Not for me..

but I know I will have to give them a bit more than the 5 minutes or so I gave them last night.

I was at work yesterday, so wasn't able to play til I got home, as I work in an office I was reading the forums to see peoples reactions to the bikes.

Mostly it is 100% positive, just a few niggles about lack of races, and ofcourse about the DL not working, but other than that everyone seems really happy.

The lack of  lights in the city at night has also been mentioned, but I guess the style of the day/night cycle is a design choice that wont be to everybody's taste.

I really don't like the way Night time looks, its just dark and dull, I don't think any life has been added to the city at all.  The head lights on the bikes also look really odd to me, they seem to make things white and glow, it just looks very unrealistic and I don't find it aesthetically pleasing.

The lack of leaderboards for timed challenges will severely reduce my desire to play. I wasn't playing that much Paradise before Cagney, as I had completed the offline game and the challenges and racing just didn't hold my interest.

With Cagney introducing the online game modes and timed challenge leaderboards I was really excited about Paradise City again, so for me the Bike Pack is a step backwards. There is nothing in it to make me want to play online.... or at least not enough challenging online gameplay.

I will play through the offline and do the road rules and even complete the challenges as I am sure I will be in a few Bike freeburns over the next few weeks.

But last night after trying bikes and having Xandu sat next to me playing them I just wanted to get a Burnout Fix, so I put in Burnout and completed the Twilight Grand Prix to unlock some more stuff on my 360 profile.

I  Burnout! and Paradise City with Bikes isn't doing it for me!


ZombieTron's picture

yesterday on the criterion forums it was a love in for the bikes, and nobody was faulting them. Today however it's a different story.

Lots of posters are now criticising the bike pack for being limited. They are a fickle bunch!

I played more Burnout today, in fact I finished it on 360 for the first time. It was nice to see the credits again, funny old pics of the Burnout Team!  I still have more to do, more cars to unlock, I might try to get it done over the weekend.

Not sure when I will get around to playing Paradise again, I have no real urge to put it on at the mo'.

Segaswirl's picture

I was actually suprised with how good the pack actually was. It's about as close to a Road Rash game as we're gonna get.

It has the bikes, it has the traffic, it even has the music... now all we need is the weapons.

ZombieTron's picture

I don't think weapons will be added to Burnout Paradise, but I do have a feeling that Criterion adding Bikes (and possibly Planes at a later date) is an exercise in preperation for the next game they are going to do. Who knows maybe Criterion will make a bike game like Road Rash next??

I had another try of the bikes late last night, Kev had his room on a midday all the time setting and we were setting road rules as well as doing the odd challenge. I got 23 road rules done, and it gave me a better chance to get used to the way the bikes handle.

I was really put off the first time I played, mostly because of the swaying on bumper cam, I was worried that I would have to play in behind the bike view, which I really don't like... but after a while of riding you do get used to the swaying and it is kinda cool. So, the bikes are growing on me.. Criterion might make a biker chick of me yet!