Rank bouncing

I've lately been bouncing up and down the ranks list.

It started out innocently... race in a cool room, do pretty good and get rank at 6800-something. Then disaster strikes... first every crosstraffic in the place seems to cross right in front of me, so I'm hanging on to 6th place for dear life, and then... I freeze. Right in the middle of a drift around a corner everything just froze. Picture me cursing a dark blue streak and frantically leaping over the couch table for the power button on my 360.

Back online, trying to get to the same room to say that no, I did *not* disconnect voluntarily but the room was in the middle of closing. Wah! And my rank was now down to 17K or something.

Ok, only one thing to do, try and get up there again. Couldn't do it. My reaction time was shot and my mood was turning cranky. Ok, wait another day or so and then "twy, twy and twy again".

Got back on today and was in the middle of racing pretty well. I was a bit suspicious because a few burring sounds had come from the console every now and then, but I mentally crossed fingers and hoped... and hoped... in vain. Round 3 of 3, hugely in first place, I freeze up again. Again a blue streak, a slam of the controller into the table, some very non-believing looks at my 360 and a reboot. Well, actually I put another game on and let hubby play around until I'd stopped pouring steam out of my ears.

Tried again later, to find that my rank was now over 20K. I then proceeded to absolutely slaughter a couple of new players in a road rage plus some crash party stuff, after which a friend had come online. 3 races with said friend, with some feverish saves and some extremely lucky breaks (a couple of takedowns where none were meant) and rank suddenly looks *much* better. I'm down to 4 digits again!

Today was really the stuff Revenge online is all about. Friendly competition, luck, lots of laughs with or at someone (as long as the other guy/girl can see the fun in it too), and I could end the afternoon of racing with big smile on my face.

But to the bouncing thing. As a lot of other people before me has learned/found out/whatever, a freeze can slaughter your rank where a bad day only mutilates it a bit.

Tata for now and see you *out there*.



kevlar0's picture

Hiya aaboeesde

In my humble opinion, Lagging out of Revenge is all part of the game now. In all truth i'm prolly bout a 1000 and someting player if the truth be known. which is fine by me, me thinks your rank shows your frequency of playing rather than your true rank, no disrespect to all you hardcore playaz. Peas be with you.

A 6000 and something player such as you prolly are, is nothing to be sniffed at, you ought to come play Dr SNUFFLEROSAURUS and my goodself  one evening, you can gladly take SUFFS rank from him, and mine you can have for free.

my eggbox is on it way back from germany as i type, got an e-mail today, so hopefully monday or tues, I'll be back and availible for rank bashing. And nice to  hear for you.

Who's best you or your hubby???



my dog ate my disc and fornicated in my Bell bottoms..

Aaboe's picture

Depends on the game, kevlar. His game of choice these days is my b-day pressie for him, which is Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom. Other than that, he likes strategy rpg types of games. When it comes to Burnout, he's content with watching me (probably because he knows that I kick his a$$ when it comes to racing). We've shared many a Burnout game, me doing the Burning Laps and most races, and him doing the crashes and some of the road rages.

Share and share alike

Truly joined games have been Lego games, Starwars and Indy Jones. But don't get your hopes up. The chances of seeing him online in Burnout is next to zilch.



SUFFUR's picture

Is this man bothering you? We do have a feedback system, it's found here:


Please say/write/mumble as you type, anything you wish about Kevlar0. As you can see I'm still looking for inspiration, while knowing children still try and read this site, but due to the worlds education system, some struggle, but unlike Kev, try to keep it clean. Also since he has not been on, I have had less inspiration, and decided to get some sun, it's still not gone to my head yet, will keep trying, less lotion, now that is an odd word, can't get my head around spelling that either. Prefer Baby Oil.

You know, it takes five babies to make one bottle of baby oil, ...it's less for... you know it could be racist, so you fill in the  blank..._____ babies! But oilier! So less is needed per volume, hence big business. Have you people seen baby products? Suckers, from the first moment you laid eyes on them! This is a so many 'them' things, I thought up 6 so far? no I made that up... (No, not the joke, just the 'thems'.)

Where was I, oh pick on Kev, we luv him like the village idiot, saddly we assume he came from  the 'village of idiots', and he aided them by leaving, by raising the IQ to 1, and felt that lossing him was sad, but now they can wipe thier own smub which was better than winning a ribbon every year, so he's our idiot, 'I Do It On Time', and he's talking cheese making with a badger, I assume female, black fur, white main or side street, 6 toes, four feet, and a nice tail, 8 selppin, good scratch'in too. Kev the badger milker. Silence... I milk you!

