Added Replay Value

Burnout Team Rocks!! WooHoo!

I just caught up with the last 3 podcasts, listening to them on the bus on the way to work over the last 2 days. Contrary to what I had been told about the content being boring and not adding anything new, listening to them has reinvigorated my enthusiasm for Paradise.

I haven't played Paradise much over the last few. For me it has little replay value. In the offline game, other then trying to get a bigger score on Stunt Run or Road Rage, there is no reason to play again. The Races, Burning Route or Marked Man events would be much more re-playable if there was an obvious recorded time for you to try to beat.  

In the online game once you have completed a challenge there is little incentive to play it again, and the online races suffer the same as the offline races with no time to try to beat.

But, this is all about to change.

The multi-part challenges in Cagney sound like they have much more replay value. The timed elements, as well as the multi-part nature of them will make this part of the game much more of a competitive, co-operative experience, and one I can imagine playing a lot more then the current set up. (I just hope the comms work!)

The ranked race changes will also introduce timed leaderboards for the 40 sanctioned Paradise Drives. So, even if I come 8th every race I will have the incentive of trying to beat my own personal best time on that run. This will make racing much more interesting for me, the fact that I will get to learn the courses will also make this a more fulfilling experience. (at least this is what I hope.)

The online game modes of Marked Man, Stunt Run and Road Rage will also make Paradise significantly more playable online, and I am really hoping that it works well. (and with working comms!)

Other changes beyond Cagney are also sounding very exciting, and probably what Paradise should have been from the beginning.

The Day-Night cycle, introducing different game play elements with varying degrees of traffic depending on the time of day. Some game modes that can only be played at Night, and others which are only available during the Day.

An Island with no invisible barriers, making it a true open world. With HUGE jumps and the ability to go anywhere. The island will have more billboards to smash and collect, but I'm not sure what other game play elements, sounds like it's going to be a Stunt Run paradise!

Personally I found Burnout Paradise to be a small game, one I finished without much trouble and lost interest in, but with the game changing content adding so much replay value, Paradise just might turn into the Ultimate Burnout game that it promised to be.


Gooner Rhyle's picture

I've just booked a week off work for the week starting the 14th to make the most of the DLC. Does that make as sad as I think it does?

Ah...who cares...bring on online MARKED MAN!

ZombieTron's picture

of Online Marked Man and Stunt Run brought to you by the boys at Criterion!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Dida's picture

Cannot wait for the update, I should have taken more time off.  But alas could only get the update day off...

Will have to make up the time on the weekend...