Shout out to all the BurnoutAholics out there, you know who you are!

Thanks DJ Atomika!

I'm having a blast in Paradise. Mostly Freeburning and picking up billboards, super jumps and smashes along the way.

I've been doing the Burning Routes as I've unlocked the cars for them, and had to drive back to start a few times but it helps me to learn the city.

I have done some online races and am seriously considering changing my name to DNF.

In the first challenge session Xandu took us all to the Airfield for a barrel roll challenge and I couldn't pull a barrel roll, so I got frustrated and quit!! I played offline some more and unlocked the Hyperion so I can barrel roll quite happily now. Still got frustrated trying to barrel roll through that hoop tho!!

OK so I am rubbish at this game! And it makes me swear and wanna throw my controller! But I LOVE IT!

Since the release of Paradise we have had a HUGE influx of visitors and new members.  Welcome to you all, and I hope to see some of you in Paradise real soon!




BootlegGiant's picture

There is a Airfield?? I thought I had found everything from the Quarry to the Stock Car track, Where is the Airfield? Please tell me.


ZombieTron's picture

Get online and into the challenges, there are challenges set in all of the hidden areas. Select a challenge set in the Airfield and follow that red dot!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Xandu's picture

The airfield is on the same road as the Junk Yard in Silver Lake (the second road parallell to the lake). It is on the lefthand side going South.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

BootlegGiant's picture

Ok cheers Xan and Zom will have a look later.


Paul_Dnap's picture

you'll need to find the airfield as there's a billboard to be had if you leave the airfield by the appropriate ramp...

Paul_Dnap's picture

my 360 controller has a tony-hawks induced rattle, but it still works  - if I don't get the knack of flat spins soon it may suffer more!