Obviously, anything you say will be taken underadvisement (thats a long word, you knows it's probably 2 words, but the education system missed something with me too?), to which we roast Kev, slowly over the life of this site, and fill in gaps of boredom, or just having a bad day, he might even answer questions, as long as we don't ask he'll keep quiet, and bark and dribble, when the bell rings.


Roll credits, theme song, like Mango, Mango, Mango but Badger, Badger, Badger ... (r)...
























I cry wolf...

I'm fine, just messing, this is normal, honsetly,...

...you know it's an issue when you can't spell Honesty, the first time?

 Suffur Ray.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

kevlar0's picture

I'll have you know, we have a better class of idiot up here in t'Burnley, Our interbreeding scheme is the envy of villages across the world, and we have produced some idiots that are second to none, Alister Campbell to name but two.

My missus won't/Can't play video games, due to her lack of hand eye coodination and the attention span of a forgetful fish called Derek. I did get her to play BO paradise one evening, but it was painful to watch from the very start, crash, crash, crash (nearly made me look good) i will give her some credit though, she played for about an hour, put the controller down and muttered something like " you must be effin deranged to enjoy playing that".

If you do ever venture into SUFFERLAND (which is really close to france), Look closely at the trees and you will see SUFFER shaped imprints on all of them, and freshley SNUFFLED mushroom patches, All the photos you have ever seen of the yeti/bigfoot/sasquatch lumbering through the treeline, are all of SUFF doing his weekly shop. mmmm squirell dung and moss soup. Only playing dude. i know you really are a smacked up Wookie.

my dog ate my disc.

SUFFUR's picture

Hit me...


Yes, people he missed me again, thats why he listens to Phil Collins?

Badger Worrier Holidays, call Kev for details about badger tail.



Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Jinno Angelo's picture

The top players dont give a F*ck about rank. If we know that your actually fast, you could be 75,500 and we'd still let you play in our rooms, but you do have to be fast. I hear that shout hibotan likes to kick those posers out a lot and so do I every now and then. The top racers know that there are only 15 really good racers in Revenge. Everyone else in the top 100 in the rank list are slow as hell. I know I raced many of them. So, I think kevlar was right when he says that rank shows the frequency of how much you play rather than skill. That is true, but what racers should really pay attention to more are how fast your lap times are but because that is a better indication of skill than rank. Race people enough and you will know who belongs in which category, Race people enough and you will know who sucks and whos good, Race people enough and you will know who likes to hang back and who gets their times without hanging back ( thats another thread to discuss about), Race people enough and youll know what Im talking about. 





"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

ichienkai's picture

And with these words we consider ourself to be .... Top Player - did not expect that tangent from you Neo

--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

Jinno Angelo's picture

Let me rephrase that.. there's really only 15 players in Burnout Revenge that scare me. That Sumerian God Anu-enki is one of them and SUFFUR for writing too much.




"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

SUFFUR's picture

I can't work out what was said, i'm scary because I write about people who are good, or i'm scary because  I am blogtanic man, and make your eyes bleed with to many rubbish words or...


bit of build up...




or I'm I part of the Furious 15?

... fart as a ninja flea, "sonic boom", and do the scratchy badger technique? And can sneeze like a baby panda, that is a true power by the way, youtube it.

As I can probably find 15 more people better than me, and at least 10 more that are consistant lappers of times, that are hopefully not another tag.

I like lap times, but not a real goal, but do try as I'm human. Some maybe still in the top hundred, though really doubt it, in the day it was hard to get a decent lap times in first lol. Being second was good for a time and so was the pity boost person at the back, which was me too, due to Pringling, once you start, you can't stop, crashing.


I know racing skill=lap times=perfect laps=steady playing of the game=consistant rank=competition and brings out some of the best in people, but rather be chilled and can't take it so seriously as it is now a science, sounds like learning afoot, can't be doing that in a game, lol.

There are over a 2 dozen rooms over the years in all versions of games online, that have a good 4 or 5 people that consistantly, race well, an understatment, but in truth I have seen bad race days so it evens out, and the same went for crashing and road rage, and dual crash events, it's been so long since I did them forgot the mode (in Comments if you please, thank you) and there are pockets of people, that just take each mode to the next level, massive scores, times and evil takedowns, and I love that, and love being a witness to some awazing stuff, ha ha awazing, what a noob?

But when you do get a good room, 6 players, around the track no-one crashing, it's fast, scary, adrenaline filled fun, and when everyone is crashing, it's even more fun, for the fight to the finish.

