My eggbox has passed away.

While playing cod4 (of all the blooming games i could have been playing when it died it had to be this) yesterday, the rrofd appeared.

It was quite a strange sequence of events that led to the demise of my eggbox,  I was playing an offline mission (All ghillied up).  I was carrying my wounded teamate and decided to take a shortcut through a radioactive area, expecting the message "get out of there quickly or your ganna die" But no, about 2 minutes into getting hopelessly lost my screen started to blacken, and i thought oops, here comes the horrid radiation death, and sure enough my character died, along with my console, it just locked up, so i pressed the reset button and before my eyes was the red ring of death, boooo hoooooo..

So, I'll see all you kids when i get a replacement from m$, I played the old heartstrings card on the phone to m$ and they are sending a wireless mic for my troubles. So i'll see you on live in a about a month, providing i don't top myself first. happy gaming.


PsychedelicBabe's picture

OMG that is just diabolical.......i cant beleive that your  died like that.........i was looking forward to racing you over the weekend as well.....well i guess ill see you in 4 weeks time.............and im sure youll find something to do in the passing weeks........untill then take it easy and blog,blog,blog.........


I'm looking for the spaceman who stole my smile....he cant be far away....hopefully....


Aaboe's picture

May it rest in pieces, kevlar. (damn, no tombstone smiley... oh well, picture one here)




drunknnumpty's picture

on xbox live.. can feel the tumble weeds coming.. no mr lar to entertain us with his most colourful language..

hope MS don't mess you around and you back online as quick as.. otherwise it might be time to get a spare machine.. like the rest of us


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

SUFFUR's picture

Where have you been 'numpt?

And LardO has another Egg box at his brothers, but that was on it's way out anyway, lol.

Buy an Elite Kev, just don't transfer your stuff, just do it on a game save, copy over basis, via a MU, just to be on the safe side. Though I did go through 2 Elites, in less than a week, lol.

People seem to think that, 360's die quickly, my 360 only RRoD recently, after it's birth on the day of release, and it was a bit fickle about repeating it, so it was played with games that push it to do it again, permanetly (sp), still not tested it since it came back, but still using the 20g HD, after the transfer from hell, made me lose 16g of stuff, like game saves, that could not be transfered via MU, like BO3. You know RRoD is a bugger, but all the consoles, have had issues! RRoD is just nastier, lol, and happens a lot, lol.

Though if you look on one of Major Nelsons Blogs, pre E3, he shows you a way to tranfer your stuff via the PC.

No linky, the net is free, so be free to find it urself, lol. Though Xandu may have it on one of his posts.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

kevlar0's picture

hello stoat gobblers.

If i was to buy an elite couldn't i just stick my old hardrive on there?  and yeah my first 360 is still living and breathing, But i think its a bit poorly, still its my original one and i'm proud of its longevity.

I'm not terribly tempted to buy an elite though, two in a week sounds like far to much hassle suff. it took me all my time to box my 360 and stick a label on. let alone trapesing down to the game shop with a broken elite under my arm every five minutes.

and all that transfering bollocks sounds like a right pain, Me thinks i might just dig out my old black eggbox and have a whirl on that, Black arrow, takedown, halo2, forza1 to mention but a few.

Yeah numpy, ya barsteward, where the hell have you been, how very dare you get a life without consulting us first.

Please place all appropriate swear words where you see fit :)

my dog ate my disc.

SUFFUR's picture

Monkeys Unkle UB but MU means Memory Unit, buy the big one too.

If you're on 3 send me an invite, I have a noob car, so need someone like you to lock it on supers till the Assassin, then, use that, till I'm bothered to play through for the 6th time, to get my Tuned and GTA my Euro.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?