more progress towards Elite License...

just 25 event wins to go before i unlock the Elite license.

- 75/80 cars in my garage

- completed all Burning Routes

- completed all Marked Mans

- completed all Races

ok, so i can do the remaining Road Rages, it will just take some time to pull them off.  The thing i'm worried about are the Stunt Runs.  You see, i didn't do any of those while i was working towards my Burnout License. The few times i've tried Stunt Run, i was really bad at it.

so, in the meantime, i think i'll see if i can get the other 5 carbon cars unlocked...


ZombieTron's picture

I am avoiding Stunt runs too! I am just rubbish at them at the moment. I do keep trying every now and then, but the failures out weigh the success stories.

I am hoping that a week or two more play time and exploring the city and memorizing where all the Super Jumps and Billboards are will help me to nail those Stunt Runs.

--- The Original and the Best ---

BootlegGiant's picture

Criterion have allowed you to be lame and choose that 'Car' (wont name it) which allows you to go round in circles with full boost to do a 20+Burnout that allows you to complete any stunt run providing you find a good open area

anyone else notice how tediously boring Paradise is!

eliteburner101's picture

i only won 2 when i was still a noob and i never did them ever since i got my d license because i hated stunt runs and i suck at them

Naarkesh's picture

Its only boring if you make it boring. The thing about stunt run is that being good at it is a three pronged skill.

  • You need to know what it wants from you to get the big scores. Just like Showtime, it is multiplyers that will make or break you. The points you get by getting to them are all it takes to use them well.
  • You need to know where the multiplayers are. Its very risky to go for a 5-6x multiplyer in one jump, so go for the superjump to billboard stunts first. They are low risk wtih good reward. The odd barrel roll is good too - but dont go too fast as this increases the risk of hitting the ramp wrong.
  • You need to handle your car well - or more importantly, select the best car. I dont get on with stunt run tbh - i prefer road rage. I collected my 1 million by using the Hunter Cavalry! Its nice and slow to accelerate and low torque which means you can boost faster after a spin.

Burn along the sea front from the country club and down to the baseball stadium - there are about 6 billboards. Reverse and go back for another few.


Bender of Fenders

Paul_Dnap's picture

 Got my Burnout license last night -- in quite some style with a road rage of 81 takedowns !!


So I'm way behind you with the elite license, 98 events to go...   still a load of playing to be had in this game for me.

I'm also quote poor at Stunt Runs, but I do have a good idea how they should be done, it's just a problem with the eyes-brain-fingers-contoller chain of command which I'm sure I'll get better at the more I do them - I did pop in ONE event at (just) over a million.