Driving music or music for RL driving

Yesterday I had a bit of driving to do in Real Life... in this case about 450 kilometers (or 300 miles for you UK and US people), from Copenhagen to where I live. Now, we all know that driving while being sleepy is a Very Bad Idea, but I just wanted to get HOME! So what to do? Find some great music! And play it loud!!!

In this case, I'd had my usual Techno Trance going for the first oh, 1,5 hours or so, but finally had to pull over at a parking space on the motor way as I was starting to blink a bit too slowly. Not a good idea when you're driving the way I am (speed limit? nope, minimum requirement!). After trying to get a nap for about 15 minutes; wiggling around to get comfortable, fiddling with music and sunscreens, I gave up. What to do? FInd the mp3 collection with Ultimate Top Gear music and put that on and turn up the volume.

I basically spent the last 3 hours singing along (that's one reason the volume was LOUD, that way I couldn't hear myself as my voice is seriously messed up these days after 5 days of talking with customers while shows and stuff was going on), bouncing in the seat and generally making myself look very silly to the other drivers. Who cares? It got me home in one piece and actually kept me awake.

Now, the funniest part came in the last half hour, where I'd left the motorway and had to go through several villages. The music volume stayed up, but the speed was way down. I had a bike smile big time at me. I wonder why... just because I was bouncing around to Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't fear the reaper"? But it's nice to know that other people don't mind when you imitate a radio on wheels.

And the last song is a true Burnout song... Franz Ferdinand's "Take me out". I still think that should have been the main song for BO3 Takedown.

Anyway, just wanted to share, now it's time to pick up my doggie and then I can get some more sleep. One question though: what is *your* favorite driving music?





nismo_TK's picture

Hmm I personally cant go anywhere without music the only time im not listening to music is when im goin for a run. But in terms of driving. In real life i like Breakbeat and Nu School Breaks or Metal. On burnout though I've always got some Hip hop (keeps you relaxed) or Hardhouse (great if ur in the mood where u just cant go fast enough)


change is inevitable... except from a vending machine.

change is inevitable... except from a vending machine.

Xandu's picture

When I don't listen to Radio1, P3 or P4 I like listening to the Burnout 3 Takedown and Burnout Revenge soundtrack. It puts me in "Burnout mode" when Im driving which is quite fun... and maybe a little bit dangerous

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

nismo_TK's picture

HAHA can just see you in my (real life) rear view mirror *insert traffic check here*


change is inevitable... except from a vending machine.

change is inevitable... except from a vending machine.

Aaboe's picture

I've been there, done that... coming up on a nice road and just thinking "wow, what a drift you could get around this corner" or the likes of that. Hubby has actually once tried (with me as passenger) that we came uopon an icy corner and someone who had gone into the ditch. We couldn't see him until we were right there, and he pulled, swerved and saved the car and we could go on. Comment? "I couldn't have done that without having played so much Burnout!" I agreed.

The other day my passenger commented on the fact that I like to yell at the stupid morons on the road, but she feels safe with me because I never go into the RL version of Road Rage, I just get my revenge on Revenge, sts.



bubby flay's picture

i like to play late at night so i put my i-pod on so i can listen loud and go fast,usually i like to drive with some "Hot Action Cop" or "bullet for my valentine","Atreyu""lead sails",AV7,good music for goin' fast and taking 'em down! rock the i-pod and drive!!!!!!!!!!!

CaR_RaceR_6's picture

 thank you so much...for the past month or so i kept huming the tune of that song an i could never remember the name of it or who it was by.  Franz Ferdinand,  Take me out. once again i thank you. i most likely would have never figured that out.