I cant stand Crash and do belive that EA should make a patch that would remove it from all Burnout games, its usually sheer luck that I manage to touch someone's car before they crash, so I will have to go for racer.
BurnoutAholics Gamertag Generator My name is Unsafe Noob and I am a BurnoutAholic ----English is my second language, feal free to flame me----
I cant stand Race and do belive that EA should make a patch that would remove it from all Burnout games, its usually sheer luck that I manage to touch the right trigger, so I will have to go for crasher.
And there's me thinking I was on the Ultimate Burners Website when I come along and read your comment hn6.... Things like that should be posted in the Xbox Burnout Revenge Forum dude - This IS the ONLY Burners Website out there so lets keep it that way hn6 and refrain yourself from twisting other peoples comments coz dude... You aint funny
----This Is The Working Hour: We Are Paid By Those Who Learn By Our Mistakes----
--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--
hn6's comment made me smile not sure where you found offence lee. To be honest I didn't understand Boots comment anyway.. I know he is a born again racer but he used to play Crash more I'm sure. Come to think of it Boot definatly crashes more than he races
also FYI we aren't the only website for Burners - check out our Links link for the best of the rest.
Look Guys I didnt mean any offence - first to hn6 or to you Zombie (I think we should consider you a huge part of this site and i never meant to come on here waving my bad mood around) . In a weird sort of way i was simply defending a friend - Bootleg aka loser boy and now i see there was no point; for one he would'nt give a damn about any of it.
So let me offer an apology to hn6: dude we can share some man love over a candlelit dinner if that floats your boat hahaha or we can let imaginary bygones be bygones and catch a race sometime yeah?? If your as hilarious as you say then f*ck it yeah lets race (shit the guys a crasher!!)
I havnt been on Burnout for like ages now - ok 4 or 5 days - and the tension is mounting lol Might catch some races tomorrow night if i'm not completely exhausted. And Foxy, If you are reading this, i had a fantastic time with you this week - your an amazing woman!
----This Is The Working Hour: We Are Paid By Those Who Learn By Our Mistakes----
--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--
The Burnout games are made to cover most of the bases of in-car driving mayhem, i have enjoyed them all, in all game modes, but i am a Road rager, i like to run, or chase. As said before in my blogs the Revenge model for takedowns was very poor, so i raced. But to only have a Burnout 'racing game', with everything else cut out, would not be Burnout game it would be a racing game, like Midnight Club or Need For Speed, and i would not like that. Crashing with style is what Burnout offers (when a mistake is made for racing), and it gives you all versions of this. When Paradise comes out the opitions to make that choice, by the tap of a shoulder button, seems pretty cool, and may give a break from race, race, race. I have played these games for so many hours that, same old same old, can get boring, repetative, i just need a change for a few minutes to appriciate what burnout does have to offer for a wide range of fans. A Burnoutaholic, is a fan of the games and all they entail, not just racers, crashers, ragers, but all the above. You may just love one side of the game, which is cool, but all players of the game should be members of this great site, and may be the site may need to reflect that. A Crasher's Corner, a Rager's Space and a Racing Room? And when those areas become available, the users of those areas may show the other sides of the game, that people might not like or enjoy, but give an insight that might give a player an alturnative, gaming experiance. Plus if the pro's of those areas give us some decent tips and how too's, we might get better at those areas to enjoy them like they do? And beat them at their own game lol. We are Burnoutaholics, we come from all walks of life (well some crawled out of the Lagoon) others are running from some dodgey thing, or too some dodgey thing. But one thing we have in common, is we love the Burnout series of games(give or take) and what they give, hours of fun and pain, and the community, which this web site was started for. We, as members represent Burnoutaholics, are proud, great, bad, rubbish, loud, pro, underground, family, rec', part-timers, lovers, losers, tokers, midnight smokers(thanks Steve), noobs, whatever, but we play the game, (for hours on end). So lets all remember, Criterion built it and we came, (some alot, some a little) and we are here, so lets burn some rubber and make it known that chess is a game to become a master, but Burnout is for everyone. (Though i'm a master at that too)
Till next time play hard, respect the other drivers, that your boost button works and your control pad is centered and your thumb has enough super glue to keep it on the A button.
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Suffur got it right, his post is well said (though extremely long lol), it's all good and fun....though I'll only play online Road Rage if it's unranked since I tend to not care about it as much as Race
This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!
