Criterion Games - The Official Forums

I have spent a lot of time on the Criterion Games official forums lately, so much so that I am an Elite poster and have a nice bold name compared to other mere posters.

However, I noticed today a  shift in the way the forums are moderated and at least one thread that I had posted in has been deleted.

The only reason I can see for this deletion is that it was against adding planes to Burnout.

Now I don't mind the Criterion team wanting to keep a positive bias and using moderation to do so, as it is their site after all. As an alternative. I invite anyone who wants to post their views without fear of deletion for questioning some of Criterions choices, to do so here.

Start your own blog and let us know what you really think about the direction Paradise is being taken. Do you think, as I do, that it is a step too far away from the Burnout ideal? Or do you think that the changes will only enhance gameplay and bring Burnout truly to the next generation?


Zalz Torus's picture

Not suprisingly I agree with you. Im glad youve said this since at first I thought perhaps id been too inflamatory somehow, that id come off as a troll by accident. But Criterion considers you helpful enough to be Elite and you saw how it was unfair to remove the post too.


Ive only been going to the criterion boards for about a week so i cant comment on if this behavior is new, but its definatly unwelcoming. To me it makes a clear message that they only want positve feedback on updates and never critisim. Its a shame because now i have no desire to be apart of the community there.


Umlot on xbox live

oO EezO Oo's picture

I had been posting on the Criterion boards about a month ago I guess but then I noticed some of my posts had been disappearing so I don't even bother with it anymore.  One thread I recall was something about 'lame hosts / rank robbing etc...'  I had responded with something along the lines of "There are idiots in every single video game, just host your own rooms, problem solved' and a few days later my post was removed.  I haven't been very inclined to post there since. 


I've been constantly hoping for Criterion to release something that will pull me back into Paradise and really was in their corner but this last bit of info they released  "Hey guys!  We're all excited!  This is gonna be sooo cool - you're gonna be blown away! Check out what we're gonna give you.... what we've all been waiting for in a Burnout game....  A car with NO BOOST BAR!!!! ZOMG!!!!"   Please shoot me.... I can't bite my tongue anymore and I know if I post that on the Criterion boards it won't stay up there for long.

Burnout R.I.P  1-28-08


CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


Rofer's picture

Yeah that sounds lame that criterion did that to your posts, can't say that that has happened to me. All 39 of my posts are still there. It is annoying that criterion tries to do whatever they can to avoid respoding to my posts, at least they don't take em away.

Mad Wookiee11's picture

It's turning out like communism did.  It started out with, "Oh, sure, post your opinions.  We like feedback, positive or negative.  Now all they do is crush any opposition to new ideas.  It's funny, I thought the UK defeated it's attempted communist revolution.

My Toaster only works in Reverse!

Latinam est, fatue!