I Beat the Test!

I got 100% on the multiple choice part of my driving theory test and a stonking high score on the hazard perception part too!

So, now I can concentrate on actually driving! Watch Out!!

Thanks for the Good Luck messages!


oO EezO Oo's picture

Hmmmmm,   Hazard perception and Multiple choice (guessing which lane to fly down in my case).....  sounds like all those hours playing Burnout have payed off.   Congrats.


CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


Naarkesh's picture

Awesome work. Hazard perception is pretty hard to ace.

What was the hardest question you got? I always remember tire tread and sotpping distances being tricky on the day.


Bender of Fenders

ZombieTron's picture

The hardest was one about documents, only cos I hadn't revised that bit. The rest of them were all questions I had revised, so I think I was lucky, didn't get any about braking distances.

And I drilled 1.6mm into my head just incase! (not literally)

Hazard Perception is fun, I want it to come out on Xbox!

--- The Original and the Best ---

BootlegGiant's picture

well done Zombie
