GCC and the size of my drive

I am working from home today, so taking advantage of being able to download new demos at off peak times. But, my hard drive only had a Gig of free space so I needed to do some clearing out first. 

I noticed that my game save for Burnout Paradise is 383 MB, Halo 3 is 613 MB, Rainbow 6 Vegas is a whopping 1.4 GB and Vegas 2 weighs in at 392 MB. 

After the Bike Pack and the Island and whatever other GCC comes out, how big will Burnout Paradise be? 

If it is over a Gig and they release a disc with all the content on like some other games have done with their DLC, will I be tempted to re-buy Paradise just to free up some disc space?? 

Is this the new strategy of making money from DLC? Release it for free but make it so HUGE that it forces people to re-buy the whole game??

Maybe it’s time to consider getting a bigger hard drive, it turns out size is important!


The Kid 74's picture

Always buy a bigger hard drive


-The One and Only-


-The One and Only-