Isn't it a Racing Game?

It's another question mark blog!

Criterion Games have hailed Freeburn on their site yesterday, stating that from the telemetry they get "Freeburn" is what most burner's are spending their time doing.

I just don't get it??? Isn't Burnout a Racing game???

Is Freeburn really what Paradise is all about?

I don't get on with Freeburning really, I can play for a little while, do a couple of challenges, maybe try to get a few PB's on Todays Best or Road Rules, but after a very short while I get bored and really don't want to Freeburn anymore.

What has happened to Burnout Racing? I know that I prefer racing on the previous Burnout's but that's just because I'm old and set in my ways (or because racing in Paradise just isn't that good!) 

Those who are new to Burnout don't seem to be racing at all. So, why did you get Burnout Paradise to start off with? Were you expecting a racing game, or did you know it was all about the Freeburn Challenges??

Do you play the challenges over and over again? or are you just trying to get to 350? What motivates you to play?

I just hope Cagney provides me with more motivation to get back to Paradise City, my copy of Burnout Paradise is starting to gather dust.



SUFFUR's picture

And free Burn is part of the game, say's so in the Post on the Criterion Page, lol. As is Billion Score Showtimes, stunt runs and other new stuff, the old school stuff is in Cagney, road rage, sorry one stuff. And then competative, Stunt Run etc.

But since it does not drive like the last games, people do the Challeges to test cars to see which one suits them, as the handling is completely different, and not super easy to control, compared to the last games/ and generation.

In a forum, probably the one I started, Andy (think its the guy, sorry he's the guy) said he worked it that the cars/controller would be most controlable in Paradise, compared to other games in the last Gen (see I read).

Thing is, I think that just tearing around the map with no resrictions is fun, and controls, streaming, lag issuses are not a problem if your on your own, but put other people in the mix and something goes a bit wrong.

I still can't work out how to DRIVE this game, the controls don't seem to do as they are told, and I do go faster than my streaming most of the time, but deal with that, by not going near traffic (footpaths, jumps, short cuts, just avoid syncing cars). I do have Fav cars to do different stuff, but the spin out ratio increases with faster cars, and the controls are probably so finally tuned, that my giant fingers (not Salad Fingers, he would great at this game, and could type better, lol and put a better point across too,... hmmmmm...  rust) just can't race this game in fast cars. 

In racing, remove the traffic, no sync issuse, maybe a fast game as no coding for traffic in the mix, but That was not the point, racing with traffic is importatnt to work out the traffic patterns, and have more fun driving dangerously, but since tapping a car means boucing into the next car for the crash (as I can't fit between the traffic, like the older games, there is a gap, but if fleas were stuck to my car, they would die at every pass), it does get frustrating, same with the traffic holding ( i do not know what this means? I think I mean Car Handling, strange person I am, or is it am I?), when you try to drift sharp corners.

I drive this game like a guy covered in cotton wool, avoid all risks (no I lie I drive like a nutter but during tests, safe is best), unlike the last games, the controls, car handling physics, experience does not give a upper hand, it's so new it is still being tested by one of the longest beta tests by paying customers ever.

I sometimes think if they made Revenge 2 and with the stash of cash they got with that one, Rofer (i still can't spell your name) said it would be a big seller, i hear he bought stocks, lol, then experiment with the fans with Paradise at the same time, not that should have happened, but Paradise is boring at the moment, and still getting ironed out. Maybe if it was called Burnout Paradise Beta, it would be all good, no anger, frustration, console wars, lol, with the games coming out in the future, Paradise will be looked upon as the start of gaming community racing, like Bungie and Halo etc, but that by the time the last update comes out, it will so different from what came in the box, and not many Gaming houses do that!

Sorry I lost My though process, been planning a blog about Xbox Life, why grown men, don't like boys if they have fun, see bdude's post at Criterion, he's a teenager people humor him, and you where there once, if you don't like the thread don't read it, lol.

Even with my post about asking how this game is different, got cat calls, from mostly young, ps3 owners, enjoying one of the 10 games that are decent on that console for online play, still early dayz and that will change, I hope, more competion in this console war, the better for the consumer, imo.

With Open World Play, and no loading something had to give, the Revenge community imo, lol, and they gave up, no decent racing, dicking around in an open world lasted for a few weeks for me, and I did enjoy it, but I wanted to race, rage and do the stuff from Cagney, from day one, and will be back to do those amazingly worked updates, sorry game changing downloads, but even for next gen, I was expecting more fun, more control and more people to play with, but since most people are playing it on PS3, finding a decent room to chill is hard to find?

I looked at this game in so many different ways, played it how I wanted to play it, and am still wanting and waiting for something to click about it.

PS pod cast 33 a and b was great with the boys and the race challenge stuff was great, need video footage of those race Road Rules. And Thank you for the video of building the World Criterion, more of them, for car design, handling, etc, enjoyed them.

Anyway enough typing for now...

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

Seems like time to revive an old poll topic and add in "Freeburner" and "Challenger" as options.

It feels like the Racer/Crasher divide, only this time the Freeburn Challengers are winning.

--- The Original and the Best ---

ZombieTron's picture

Criterion Games don't talk about it like it's a racing game tho do they? And it feels like the official forums haven't mentioned racing for ages. Nobody seems to be racing.... I just don't get it  I will shut up about it now tho!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Segaswirl's picture

I just tried Paradise again there, still can't really get into it. I don't feel like i'm in full control of my car sometimes... and the road layout just pisses me off tbh. It's just frustrating for me to play, even when I was in the top 10 I still didn't feel comfortable driving my car.


I just don't think it has the simple arcadey pick up, play and race appeal of B3 & Revenge tbh... I'm sick of every game coming out being "go anywhere, do what you like". I just want another Burnout, another racing game.


The takedowns are also still really retarded.


ZombieTron's picture

.. last night. We started off just Freeburning about, I tried the Clearview, a different car for me and I set a few Road Rules. But, after 20 minutes or so I got a bit bored and we set up some of the races which will be sanctioned for ranked races in Cagney. They are very short, and maybe I didn't go the best route but racing doesn't flow as well as it does on closed tracks which have been designed solely for the purpose of racing. 

Burnout 1-4 has the best designed arcade racing tracks, some roads in Paradise are great for racing but some have trees/walls/parked cars blocking the most natural racing line, and trying to get around some of the corners without planning your braking well in advance is impossible! Much too simmy for me!!

I really hope somebody makes another real good arcade racing game soon.

--- The Original and the Best ---

The Kid 74's picture

If you want a arcade racing game wait until GRID comes out. The demo is pretty cool, I think, and the graphics are much better than BP. If you don't line BP, don't play it. Classics are always better anyway.

-The One and Only-

ZombieTron's picture

at least I will try really hard not to moan.

I did quite like the GRID demo, will have to give it another go before purchase. It felt more like PGR to me tho, not my ideal style. But, it might keep me happy for a little while.

--- The Original and the Best ---

Nakard's picture

Is very Pretty, Playing it now, but could not play it on the console, to fiddly with the controls.

Part -time Burner.

Part -time Burner.

Nakard's picture

But it looks good and the Flash Backs are fun. Its more like a PGR or Forza racers. Part -time Burner.

Part -time Burner.

hn6's picture

I think it has hit the racers the hardest because it has the potential to offer what they want, whereas with the crashers all we have is showtime and it is a totally different beast. I personally love freeburning/challenges - its just one big lobby.


50 Hurtz

Caboose04's picture

 Yeah the parked cars and stuff gets really annyoing. They should make a different kind of race where there are big blocks in the way so you cant go that other route, also if you FreeBurn Online then if you race on there you can turn cars off.