Red Ring of Death (ish)

For some inconcievable reason, my console has been hit for the third time with the (explative, explative, explative) Red Ring of Death!  I just got it back in January!  But this one is not like the other two, at least I hope it is different. 

When I was in a match online, my console suddenly went into Death Mode (sorry, hn6).  When I restarted it, It worked fine for a few seconds and then Died again.  After a few tries, I was able to get Burnout running fine, but it shut off when I tried to rejoin the match I was in.  Then I tried one more time and was able to join a match an play it for a few minutes until it shut off again. 

Does anyone have any idea if this is fixable from home, or if it's just overheating or something?  I had only been on the console for 10 minutes, and noone else had been on all day, so i doubt it's that. Hopefully I won't have to send it back AGAIN!


SUFFUR's picture

Hoover out the air vents on your console and your power supply, also if you have an air compressor, remove all you can take off your console, like, the front plate and power supply, take it outside, and blow the dust out, with the compressor. If you know how to take your 360 apart, I would recogmend a qualified 360 repair guy, removing the outter case, then blow the dust out and do it out side if you can it can be nasty. But the fact that you just got it back, it should not be that bad unless, you smoke alot and have a dusty house. If not send the bugger back, buy a new one on stand-by. Every 360 owner has two 360's on the go, lol.

Also don't stand it up, keep it flat, if the mother board over heats, the solder will slide off the board, if its flat, it seems to stay in one place, so when it cool, it still works, lol.

 Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Mad Wookiee11's picture

For some reason, it is working again.  I haven't even done anything to it.  I guess if it is broke don't fix it, it'll fix itself    Hopefully it will stay that way...

My Toaster only works in reverse!

Latinam est, fatue!

scooty's picture

hi m8,bad news 3rd time sounds similar to wot i had on mine wen playin forza 2,kept freezing after bout 15 mins and got quiker each time then gave in totaly.sorry 2 say,hope urs is fixable,but with the red rings its usually time to go back.

the best thing i can suggest is to get a ps3 lol,neva use my 360 since gettin 1.

best of luck to ya

Mad Wookiee11's picture

For some reason, it's gone.   I don't know why, but it is just not happening anymore.  It works fine again and hopefully will not return.

My Toaster only works in reverse!

Latinam est, fatue!