Tried Ranked Racing again...

It's a bank holiday today in the UK and the weather is rubbish, so I thought I would take the opportunity to try out Ranked Racing in Paradise to see if it is any FUN.....

And it still isn't!

The few rooms I jumped into all had boost locks on slightly lower levels, 7 or 8 boost level cars. So I ran the Hawker in the 8 room and the Gamespot in the 7.

I won the first race, but then there were only 3 of us and the host quit halfway through??!!

The next room I joined was a full room, but only locked to 7 boost speed, and nobody was talking. I stayed in for 3 races, came 4th, 7th and 5th! not very good! I crashed way too much and in one of the shorter races I was taken out at the beginning and had no chance to recover.

Why don't players talk in ranked races? it really makes it a boring experience. Admittedly I didn't say hello either, but not one person was talking??

I quite like doing the odd race when we have a full room of talking friends and we mix it in with the timed challenges, road rules, stunt run, marked man and road rage events. But joining a ranked race room is RUBBISH! I got bored quickly, which is why I am writing this instead of still racing!!!

Burnout Revenge is still a much better RACING game, the racing is a lot closer and more intense and less frustrating as crashes and takedowns are easier to recover from. I still haven't given ranked racing on Paradise much of a try out, but TBH if its not FUN straight away, I'm not interested.

Might jump on Revenge now instead.. see what the action is like over there!


Dodger455's picture

I haven't been online much, but one experience was bad, and the rest were good. Had a blast Saturday doing some Challenges with some 7 others, and no one was talking, (boring), which if they would have been, we would have completed more challenges much faster.I have never played Revenge so I only know of Paradise, and I like it!!


PsychedelicBabe's picture

Hey there zombs.....i seen you join Pauls room unfortunately he had to go.....i was really ticked off because i couldnt set a room up.....especially now where down to only 1 .........i should be getting a new one in about 3-4 weeks time....hence getting the kids sorted for school first.......ill have to send you another f/r then we can race again....and you can TRY and convince me that Paradise is actually worth giving a try........well until then take it easy and when i race next ill message you and see if you fancy a few races.......


The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


PsychedelicBabe's picture

What youve never played Revenge?............well what better time to personally if i fell in love with a game and was part of the best community that coincided with another game......and heard all the reviews that Revenge gets.....DUDE  GO GET IT.....i highly reccomend it and im sure alot of other racers on here would do too....its everything that Paradise know Paradise is a good game but so is Revenge the takedowns the adrenalin and everything its just AWESOME....and if your like me and zombs and you love talking then this is definately the least try it its soo cheap now to buy so what are you waiting for?......infact im so confident that youll like it that im going to strike a deal with you  if after 1 month of playing Revenge you report back here telling me that it was awful and that you didnt like it AT ALL.....ill play Paradise for 2 weeks solid.... thats how confident i am that you WILL ENJOY this game.....


The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


The Kid 74's picture

Sounds like a good deal to me, but I do not think she will be playing Paradise though.

-The One and Only-


-The One and Only-

PsychedelicBabe's picture

Now kid come barely know me...ok you know i  Revenge...and you know that i   Paradise.....but what you dont know about me is that i am TRUE to my my deal stands if Dodger agrees to accept the task in hand.....i set the rules in the last post and if he truly hates Revenge i will take part in not saying id enjoy it BUT im willing to take that chance....because i know hell love Revenge.... maybe not at first....but after a week im confident he will.....well im really hoping he will............


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....




Dodger455's picture

All right Psychedelicbabe I will pick up a copy of Revenge, and play it.I like any car game where mayhem, and whiteknuckle driving on the edge of disaster, seperates the men from the boys, or the women from the girls!I am addicted to Paradise, but i will give it a try.If I get addicted to Revenge , I will have you to blame.

I have nothing against Revenge, I just haven't played it.My problem is I get stuck on one game, and play it until I'm satisfied that I have done it all, and in the process blank out all other games.It's a slight problem.


FrozenVapor's picture

I think ranked racing on Paradise is pretty fun. Not even close to being perfect yet, but it's fun. Join my room sometime if you'd like a few races... we're always talking and having a good time.

Xandu's picture

That challenge can hardly be called fair.  I think PsychedelicBabe should pick up Burnout Paradise and play it for a month if Dodger455 does the same with Burnout Revenge.  

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

PsychedelicBabe's picture

A MONTH.....i dont know about that?.....i suppose its a fair proposal.......let me think....looks like a MONTH it is.......but im only agreeing to it because I KNOW HELL LOVE REVENGE............and i wont have to play


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


ichienkai's picture

Psyche, I hate Burnout Paradise with a passion but i'm fairly intrigued as to what the Bikes will be like (yes I ride them and sometimes, when I do, it's just like skating on ice - the sensation I get from Revenge when i'm going for it and am slightly stoned lol) soooo I will buy it again and yet.... an old old OLD friend of mine is leaving the xbox scene and insists that if I buy it, I buy it for both xbox and ps3 too.... don't ya just love mates?!  Seriously tho, i'm never gonna drive four wheels in Paradise and won't be expecting too much from 2 wheels either - who knows.... they may be fun and a break from Revenge? 

