Live! Preview!

On Sunday the 16th of March three intrepid BurnoutAholics will be venturing to Wembley Stadium in London to experience Live!

The games I am most looking forward to seeing and trying out are:

  • Rock Band
  • Rainbow Six Vegas 2
  • Soul Calibur IV

There is a whole long list but these are the big 3 for me.

Hopefully it will be a successful event as there hasn't been a consumer show for games in the UK for far too long (since 2004), and it would be nice to have an annual event to celebrate gaming in Britain.

If you want to join us, some tickets are still available!

Play.Com Live!


Xandu's picture

I'm really looking forward to having a closer look at Soul Calibur IV. To me the Soul Calibur series is the ultimate fighting experience and IMO it is far superior to games like Mortal Comabat and Dead or Alive. I think the inclusion of Dart Vader and Yoda will be a really cool.

mmmm.... to Wembley Stadium we will go!

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

SUFFUR's picture


Driver Grid, Rainbow6v2, taking the mic outa Iain Lee, Lego, Haze, DE Doctor Who, and listening to how Xandu, shot my C4 out of my hand on Rainbow, killing me, for 4 hours on a train, from the man himself, nooooooo!

It's going to be awesome fun, now do I take my meds or not, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

PCD Darts? And spitting in the general direction of the BLURAYMONDO stand!

Zombie, I think I need sqeaky shoes and my wrist band extenter plus, so you don't lose me, boingy boingy!

PS forgot, can i bring sissors?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

It was all good! Met the Tigers, which was cool. Played all I could get too, some kid playing showtime for an hours, so I could not put up my, high scoring spins, etc, a deffinate elbow in the eye needed, for that kid and his brother, playing on the ohter 360 pod. Tried the PS3 version of the game, did not like the controller, way too small, and those triggers, are a pain too.

Played Rainbow 2, Lego Indi, Grid Race Driver, met Cat from Red Dwarf, and the lass who plays Holly, saw the Ecto 1 from Ghost Busters, that game is looking good, so is the Bourne Conspircy (sp?). Not enough information about ProtoType.

10 games on the Apple Mac, old but nice to see the system getting something.

Haze, was a good looking game, but we have seen alot of that stuff before, but I did not play enough to judge, and the fact its on the PS3, and I don't like the controller, I will let some one else review that.

Met a guy called Scott, from PS3 Extreme, who said to the Trondu, I have stolen stuff from your site ( to his site, in the nicest possible way. And he noticed us from our Burnoutaholics T-Shirts, which was cool. He had a Press pass, we need those next time, just to blag more free stuff.

Yes free stuff, dvd's, key chains, 1 shirt all the others were given out on the Saturday, dancing girls, no could not take them home, but would have liked too, lol. No games except Lord of the Rings online Trial, which was sad. I am surprized that game developers don't sell their games at game shows, some early, or just for late developers to thier games. At a discount of course, people came to the mountain, reward them with a cheaper buying price!

I tried to get a GH3 T-Shirt for the Tigers, by swapping it with a burnoutaholics shirt, but the lass said no, I have lost my charm, but the burnoutaholics T-Shirt, is worth way more than the 100,000 GH3 shirts, her loss.

The end of the day, we saw the playable version, November Build, of Far Cry 2, and that is an awsome game so far, and the future of gaming is open spaces, developers, are catching Criterion Fever, with, non loading, open spaces. So what is happening, for the future for us gamers is still all good. The guys, at the demo were approachable, and answered some questions, and were cool guys. Keep up the good work, this game is going to be big, IMO.

I am looking forward to the show next year, with a press pass in hand. I could write more but i am on a tablet PC, and testing it for future write ups, so it's slower than my normal typing at the mo, as this tablet learns my hand writting. But this is my second type of game show, Cyber games from Singapore  last year being the first. I do have a goal, to go to PAX this year, but still working out it's cost effectiveness, but if I do go, I will blog that.

I do have more to write but going to wait until my PC comes back, sometime at the end of the week, but since R6V2 is out this week, maybe not.


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?