Girls Night on Revenge!

I have been playing Burnout online for ... well forever really, but have never been in a room with all girls!

But, that could be about to change... PsychedelicBabe is planning on hosting a girls night on Revenge!

Anyone interested in joining us for a fun night of girly races should sign up at the forums HERE

Ofcourse this is for the ladies only, if you are a dude and you want to enter a fun tournament on Revenge, try Eezo's Pro/Am Challenge HERE.


oO EezO Oo's picture

I can't wait to get this next tourney fired off - for several reasons lol.  Heres kind of a timeline of how these things go for me....

1. Hmmmmm, thats kinda of a good idea, it could work, it might be fun, lets see if anyones interested.

2. Cool, it looks do-able, lets get the ball rolling, open up the sign ups.

3. Uh oh, looks like this is really gonna happen, what did I get myself into?

4. Ok, this ones getting away from me, how do I get out of this?  DANG IT!  I'm gonna have to get a different gamertag and find some new friends....

5. Crosses fingers, I hope this works or I can't go on the forums for a looooooooong time.

6. Alright COOL! Thats was kinda fun, sounds like everyone had a good time, Should probably start thinking about the next one....  (go back to step 1 LOL)

Just gotta remember to keep it simple and don't let it get away from you, and most important try to keep it fun,   Its all a labor of love.



I'm having a bit of trouble trying to sneak my way into Psychs Girls night, I even promised I'd wear a skirt and its still a no go.  I think its a great idea what Psych is doing and I wish her the best with it, I really hope it goes well.  Playing on XBL for as long as I have I've met alot of really cool people and alot of them are girls.  I can't for the life of me understand why they get such a hard time from other gamers online and I think its completely stupid.  You'd think they'd think its pretty cool having girls playing video games but for some reason alot of really really stupid stuff happens.  Either from insecure guys or other girls I just can't wrap my head around it.  There are a few friends of mine who love playing online but might not have the thickest skin and I hate to see them turn away from gaming.  In just the span of one trip to the lobby a good online game session can disappear.  Anyways, I'm just glad to see things like this that promote FUN gaming, cuz thats what games are for right? To HAVE FUN!!!   Cheers Zombs and Psych!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


PsychedelicBabe's picture

Thanks for the heads up Zombie and you too EEZO.. id just like to say that i am really looking forward to hosting this event i think that it should have been organised a long time ago. I dont know why female racers dont get along i think the main reason most girls wont race together is because of the males present in the room and it then becomes a contest of who can get the most attention...i myself use other tactics id rather just be quiet and WIN that gives me all the attention i need....lmao so im hoping that my idea will bring some good laughs for the girls it will give us chance to get to know each other properly... so if any of you ladies fancy it hit Zombies link to the forums.....and who knows we could do this on a weekly basis itll be nice to talk about girly things instead of having to listen to the drunken jargon we all hear so much off....rolmfao....