Phil' all my posts are long, i like the view of my own words, lol. I wrote a review of the Podcasts yesterday, another one of those blogs, that was awesome, like my Burnout 2 one, but i clicked on a smiley to delete it with the back space and killed the post, another good read, dissapeared into digital space, i will attempt to rewrite it, but the time, the space and sense of mind has disappeared, that it will never be good as the original just a copy of genius, that is full of retrospect, and not going to be as funny as the original. Boy did i swear about it though, and almost cryed like a little baby.
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
i did the exact same thing when originally creating the content for my profile, I took a lot of time to gather my thoughts about why I'm a Burnoutaholic and such....but then forgot to save it!! So I had to redo it, but I remembered a majority of what I wanted to say so thankfully not all was lost.
Be sure to redo your Burnout 2 post, I never played it but would like to learn more about the origins of the series and the predecessors of Revenge!
This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!
im crasher burnout revenge 1st got the game when xbox 360 came out been playing it ever sense there is a big community of crashers out there to this day
Thu, 08/16/2007 - 07:44
I cant stand Crash and do
I cant stand Crash and do belive that EA should make a patch that would remove it from all Burnout games, its usually sheer luck that I manage to touch someone's car before they crash, so I will have to go for racer.
BurnoutAholics Gamertag Generator My name is Unsafe Noob and I am a BurnoutAholic ----English is my second language, feal free to flame me----
Sun, 08/19/2007 - 10:00
I cant stand Race and do
I cant stand Race and do belive that EA should make a patch that would remove it from all Burnout games, its usually sheer luck that I manage to touch the right trigger, so I will have to go for crasher.
50 Hurtz
Sun, 08/19/2007 - 12:52
Mmmmm Intelligence shining through
And there's me thinking I was on the Ultimate Burners Website when I come along and read your comment hn6.... Things like that should be posted in the Xbox Burnout Revenge Forum dude - This IS the ONLY Burners Website out there so lets keep it that way hn6 and refrain yourself from twisting other peoples comments coz dude... You aint funny
----This Is The Working Hour: We Are Paid By Those Who Learn By Our Mistakes----
--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--
Mon, 08/20/2007 - 11:22
Humour in the eye of the Beholder
hn6's comment made me smile
not sure where you found offence lee. To be honest I didn't understand Boots comment anyway.. I know he is a born again racer but he used to play Crash more I'm sure. Come to think of it Boot definatly crashes more than he races 
also FYI we aren't the only website for Burners - check out our Links link for the best of the rest.
Tue, 08/21/2007 - 20:06
No offence intended............................none comprehended
I'm slightly confused, I read bootlegs comment, and assumed it was to be taken in good humour, as was my response.
I'm not sure what your point is, if the problem is that you took my racing comment seriously (despite the joke about the right trigger(in
your defence it may only work for crashers?)) then I would ask why you did not get offended by Bootlegs Crashing comment?
As you point out (wrongly) "This IS the ONLY Burners Website out there " the key word here being
BURNERS, not crashers, ragers or racers.
Your title is also slightly bemusing, are you suggesting that my intelligence is in some way below the average?
But by far the most heinous crime you have perpetrated in this comment is the closing line "You aint funny", I'll have you know I'm frikkin
HILARIOUS.....................................as i'm sure this comment will attest.
Tue, 08/21/2007 - 20:23
Ok Ok so I woke up with a bad head....!!
Look Guys I didnt mean any offence - first to hn6 or to you Zombie (I think we should consider you a huge part of this site and i never meant to come on here waving my bad mood around) . In a weird sort of way i was simply defending a friend - Bootleg aka loser boy and now i see there was no point; for one he would'nt give a damn about any of it.
So let me offer an apology to hn6: dude we can share some man love over a candlelit dinner if that floats your boat hahaha or we can let imaginary bygones be bygones and catch a race sometime yeah?? If your as hilarious as you say then f*ck it yeah lets race (shit the guys a crasher!!)
I havnt been on Burnout for like ages now - ok 4 or 5 days - and the tension is mounting lol Might catch some races tomorrow night if i'm not completely exhausted. And Foxy, If you are reading this, i had a fantastic time with you this week - your an amazing woman!
