Revenge Tourney Results or...

I'm a

Nero Angelo's Revenge Tourney ran on Saturday and I hosted one of the first rooms.

The format was that the top 4 racer's from the first 3 rooms went into a 2 room Semi Final, then the top 3 from each of those went into a final room with the top 6 racers fighting for the number 1 spot.

You can see the result thread over at the Xbox forums HERE

In the room I hosted Sega was the winner with 52 points compared to my fairly pathetic 7!  Although, as Xandu can witness I was very close to getting more, and even nearly won a race!!! I  Central Route, but unfortunately due to rarely running 4 lappers, I crashed waay more then I should.

Dogg was the overall winner of the Tourney getting 52 points in the final room. Congratulations to you Dogg! and thanks to everyone who took part and helped Nero to run it, and extra special thanks to Nero for getting us all together for some great races!  Hopefully this will be a regular event. Sign ups are over a the forums and I will try to keep you posted in my blogs.

Next time I will definitely need to get some Revenge practice in before the Tourney starts!!



Jinno Angelo's picture

You shouldnt be too worried. Id say just go out there are race and have fun. Most of us didnt do that well either that day anyways. Roonige did well and so did Dogg, but those guys have been training intensely for the tournament while many of us are playing other games. I think that it may become a regular event every now and then. Vapor asked me to see if there was going to be another one coming up and I said that there will be.........soon..... You should join again, the competition will be just as fierce as before and maybe even better this time around...


Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of Angels on the moon. Iam Nero Angelo!

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).