If you are inclining that I am racer in any figure you give, thank you, I feel warm and tinglely even with the inclination, plus after writing this shyte, my left hand has gone numb, Kev you're sexually frustrated for thinking it! Rolling Stock! Muppets!

Kev I see you trolling of the dog house forums, I feel the deflations of my ego needs more than that ...

I hear you're moving to Scotland, as you found out Spoins(that is so spelt wrong(comments, cheers. Is there a 'g' in there somewhere?)) are made from Badger. There are even Badgers in the Mango Mango Mango song!


Oh and you still not given me much to who your are oh, Juan Incognito, Spainish 'J' so da 'H' sound? Patronising I be!

I'm rooting for option 2!

And why say sorry to Ichi, his other personality is the one you race, lol.


Oh and well done all that did the tournament , is this a bowl of something or a drum, and did Frozen 'wha'in' over all?

See Paradise can't be that bad, lol.



Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Jinno Angelo's picture

Oh yes, very well done to all the racers who took part in the tournament. They all did really good and the tourney went with very little hitches. And because of that, another tourney is in the works and believe me, it will be a fast one and organized just as well, as I've specially invited certain fast racers to join in again. I think the date will be Friday, 08/15/2008. This was posted in the xbox forums earlier.


As for you being scary? Well, writings are usually a reflection of the person's mind. Its neither good nor bad, just a reflection of what pops into your head............. And you can tell what a person's personality is from their writings, LOL. Im sure you can tell from the way I write as well.  But dont worry its not scary, just interesting... just like Ichi.....


Anyways, about me? Didnt I already mention something about me before? Like Im brand spankin new to Burnout, and that I dont usually do harriers and drift jumping so I get beat a lot easy. Im sure i mentioned that before. And Suffer, Im Filipino, I have friends and know people from different countries in Asia but I think your the first from Singapore. I like Burnout Revenge more than Paradise but Hawkeye wants me to start playing Paradise to get good in it. I wont cause SC4 will be out in 2 days. I thought racing games are stupid, I mean anyone can just hold an accelerator, press brake, and boost every now and then. I still do at times, but to be good in Revenge you actually have to have skill involved to get the max out of drifts, DJs, ect. Who knew? I guess its cause I compare that too much with fighting games. LOL, which I really do think you have to have skill to know how to hit guaranteeds, air combos, parrying, ect. So now, I really cant wait for SC4.  





"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

SUFFUR's picture

But I'm tired so I'll do it later...

But Holidays to the Philippines, Manila circa 1974/78, scary money grabbing times! Indonesia, I was finger printed at the age of 5, possible terrorist, supposedly, I could not even pee straight, though could shot a gun and hit a target 50 to 100 yards away like a tin can, or was that later, being a kid was tough in them days, it's hard to put it all in the right order, lol.

Are you still there, how has it changed? It's been way to long, 30 years, and since then it's been mostly talk about State bought shoes.

Sorry just writing some stuff before I forget, to be contin...


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Jinno Angelo's picture

Yeah Manila circa 1981 - 1985: Revolution and revolt. I remember those years when we overthrew the government and kicked out the Marcoses.




"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

SUFFUR's picture

I got sent back to the UK during that period, for boarding school, I might have been sent to Military School to make a man of me, but can you imagine me as a 9 year old man, scary stuff?

But are you still there or in the States?

And that was the shoes statement, Mrs  Emelda(sp) Marcoses shoe collection, I blame the destruction and delay of Asia's people's growth, to Oil companies as they searched for oil reserves, and the high ranked officials they showered with cash to get it all. I even had the fun of picking a drilling site at the age of 7, after traveling a few days by boat though a storm at sea, and  going up snaking rivers, that had sea snakes in it, treking through the jungle, with my can of OFF, and asked to find a place in that Razor grass, where it can be set up, then jumped onto the lap of some cool, but still a strangers lap, to drive the bulldozer, that will flatten the area down, for site clearance and a Helipad, where I sat on another cool guys lap a few days later and flew dat too. I saw my first large wild Komodo Dragon on that trip, the smell was, can't really describe it well but, if I get the hint of it's wiff, I'm up the nearest tree, till I know where it is.

I hate guilt of consequence, and destruction of my youth, through corporate greed.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

kevlar0's picture

Can i just say in my defense, Phil Collins is quite a good artistite, and a resonable actor to boot.

i was gonna do a poem, but i got tooo stoned and forgot most of it, so heres a commercial break instead.................................................................

my dog ate my disc. and my disc ate my shorts.