Online Clownshoes Behaviour

As I've mentioned in the forums, a couple of weeks ago I finally got my 100% and some nice gold and platinum paint for my cars. Nice. I'd now got 45 out of the 50 available achievements and was nudging ever nearer to maxing out the 1000 (something I'm not sure I'll ever do mainly down to the fact that I can't race online...but I digress...).

I've completed all the two player challenges. I currently stand at 230 / 350. I'm nearly there for 101%...especially considering that I have 47 / 50 8 player challenges completed. So why is it that every moron and his mother has decided that NOW is the time that they want to go online with Burnout?! I can handle someone new to the game who just needs an explanation on how to do some of the tasks...I'm patient enough to wait for an hour while they try and try to do Hoop dreams and I'm pleased for them when they finally put that barrel roll through the hoop.

What I can't dig is what has been happening over the last couple of weeks...

Life has become a bit harder finding a full room on Paradise since GTA IV came out. When it does fill I GUARAN-DAMN-TEE that at least one player fits into one of my online clownshoes categories:

1. Quitter. This is the idiot who can't complete the challenge so is the last to finish. Everyone is waiting on him to finally get it. He never asks for help or tips...and finally after an hour of trying and failing he'll quit. CLOWNSHOES.

2. Squatter. One of my real pet-peeves is the guy who comes online, waits until a challenge has started and then goes and does something else - leaving his car sitting online doing nothing. It takes sometimes 10 mins + for someone to realise this and bounce the guy. CLOWNSHOES.

3. Takedown merchant. These are quite rare as I think most realise that they just aren't welcome in open games and go off to play with their friends but this category is the guy who comes in with no intention of completing challenges and just wants to take everybody down while they're trying. We were waiting on a guy to finish one of the 3 8 players I have left (jumps and flatspins on SBay Expressway) and the guy went and changed his car for the Pioneer saying 'I'm not here to do challenges'. CLOWNSHOES.

4. Nazi Host. This is becoming more prevalent. This is the guy who has a few ticks to fill and isn't worried about what everyone else who has helped him tick off his challenges wants. He'll kick someone to get the requisite number of people in the room and he refuses any requests. He just wants to get the challenges he needs and that's it. This happened to me last week. A guy needed five more 8 players and that he'd help with mine after we'd done his - fine, I'm happy to help whatever! He then quit after we'd finished the fifth of his challenges and he had his 8. CLOWNSHOES.

The only I can understand is the Nazi Host - I get that the player just wants to get challenges done - but Squatters and Takedown merchants? Why do they even bother coming online? And why can't the Quitter just ask for help FFS?

Paradise online is awesome - the above is just a rant from a dude trying to finish a game with a minority of the online community conspiring against him to stop it!

Anyone else have some hated online behaviour they want to vent? Let me know what to look out for!


ZombieTron's picture

We had a great room going for 7 player challenges the other day, I don't normally have fun just doing challenges, but the host kept the flow and nobody did any of the above so we had a lot of fun!

If you want a few more players to get that full room going, send me a friends request and a message sometime and I will see how many other BurnoutAholics I can get to help out!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Gooner Rhyle's picture

Would appreciate the help!

SUFFUR's picture

And ten events and I'm done, but in no rush, after trying to get that last one, someone trying to steal my thunder and a no mic'er too. I even sent the person a message "MY LAST CHALLENGE, GET ON THE STEP, NOW!", in the end, Kev kicked it.

I have been playing Paradise because everyone is on GTA, nice game, but no lefty support. Plus I looked at Paradise as a game and though I don't like the handling, crash prediction, voip, takedown phys, bouncing of cars, walls and a bunch of other stuff listed else where, it is better than some driving games out there. But It drives so completely different from all the other games.

Liked Crash Time, you can even use the mini map to drive, not that I can buy the game, Grid looked great had some great features but could not drive it, and was playing Flat Out last night, and was doing poor but having fun except for Ski Jump, where I was consistant till my last one of 120 yards, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

I understand Clown shoes, but I know a clown so I think your being clownist? Knoob, idiots, selfish, sdratsab, virgins, other swear words may fit, but you have put your point across, a band from server option would be nice with no come backs for your Clown Shoes issues, lol.  

Ps I have big feet with canoe's for shoes, with a little paint they would be clown shoes, so was crushed for a second, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Gooner Rhyle's picture

Should have put a disclaimer on the's not the feet, it's purely the shoes....and the insult is stolen cat-burglar style from Kevin Smith's Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back.

funnily enough 43 is one of the three I need, the others being 36 and 38.

Honestly, if I had the technical nouse I could make a killing making peripherals for leftys...the amount of people I know who won't buy games without a Southpaw option is amazing. It is funny watching them get more and more frustrated playing Guitar Hero though...

SUFFUR's picture

 or having to walk anywhere with in a game. Everything else is cool, there is a chap in the States that does the conversion, but I would rather have Microsoft, or Third party to map a reversed controler with the D pad on the right, Skittles on the left!

And I think the Catch Prase, Taste the Rainbow, is RUDE.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Gooner Rhyle's picture

So I went on last night in the hope that I'd (finally) be able to complete the 8 player such luck.

Spent the best part of an hour in the airfield with 6 other players were into it trying to do no. 38 - Rolling, 40 barrel rolls in the airfield. We'd get there in double quick time, sometimes we were able to even get a seventh in there but last night a new online clownshoes manoeveur reared it's ugly, ugly head:

5. Tourist. This is the dude who has only just put the disc into his 360 and has decided 'y'know what? I don't need no freakin' cars...I think the Cavalry is just dandy' and comes online without having a clue of what is happening and no interest in finding out. Related to the quitter and the squatter as kind of a half-way-house between the two, the Tourist just wants to drive around the map seeing the sights. As Pulp sang back in '95 'Everybody hates a tourist, especially one who thinks it's all such a laugh' - refusing to quit, coming back when kicked wondering why he was kicked it seems his one mission in life is to ruin your nights play. CLOWNSHOES.

Gooner Rhyle's picture

Thanks for the add last night. If you fancy taking on my (less than mediocre) racing skills or manage to mobilise the troops to help out with my outstanding challenges give me a shout!