The Great Challenge Challenge

Timed Challenges Rock!

And I am loving trying to get as many BurnoutAholic top times as possible! I am especially loving watching SUFFUR and Xandu try to get some top two player times. It had me in stitches last night when they were doing Aerial Near Misses at the Beach, needed to get 3 each, got the first two in about 10 seconds absolutely perfectly and then took over a minute trying to get the 3rd as the counter zoomed towards the 1min 30sec deadline!! Nice try dudes!! You got a good(ish) time in the end tho!


Gooner Rhyle's picture

Was in a decent room at the weekend for timed challenges, which was a first. became clear it wasn't such a great room.

It's one thing to kick a fact that should be encouraged, but what I saw at the weekend reinforces the fact that I think the rooms are filled with f***tards at the moment. We'd done a couple of challenges, everything went smooth. Not exactly setting the world alight with our times but pretty cool none the less. Then someone started struggling - bear in mind he's not being a nuisance and had a good grasp of the game, he was just struggling with ONE challenge. The host and a couple of the others started calling him all sorts and them....booted him. Then booted me for calling him on it. How cool are these people? Decided I'm not going into random rooms any more. Going to pull on Scrooge head and only play with those I know are going to be fair and cool - too many f**tards at the moment.

Anyway...rant over. If you're about and fancy a game, give me a shout.

Jinno Angelo's picture

Yeah way too many people take this game seriously, just like those people you met. Its cause they think they are so good at the game that they can call people out and make them look stupid. Theres people like that in Revenge too. Personally I just kick people out so that I can have a fast room, but if theres no handicap in such games as Paradise, why kick people out who are trying to learn?


Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

The Kid 74's picture

I think the people who have a problem and like to kick people out of there room is because they do not want them lowering their ranking. Which to me is, if someone can come in and lower your ranking than you need to step up and learn. And of course this will all change when the next release comes out. I heard that you won't be able to kick anyone out.

-The One and Only-


-The One and Only-

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Is this presumeably only in Paradise?.....i couldnt see them doing it for would ruin the game imo if they took that feature away......some people imo deserve to be kicked....if it was taken away then rooms would just close and a new one would go boring that would be......i love kicking people especially when they jump back in and start yelling abuse at you.....and then your like ''man im glad i kicked you...'' im just mean though....


Xandu's picture

It is not possible to kick people from ranked races in Burnout Paradise (Cagney). This means that if you are unlucky enough to get some ba****ds in your room you will have to restart to get rid of them. The reason for the no kicking policy was that lots of the hi ranked people protected their rank by kicking people they didn't want to race... now they just close and reopen the lobby .

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

PsychedelicBabe's picture

I can see why its been stopped but like you said they just restart the it seems pretty pointless having the rule in the first place.....whoah im just glad that rule isnt applicable on Revenge.....and are there alot of these B******s in Paradise? hearing alot lately by good racers that it is full of looking at the rooms available in Revenge lately and im starting to think is Paradise where the actions at?? ....... maybe i will forget my auction event on my free copy of Paradise....


cryogen warfare's picture

Am i the only one that finds that when i create a free burn, no one joins. i have to wait ages for , like one person to join and then they leave. not fair =[. and i dont know anyone that has paradise so i cant join with them.



c'est la vie






c'est la vie