight over that one copy that you have? Even if you did the fighting in a Mud Pit with 10 other female wrestlers, I'm not impressed, and not even interested, bla...bla...bla.

I have already eaten the worms!

I have already gone through my soft drink stash, so now not sleeping, as I am wired, tired and just don't need to see all those people pop online and see they have also got a copy, and have got the minimum 6 hour stint of achievements, around 170 on average, going by my metal calculations, then I did some mental ones too!

I would like to say a Pox on you all, that got it early, you know the One Red One on the front of your 360, so you can't play anything, till it comes back from the 'MS Shop' with a note saying we are Mark's and Spencer's, you need to send this to

M-I-R-O S-O-F-T, Idiot.

Anyway as people point out, maybe tommorrow, at least Friday, the worst Saturday, your life will be normal.

Thanks, lotta love I see, for the one's with a Fracking Copy, I hope you all follow through with that late nite fart! And the ones that don't have a copy send chat invites to all the friends who do have, and maybe they will put it back in the box and play a laggy game of another multiplayer with you, lol.


Now I feel better, the internet is a great place to express how you feel at any given moment, not that anyone is bloody reading, as 'WE' are playing Burnout-why have i not got my copy yet-Paradise.


As said before, Smile, even if you have to fake it, they will leave you alone, so you can finish burying the body.


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? A Waffer Thin Mint Sir! I repeat A waffer Thin Mint!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Naarkesh's picture

I did wonder why your weren't playing it solidly all night.

I have a few friends with it aswell and its really frustrating watching them put it down and play cod4 again after 2 hours of play. HEATHENS.

Also, am I the only person who likes that Avril song. Bizarre!


Bender of Fenders