Live debut

I finally did it! Yesterday I finally set things up (moved a network cable and used the redeeming code I got back in January for 3 months live play) and held my heart in my hands and... went live.

I started out with what I know best, Revenge, as I was waaaay too timid to try Paradise live, as I don't want to look *too* much like a loser to others. And my fears got proved.

First match I competed in was a ranked race against some others with way high rank (up in 4 digits) and managed to crash way too many times, have adrenaline pumping and basically go: "how the *bleep* do they manage to drive *that* fast???". 2 timeouts and a the highest position a 4th place. *whimper* Pride goes for fall...

Later that day I tried again, and managed to get involved in a Road Rage event, unranked. Yaaaaay! I won! And I heard some of the comments from the others (don't have comm yet) and it at least looked like I'm not half bad anyway...

My first visit went pretty good in that case, and I'm definitely going back there. Not too often though, as I don't think my blood pressure can stand it  ;-)



Gooner Rhyle's picture

Going Live is a move you won't regret!

Get onto Paradise - providing the comms are working fine its more of a co-op experience and there's a very helpful bunch out there who help with anything you're struggling with / haven't found (jumps, smashes, boards...etc).

ZombieTron's picture

Taking that first step into online play can be a bit daunting! I'm glad you enjoyed the experience!

How do they go that fast? Drift Jumping! You can read the guides Here and Here.

To get the most out of Xbox live I would recommend getting a head set. Most of the Revengers are a good laugh, and you can always mute the ones that aren't!

If you fancy joining us online sometime you are more than welcome!

--- The Original and the Best ---

oO EezO Oo's picture

Hey Next time you're on Burnout Revenge and you see one of my rooms open just hop on in.  I'm usually racin with a bunch of goofballs just havin a laugh.  Laid back races and what not, we can get you up to speed on a couple of things.  I would recommend getting a mic as soon as possible though, you're missing out on alot of the online experience and its sometimes hard to get into a room without one as alot of people like to chat etc so you might get kicked from rooms.  But yeah,  my tags are oO EeZo Oo , or DizZy EeZo , always glad to race with another BurnoutAholic.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


Aaboe's picture

One thing I've been rather puzzled about concerning the live Revenge play... how do you get to see more than just randomly going to a Ranked game? I choose quick match and then Ranked, and get to a room... and then decide whether to stay or go. Is there a way to see more?

Oh, and yes, I've been back at least once a day. ;-)     Rank is now up at 38-something K. Yay me!

ZombieTron's picture

Select Custom instead and you will see the list of hosting gamertags along with what type of game they are playing (race, road rage, crash) and what country the room is based in. You will also see how many players are already in the room.

Quick Match just puts you in any available room, I don't know any regular players who use Quick Match.

--- The Original and the Best ---

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Yes but one has to ask themselves why we infact act the way in which we do? Eezos case its usually because hes loafing it or hes drank too much your really lucky youll catch him doing yes were crazy and if you race Eezo youll understand fully why......and youll also understand why his rooms attract so much attention?......but on a positive side Eezos rooms are the best at the moment there always up for a laugh and a fight and you wont get dissed for being not so if you do see his room JUMP IN..... and as for the mic thing Eezos right youll find it difficult to get into rooms without one.....and me personally i think it makes the game so much better with a headset how else you going to tell Eezo to stop singing ''HAPPY BIRTHDAY''.....lmao... and i usually have a room going every morning feel free to join whenever you see it....

