Oh No.. Bikes are Coming!

I know I am meant to be excited about the Bikes, but I'm really not...

OK, I might not feel that bored about it, but having just watched Crash TV episode 9 (go get it from ITunes, you know you want to), I am just not feeling the bikes... they don't look particularly fast, they don't crash in an exciting way, you can't get takedowns (presumably), and there is no boost.

I'm also not feeling the night time  from the footage on Crash TV it just kinda looks dark and dull, and some of the inbetween times that have been shown look more like sepia than beautiful sunsets?   And the so called atmospheric weather effects or fog, just serves to hide the graphics and shorten the draw distance which just makes the world look smaller and less pretty, proper weather which ad to the graphics would have been more interesting to look at .

They did a vox pop in the Crash TV show where they asked the Burnout Team what they liked best about the Bikes, the answer was "Wheelie Donuts" and they showed some footage of them, to me they just looked kinda odd and not that cool... hmm well, maybe they are more fun if you are actually doing them.

Maybe I just have a negative feeling towards the Bike pack because I just watched Crash TV episode 9 and Jez really gets on my nerves, he doesn't sell the game for me at all, if he says "Wow" or "Amazing" or another fake sounding enthusiastic word one more time !!! Maybe I should stop watching Crash TV!!

OK rant over... and no offence Jez!


Xandu's picture

Movie weather would be awesome in Paradise City!

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

jwillisjr's picture

Yes, the bikes are coming...it is a sad age. Good thing its a download ad on and not mandatory.  I don't like the idea, but I will give it a try.


"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya

"The sleep of reason produces monsters" -Goya LiveDNA