I hate my internet, Part 2

I bought myself a good length of cat-5 cable (about 20 feet longer than I needed, but everything else was too short) and hooked my PS3 directly up to my router.  It does better, working well until it tries to connect to PSN.  At this point, I get the error:


I am not sure exactly what it means, as it keeps kicking my laptop off the internet now.  All I know is it takes all of my effort just to log in here and try to post this.  There has to be some way to keep both connected.

Any suggestions?


Wei's picture

By juggling the ip a little bit, I think I managed to get it sorted out.  The thing is, I already had the laptop and PS3 set to different ip's.  I still lost internet on my system while the PSN is logging in, and I am about to test if I still discon when going online in-game.  This will be posting as I play online (I hope).

Edit: Yay!  I am currently freeburning with minatopee, fastwrx500hp, and a couple others. Win!

Wei's picture

This is really making me mad.  I played for over an hour earlier tonight with-out the slightest issue.  I left the game when it challenges stopped being set and took a little break.  I go to log back online, and now it keeps giving me a 80710102 error and refuses to let me log in.

Nothing has changed setting wise, except that I finally hooked up my bluetooth headset that came with Warhawk.



ZombieTron's picture

But, being technically inept I have no clue what the problem is. Have you done the Xbox Live connection test? I hope you get it fixed soon!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Wei's picture

I went back into the router reset some of the settings.  More specifically, I closed all of my console-related ports and reopened them.  That seems to have done the trick, even my mic was working.

With the way things have been going, though, I am not going to actually pronounce it 'fixed' until it works every time over the course of several tries.