Big Bike Ad have put up a video advertising the release of the Bike pack.

It is probably the best footage of the bikes that I have seen so far. This ad is very much geared to getting people excited about the bikes, and trying to get new Burner's into Paradise City.

I still prefer my action on 4 wheels, and with Boost!  but as the Bike pack is a compulsory download I will make the most of it... unless I really don't get on with them anyway.... expect to see my initial reaction in a Blog on Friday.  

Enjoy the Video!  


SUFFUR's picture

And also listened to MajorNelson as someone was on the show taking about the bike Pack, an Australian or New Zealander, sorry forgot his name.

Anyway (it's back) what with not being able to smash through billboards with bikes is there an issuse with the collision physics that if they were there it would kill the bike?Why have they gone softly, softly with the rider and his falling of the bike, Pure seems to have got it right?, play the demo and crash and you will see and that is made by Disney, the child friendly company of the ages of media?

This has been said on the Criterion Forums but some changes have happened to the map like Dead Mans Edge and the other jump in the mountains near the wind farm or is it the other way round i forget, (this is not good considering, my mind is full of other questions, lol) they seem wider and easier to jump? Thats should help with some of the challenges now, I seem to barrel roll on the one from the wind farm, if you keep right coming from Up Hill Drive, I even did a double there! and lived to race on.

I caught something on one of the news channels the other day, BBC or CNN, and they had a quick clip saying that only Japan had broadband ready for the next applications of the internet, they did not explain more but i assume video downloads, gaming and other stuff that I'm not sure about. Are they trying to say (who may you ask), that is if I had an Xbox 360 or a PS3 in Japan , that Paradise would not have the issuses we have been talking about like Ghost takedowns, lag issues, sync issues and other stuff that seems to be linked?

Anyway the video was good though when it taked about night and day they should have put a better clip in showing the head lights of the bikes? Not a sunset or sunrise'ish type of look.

Not sure about the crash physics for the bike, but looks like quicker respawns at least, lol.

They had that great ad of the cars with tags on top at the start of the ad, they should have done that with the bikes too, IMO.

And again on the majornelson pod cast the guy says we are traveling at 200 mph on the bikes (not a correct quote), why do they do that because we don't know for sure and i though speed notifcation was not important if you get what i mean, the effects should have covered that?

And also do you think I will get a chance to play the bikes before i get back home? Hope so!

Anyway (i need a new word, In closing, nope thats for the end, ahh forget it) In closing LOL, there are alot of games out this week and next will Paradise Bike pack get the full attention it needs, I hope so the Year of Paradise is a very important event for alot of people, oh and it's free, lol.

Enjoy and see ya laters.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

BootlegGiant's picture

Moto Gp (all of them) is a good racing series but extreamly hard in my eyes, ATV v MX a load of naff waste of a tenner, PGR 4 yeah the bikes were good and I did 65% of the game with one but as soon as you went online with one you got owned by Mr Bean and his old gilopy the cornering was as stupid as the crashes, and now Paradise are to release some yeah well done Criterion yet another excuse for me to dislike you and curse all my noob friends who still play revenge on a monthly period (what with that ichiennoob)  I might even go all philly on this and curse the very maker of my favourite game, But come on Criterion whats next Mobility Scooters!!

ichienkai's picture

Who you callin' a noob?  I'll go all Chuck Norris on you, get a new ID and hunt you down on Halo and Squat on your head lol! As Suf has asked me for some continuance of bike blogs, the synchronicity of the DLC of bikes makes the timing about right for me - I am gonna pick Paradise up again so d'ya still have the game Boot?  Of course you do, you wouldnt let your mahoosive collection slide would you? 

  --Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

PsychedelicBabe's picture

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....

Guess who's back
Back again 
Bootlegs  back
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Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back
guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back.. {*Psyche hums*}............

BootlegGiant's picture


No I am not back Psyche mearly passing through having a gander and all that seeing what the old crew are up to and all that stuff, as for the bike update yes I will be downloading the free pack and yes I wil try them out but it will not mean that I will be back on burnout as Halo is so much fun at the moment catch ya all in a couple of months or years who knows

Posted by: Spartan J15 o Ñ•hit! it's bootleg