Show off your coolest Burnout Revenge clip


Do you have any cool Burnout Revenge clips you want to show off to your fellow BurnoutAholics? There might even be a little reward in it for you if your clip is the best and also it will automatically give you another of our achievements

If you are already a member add a comment to this post and include the name of the clip you want uploaded. If you’re not already on any of the BurnoutAholics Team member’s friends list (Xandu, BurnoutAholics or ZombieTron) you will get a friends request from one of us. When you have accepted we will download your clip. We will then send you a message when the clip is available. It’s really simple.

We have a rating system on our clips page. That means that YOU can rate the clips you like or hate!

If you are not already a member just sign up and you will also be able to have your clips uploaded.


SUFFUR's picture

...mine put on the site, Xan, when i get them home i'll set ti up.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?