Ridiculous Road Rules!

I posted this over on Criterion Games forum, but it got locked pretty quickly and without a response from Criterion, so I am ranting here instead!

This is what I posted:

I was racing around trying to beat online speed Road Rules yesterday, and to my surprise I was Silver on Warren!!!

Cool! I thought, so I tried to beat my own time, which Xandu then beat, so I had to beat him again and I got a 3.73 which can still be improved on a bit I think.

Then I thought about trying to Gold the road, so I entered Showtime to give it a go, ofcourse I didn't beat the score, so I went back to try again.

Then when I cycled through the road rules my Silver was gone??!! in it's place was a Red road sign with a time of 5.30????

Today's best was still showing my time of 3.73, so why had the road been reset and where was my time????

Is the limit of Warren set to 5 seconds or below? It is a very short road and easy to do in less then 5 seconds, so why is the limit set to such a low level?

I was glad that the Road Rules were reset to get rid of the impossible 0.0001 times, but come on... Who can't beat 5 seconds on Warren???

I just really don't get why the times are set the way they are?

I thought the point was to stop the glitchers, but it has basically made it pointless for a lot of roads.

The limit should be set on the theoretical top speed of the fastest car in the game going on the shortest possible line on the road and then halving it! or at least taking a chunk off for head room.

Right now (especially on Warren) it feels like it is the Cavalry's best time as set by the least experienced game player in the Criterion Games office

This was spread over 2 posts in the same thread, I have put them together so you get an idea of the flavour of the thread, I guess I got a bit angry which might be why it was locked.

Another poster said there was duplicate topic in the Troubleshooting forum, but when I went to look for it, there was another similar topic which was also locked… maybe this has been mentioned a lot and that is the reason for the lockage.

I really hope that Criterion Games reset the Road Rule limits to a more realistic level, as it really takes the FUN out of it when a legitimate time is not counted.


ZombieTron's picture

According to a post from MattF, over at the Troubleshooting forums at Criterion Games.com. I guess I just jumped on this too late!!!

After the Bike Pack I will probably never Rule a Road again!!

SUFFUR's picture

Did you post in the wrong place or is Criterion, thinking you would start a flame war, or you were repeating what has been said too often, sum1 dekcuf up, and they can't really fix it? Did you use the search function to see if there were similar posts or are they locked too, lol.

The Criterion forums are getting very full of rubbish and childishness, with the look at me attitude, well I'm looking and think this game has drawn out a lot of "I thought I had pube, until I pissed out of it" or "Anyone got a hollowed out rubber band, I'm going to bone my Paradise disk, because I love it so much, but I don't want any more dratsab Burnouts, for more people to abuse!"

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Xandu's picture

This is just ridiculous! I really can not understand how it can be so hard to calculate the practical shortest time a road can be completed in? Don’t Criterion know how fast the fastest car in the game is and the shortest possible distance for each road in the game??? It should be a very simple calculation. Subtract a couple of % from the final result to leave some room for error and all should be good.
Warren isn’t the only road with this problem by the way. Pretty much all the short roads leading to E. Crawford by the beach are messed up too. Also since this is a server side thing (according to Criterion Games... or maybe they changed this) I would expect this kind of c*** up to be fixed by ASAP.


-- The Creator --