----This Is The Working Hour: We Are Paid By Those Who Learn By Our Mistakes----
--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--
Tue, 08/21/2007 - 21:40
Man Love
Doesn't really float my boat, but for you I would make an exception - Hubba Hubba.
Wed, 08/22/2007 - 17:09
cool a man fight over lil ol me......
The Drugs dont work!! ----English is my second language, feal free to flame me----
Wed, 08/22/2007 - 22:15
Hey if somethings worth
Hey if somethings worth fighting for...
50 Hurtz
Thu, 08/23/2007 - 07:15
Crashers, ragers, racers, checkers, chess lol
The Burnout games are made to cover most of the bases of in-car driving mayhem, i have enjoyed them all, in all game modes, but i am a Road rager, i like to run, or chase. As said before in my blogs the Revenge model for takedowns was very poor, so i raced. But to only have a Burnout 'racing game', with everything else cut out, would not be Burnout game it would be a racing game, like Midnight Club or Need For Speed, and i would not like that. Crashing with style is what Burnout offers (when a mistake is made for racing), and it gives you all versions of this. When Paradise comes out the opitions to make that choice, by the tap of a shoulder button, seems pretty cool, and may give a break from race, race, race. I have played these games for so many hours that, same old same old, can get boring, repetative, i just need a change for a few minutes to appriciate what burnout does have to offer for a wide range of fans. A Burnoutaholic, is a fan of the games and all they entail, not just racers, crashers, ragers, but all the above. You may just love one side of the game, which is cool, but all players of the game should be members of this great site, and may be the site may need to reflect that. A Crasher's Corner, a Rager's Space and a Racing Room? And when those areas become available, the users of those areas may show the other sides of the game, that people might not like or enjoy, but give an insight that might give a player an alturnative, gaming experiance. Plus if the pro's of those areas give us some decent tips and how too's, we might get better at those areas to enjoy them like they do? And beat them at their own game lol. We are Burnoutaholics, we come from all walks of life (well some crawled out of the Lagoon) others are running from some dodgey thing, or too some dodgey thing. But one thing we have in common, is we love the Burnout series of games(give or take) and what they give, hours of fun and pain, and the community, which this web site was started for. We, as members represent Burnoutaholics, are proud, great, bad, rubbish, loud, pro, underground, family, rec', part-timers, lovers, losers, tokers, midnight smokers(thanks Steve), noobs, whatever, but we play the game, (for hours on end
). So lets all remember, Criterion built it and we came, (some alot, some a little) and we are here, so lets burn some rubber and make it known that chess is a game to become a master, but Burnout is for everyone. (Though i'm a master at that too
Till next time play hard, respect the other drivers, that your boost button works and your control pad is centered and your thumb has enough super glue to keep it on the A button.
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Fri, 09/07/2007 - 08:43
Racer but it's all good :-)
Suffur got it right, his post is well said (though extremely long lol), it's all good and fun....though I'll only play online Road Rage if it's unranked since I tend to not care about it as much as Race
This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!
Made you look
Fri, 09/07/2007 - 09:40
Long postals
Phil' all my posts are long, i like the view of my own words, lol
. I wrote a review of the Podcasts yesterday, another one of those blogs, that was awesome, like my Burnout 2 one, but i clicked on a smiley to delete it with the back space and killed the post, another good read, dissapeared into digital space, i will attempt to rewrite it, but the time, the space and sense of mind has disappeared, that it will never be good as the original just a copy of genius, that is full of retrospect, and not going to be as funny as the original. Boy did i swear about it though, and almost cryed like a little baby
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?
Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?
Fri, 09/07/2007 - 09:51
i did the exact same thing when originally creating the content for my profile, I took a lot of time to gather my thoughts about why I'm a Burnoutaholic and such....but then forgot to save it!! So I had to redo it, but I remembered a majority of what I wanted to say so thankfully not all was lost.
Be sure to redo your Burnout 2 post, I never played it but would like to learn more about the origins of the series and the predecessors of Revenge!
This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!
Made you look
Fri, 09/07/2007 - 10:04
SUFFURs Burnout 2 Blog
Has been rewritten, click on SUFFURs name by any of his comments to get to his profile, you can then click to read all his previous Blogs.
Fri, 01/01/2010 - 02:55
Daniel clark
im crasher burnout revenge 1st got the game when xbox 360 came out been playing it ever sense there is a big community of crashers out there to this day
Daniel clark