Do you care about 60fps???

Maybe I should run that as a Poll topic.

I haven't been playing alot lately.. the sun and my garden have been far too tempting, but when I have been inside I have been watching Xandu play GTA IV. I have tried to play it myself too, but am frankly rubbish! so will wait til it rains and I feel more motivated to get used to the controls... anyway...

GTA IV is pretty fantastic, the city is GIGANTIC and alive with people and cars and planes, there is weather, night and day, and you can use bikes as well as cars and even boats and helicopters! The water effects when you go swimming or on the boat or flying close to the water in your helicopter are really cool. Driving feels fairly fast, considering you are in civilian cars with no boost... but it's not running at 60fps.

I don't know what the framerate is and I don't notice any difference. I know only a small percentage of people do find anything less than 60fps noticeable and annoying and I am definitely not one of them. I only notice if the framerate isn't constant, or is way too low!

Do you think Criterion Games are right to demand 60fps? or would you prefer a lower framerate but with more ???? fill in the blank.

What differences do you think running at a lower frame rate would make?


SUFFUR's picture

Burnout Way, like drifting, boosting, and driving like a nutter, but never crashing, because your so great, unless it's in Paradise, because the new handling is hard to understand, because I be A Knoob.

Also pretty visual crashes, that can be turned of, after 100 hours of game play, or toggle off in the other games?

Also had great tracks, routes, that the cars could drive down at high speed with Traffic and the other racers, the only things to worry about?

Heres a question, in the day of the first Podcasts, you earned a license, which enabled you to drive certain cars, and the way the interveiw seemed to sound, was the car would be hard to drive if you did not have a said type of license, does that mean, if you finish the game the cars become better at Handling/drivable? Does that still stand or was it changed? Do I really have to Earn my Elite License, to play this game?

Thought it should be set to 100fps, now that would make some eyes bleed?

PS I see the frame rate when i drive, due to having camera eyes, because i am a robot, and am happy I keelled the population of people in Paradise.

Since it is Criterion Games, we should have dog games, like fetch, get the ball, falling in water, or dog pound, little dogs running about, and you have to 'RUN THEM OVER' to collect them, the one with the most 'collections' in a set time wins.

For the love of cheese Zombie, why is Paradise so unplayable, for us old timers, I know the map, better than my home town, i can drive all the cars, not well, because i think i'm to fast for the engine to turn up, grab hold of me before i try to fly off the track and join that Bi-Plane (if that every happens, it would be cool to commentate for races up there), and win some races, can do the challenges, can do the lame ssa takedowns on people if I want, can abuse a host, so he can't set up an event, and swear at most in the room, because they can't hear me, lol, and compensate, for the strangely realistic handling that seems to be put on the cars, this was arcade but not as we know it?

I saw that bug video, that Fenier had put up on the 'tube, we had that on Sun Shine Keys, Angel Vally, Lone Peak in BO R, BO3 TD , BO2 POI. 

In Paradsie, thats the height my car is when i drive (well close enough to feel like it!), I float all over the place, only stopping to crash into objects, when the games thinks I should, maybe I need a Pilots License, hence why we get that update, sorry game changing Content, or gcc for short, I will be able to control my cars, If I can Fly.

I went Back to my 'routes' and played all the old games, even Burnout 1, (read that Edge mag, sold me to the series, though it was better for me in BO2 POI) and I can play that a bit better now, I still have it for all the other games in the series, but not Paradise, what is wrong with ME, if it is not anything else, so claim all the people that can play Paradise?

I need a Tissuse,

Thank you!


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

 You flock to my dead writting, lol, no-one but guests then bam, a new comment and your all online.

I want to play Paradise, but if it's not GTA IV, no-one is on, not that I can Play it but, I want to find out why?

So Dark Birdlings, lets hunt some dogs and worry them till we get an awswer?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

other than that I am fairly clueless.

I got invited to do some races the other day with Frozen Vapor and Silent GT, and I invited Kev along too so I had some company in DNF'ing. And it occured to me that the language of Burnout has changed. Instead of Timing Out I am DNF'ing..... maybe that is the problem here?

Or maybe it is just because I DNF more than not still... and I'm sure I'm not that rubbish, although 13 crashes in one race would indicate otherwise!

Maybe it is because the Takedowns are broken, and the fixes in Cagney will make us all happy Burners again.

I don't dislike Paradise, I don't not like it, I do like it, but I don't LOVE it. And I do want to, I enjoy going for barrel rolls but only for about 20 minutes. I think Paradise is a one night stand! but I'm in LOVE with Burnout's 1-4 and am in a polyamourous relationship with them that Paradise wants to join, but just doesn't quite fit in.

damn it Suffur your power transferance hasn't worn off yet!!!

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