--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

Dodger455's picture


It seems there is alot riding on if I "love" Revenge or not.Either way, a deal is a deal, and I will play it, and give it my honest opinion, but I will not compare it to Paradise, but judge it on it's on merit.Who knows, I might love it in 2 weeks, or never. How can I lose? What if I only "like" it though?

Will I see you on the streets of Paradise? Only time will tell.


PsychedelicBabe's picture

 well if you LIKE IT....then i dont have to play glad youve accepted my deal i look forward to hearing what you think of it.....remember you have to HATE IT.....for me to play Paradise..........


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


SUFFUR's picture

Will give you time to do all the achievements, and all your challenges, if you don't like it after that, fine, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

I had to look that up, and there a lot of words begining with 'in-' too. The dictionary is a book, some people should read it, like other book's, people should read more, and out of their comfort zone, so Kev, Janet and John are cool, but See Spot Run is more dynamic, and that Red Ball is mesmerising. See what I mean, I think I missed a 'Z' somewhere.

Now Kev was racing for times not points, as he only had 2 or 3 time on the board, I think I had less.

Started off with the 'PCP-fracking, there's a 3 car pile up on the on ramp of Evans Boulvard (sp)-Bloody fracking-D', but got bored and tried the X-12, 'Yes Sir, we put oil on the tires for you too, Sir, yes, Sir, you want to back up off that wall, Sir, a dougnut, should not be done on the forecourt, the boss, will charge for the removal of skid marks, no off the road Sir, ... Sir, the other way is the quarry, Yes, Kev's Left Sir,... Sir... Sir... Yes thats a Bus, Oh your Pulling back in Sir, ... Yes Sir, the Hawker, is a much better choice, Oh the Carbon Sir, Suit's You Sir, Suits You....

Anyway, I tried several cars, the Revenge, PoP POP poP, it's like it has it's own Digestive system and ate some of Craig's afternoon tea, consisting of (you make it up, I feel sick thinking of food I've seen and will never eat) but it's better than some of the 'Ohwook...wook...Oh ...wooky' (no not a mating call Shaggy, but it does seem to become clear why you are so close, to keep taking me down), monkey sounds I get from some of my favourite cars, Roadster, and the Hawker.

Anyway, we got rude randoms, noisy, non-speaking, do you speak Spainish, fifty times, with the reply of 2 beers and a packet of crisps please, Por Fa Vor, and Hello, we don't speak Spanish, and what you are driving a Calvary in a Boost 10 class race, oh you quit, and no we don't speak Spainish, what you all have not even done the single player yet, we welcome you to Paradise, you will lose this race, but don't quit, seriously you stay in the room you will get a rank, ...oh sorry I hit the wrong button, I didn't want to do ranked racing... one of our younger players... ...(lost in internet connection disconection sorry, can't be bothered)...

Kev stated at the begining of every race, Please hit your start button, Click on Race event, it will show you all you need to Know, and the route is this...

...and when started ... you %$*&^%$££%&@@@!!!? only got a @@&^%$%$££"%&(@@@?! cars pick the %$£"*&^&^%@@@>? Rai Jin... see that was after an hour, of not being able to kick people who are, well if Kev is an imbecile, what are less than that - drug abuse - some sort of handicap - a car accident x 1000% / cheese = some people who try to play Paradise.

People coming from Revenge are already ahead before even buying the disk, via second hand, from a one armed gypsy, who wonder the Earth for reason, that is none of your business, but the game was only a fiver of your choice of currency.

Kev's ranked dropped like a stone, mine dropped like a lighter stone and fun was had by all, sort off, fracking spawning traffic, ...yes Kev high rankers can quit, and only lose 100pts, it's his fault he went the wrong way, got lost and quit, and did not want to get his esra handed to him.

Yes, Frozen is a God, but he made the track, he just flat spin's it from Lucas, like a chopper and lands at the Star Gazing Place, you know begins with an 'O'.. what your off, ...Laters.

Kev Raped me, and he's shyte.

This is as fast as I can type and not make sense, good luck...

Ranked Racing SUX, but at least I have one... Do You.

The dots are in 3's does that really mean something?

Peace. Love and Understanding can cause war... but normally it's all about the money, sell your money now for WOW GOLD, I will shank a WOW Gold Seller till he is dry like jerky, my arm will be majestic (my first BIG word I learneded), and I should not type standing up, I can't feel my legs again;l................................................................................................///////


h   l elm nrvbp Iv lmrv  , nrn fel flrj ll ,mrmfl on  .m flm tlkjrkhelmf ;lk fllmf loorrrrrffffffffffff

(translation: help I fell on the floor, (you would think there would be more spaces))

Done with this skcollob!


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

kevlar0's picture

Awwwww, SUFFEY SUFFEY SUFFET, did you lose lose your rank to an idiot? hmmm did you, did you? never mind, theres always next time, dos biers por favour. you can watch me drink both SUFF.

Heres a thought, Try ranked racing to try to get times, and you win quite a few, well i did anyhow. must have been noobie luck shining through. i might even give Frozenvapor a run for his money on day. rotflmfao. or not.

my dog ate my disc.