Internet Access Denied!!

I feel as though my Revenge Racer has been clamped by parking attendents!

My workplace is bringing the hammer down hard on those who use the internet for personal reasons during worktime. Now, this may sound fair - after all they do pay me for the hours I am working, but it does mean that my forum and time has been severely restricted.

So, you may see my bold name a little less over at the forums, I may not post at all at and my name may appear less frequently in our online users list.

I already feel totally out of the loop and it has only been 3 days!!! But, maybe going forum cold turkey will be good for me. The Summer is here! Surely I can find better things to do with my time!!


SUFFUR's picture

The pre-construction people were around 2day and it looks like they may have to do some road digging, which i was told would never happen, and they did try to pull it, so much so I went out and gave them a couple of cans of cold Vimto as they looked worked, lol.

Any way it looks like the big dig might happen 2morrow which is cool. But I have noticed since they left, my connect has gone down to 7 meg rather than flutuating between 12 and 19meg, and my upload is going nuts so, not going to be able to host 2nite on Paradise.

I will try mind. But I did test my hosting on Rainbow 1 the other day and 6 people all mates, UK and it still lagged, even though said I was running at 18meg with a 700 up for that hour, lol.

But it looks like the 2 years since I upgraded to 20meg, someone is trying 2 help get me what i was supposed to be paying for, which is nice.


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?