Don’t it always seem to go, but you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone!

Last night in a desperate attempt to relieve the boredom I dusted down my old black eggbox, got a few old games outs, whacked it up to my broadband and hey presto.

 My old box is shagged, Not totally broken, but well on its way.

SUFFER said it was my DVD drive that was going.

 But never the less I soldiered on.

Retro rainbow was my first game of choice, so I popped in Black arrow, did an offline t/hunt, then thought to myself, hmmmm wonder if the servers are still up and running. Hit the Optimatch button and to my utter disbelief, 5 full rooms were going at it hammer and tongue, this is a game that is over five years old and still there is a hardcore fan base that still plays it most nights.

Admittedly most of the players were septic tanks, playing team deathmatch,  I joined in with glee, and I held my own, luckily the only map there were playing was presidio (the old version, but still spookily similar to the newest one),  I have a very low tolerance level for the yanks, (except Brokendisk, coz he ought to be english) so I made a sharp exit after a few games.

In went my Burnout 3 takedown, ooo joy.. rank 100, bring on 99.

Now this game ain’t  spinning anywhere near fast enough, very jittery (the wise dr SUFFS words)…

 So theres me SUFF, Monkeyc, alden21 and a couple of randoms.

What a efffing nightmare, would it render in time?? Would it feck. Spent most of the race looking at a frozen screen, couldn’t speak to Monkey(get a mic you cheapskate cock).

 But the best was, the rest of the room had to wait for me. Prolly took me about 10mins to finish a 2min race. Got a couple of clean sets in though. Twas fun and thanks to the boys who joined me. Oh and sorry shaggy chu just saw you coming online as I turned my box off, I’ll  give you some lessons next time…


They paved paradise and put up a parking lot! Bop bop bop bop..


Jinno Angelo's picture

You should have went onto Revenge last night i.e. yesterday Kev. With the tournament going on, I seen that there were many racers going into Revenge to see whats going on, or to see who won, and to race those who have dropped out or didnt make it to the next set. I think I saw Moangel74, Recreational Toker, and a couple others come in that I havent seen in ages. 





"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

kevlar0's picture

My 360 has gone to heaven to be Resurrected. But rest assured I'll be back on Revenge as soon as i get it back.

And what a result, it looks like the ps3 is getting its own version of the RRoFD,(check the forum on c/g), Welcome to our world.  

my dog ate my disc and my eggcup.