Xbox LIVE Downtime Alert!

OH NO!! No Xbox Live for a whole 24 hours!!!    

This is the news from

"For 24 hours starting 9am [10am CET] on September 29th you’ll notice that your Xbox LIVE service is temporarily unavailable. This is, in fact, terrific news!

This particular Xbox LIVE downtime is especially important because it will ready the Xbox LIVE network for the arrival of the New Xbox Experience later this year – an amazing free update that will change the way you enjoy Xbox 360 entertainment forever. Think of it as the first tremor before the earthshattering arrival of something extraordinary!

Very soon the New Xbox Experience will transform your Xbox 360 into a limitless world of home entertainment in which the best games, movies and TV shows live side by side with your personal pictures and music library. Everything you enjoy about your Xbox 360 can be shared at any time with friends via Xbox LIVE using cool customisable animated Avatars.

So remember, Xbox LIVE will be unavailable from 9am [10am CET] on September 29th for 24 hours. You won’t see the New Xbox Experience when LIVE comes back online, but you will be all ready to receive it when it launches later this year.

It’s proof that good things come to those who wait!"

24 hours without Xbox Live and with nothing to show for it... but it will ready your Xbox for getting avatars and other cool stuff later this year, Which I guess is Xbox's answer to Nintendo Mii's and Playstation Home.

Time will tell which system pulls off the whole avatar thing best, personally I don't really want an avatar, but then I guess I am always sceptical and negative about change before it happens and I might grow to love it.


kevlar0's picture

So from next monday at 9am for 24 hours i wont be able to play online?. bummer, what on earth am i to do??? my missus said i can do some d.i.y, rotflmfao., cause thats gonna happen, my idea is to go down the pub and drink till i'm unconcious, my idea sounds best..

my dog ate my disc.

SUFFUR's picture

Not, in their sentence, so don't hurt you're self when you do that DIY, out of your head, Kev, lol. Try 3 months without your box and not becasue it's broke, but because you're in another country, lol.

I might be back for my Avatar though, lol.

Then again does this sentence sound right, think the word 'said' would be good at the *?

'Martin just smiles back, (he may have (*) something but too worried I may quote wrong, lol, but maybe it will happen is what I thought he may have said, lol.)'

See sometimes a missing word can change a whole sentence, lol.

Love my editors they work so hard to make me look good!

'I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way' -JR. Who Framed Rodger Rabbit.

(Is that the right quote?) see what I mean?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

OK, said word has now been added!

Sorry for the omission, but I had already changed your to to a too, dang it! I knew I couldn't fix everything in one edit!!!

ZombieTron AKA the Editor!!!

PsychedelicBabe's picture

yeah i just got the xbox live message and i thought at first it was going to be for the big update.........until i checked it out and i found out that its only preparing our consoles for it...........i wasnt up for the avatar thingy at first but im actually getting used to the idea.........should be pretty interesting to see how different people create there own specific styles...........well i dont know about anyone else but i dont have a clue what im going to do i might do what Kev should be doing.....a spot of DIY but i often find that when i do these tasks i have to pay someone to kind of correct what ive just UN DI'YED.....although Kevs suggestion does seem at least a bit more enjoyable.........i guess ill just spend my day doing what i  more than my  and thats ....


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


kevlar0's picture

The missed word "not" was not supposed to be in there. i was going for sarcasm, but it looks like i failed.

nice job on the interviews dude. you ought to use your journalist persona to get into the pits on sunday night, vroom vroom SUFF..

my dog ate my disc.

Jinno Angelo's picture

I was going to play Tales of Vesperia that day, but since I downloaded some stuff for Tales from the Marketplace, I cannot play the game without going online with it. Maybe there is another game that I could get into? So far Pure isnt really holding my attention at all, and Baja hasnt caught my eye either.. What to do? What to do indeed?


"Take the light, undarken everything around me." "Call the clouds and listen closely I'm lost without you." "Call your name every day when I feel so helpless." "I've fallen down but I'll rise above this, rise above this."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

PsychedelicBabe's picture

....Yeah im pretty much stuck as to what im going to do on monday?......i know that theres plenty to do around the home but im seeing this day as kind of like a bank holiday and thats usually a day of disasters waiting to happen for budding young DIY' im going  to give that a very wide berth....I guess ill just have to be creative on this one.....damn it i cant even go in the forums........looks like Pures going to be the winner on this


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....