Criterion Games Forum round up: Alex Ward Speaks!

Just thought I would sum up some things that Alex Ward has posted over at the forum.

There will be NO replay feature added to Burnout Paradise. This is dissapointing for some, but as it wasn't a feature shipped with the game I don't see it as a loss. IMO BP was a prime candidate for having a replay option, but it probably would have gotten old quite quickly.

A thread to discover the true identity of DJ Atomika (most probably Mark Hidreth) led to this quote:

"And Atomika is a Canadian actor and voiceover artist. We loved all of the stuff in EA Canada's 'SSX3' - a game that me and Craig still regularly boot up in the office, if only for the incredible opening sequence. It never ceases to inspire us.

There is always a vocal minority who complain about the DJ work - representing less than 1% of the audience. To us, it's a great simple way to explain a lot of things in the game. And Burnout has a lot of unique things to explain. To do it all with text in multiple languages is compicated and messy. Using voice is simpler and more elegant.

Burnout is a complicated game and our telemetry shows us that most people fail to complete the game. We could have made some really hardcore Trophies for our hardcore PlayStation players, but that would have meant over 95% of the audience would not have been able to achieve them.

I got my Platinum Trophy two days ago after around ten hours play."

I still say Burnout Paradise is the easiest game in the series!

Going back then to Burnout 2: Point of Impact, there was some talk about Pursuit mode, which I love  and whether it will make an appearance again. The bold bits in the quote are (I think) from forum members:

"Why was POI the only title with Pursuit mode?

When we make a new game we always steer towards developing something new rather than just doing the same things over and over again.
If you look back on 'Burnout' as an evolving games series, each of them do different things. The first two games were offline only games. When you make games strictly offline you think about different things the AI could do. Several of us grew up playing games like Taito's superb 'Chase HQ' coin-op in the arcades. Pursuit Mode in 'Burnout 2' is an homage to that classic game. We were particularly fond of the sound of the police siren when you crash the policar car. Again, it's a loving nod towards the classic car chase movies of the late 1970's and 1980's - films like 'Smokey and the Bandit' or 'The Blues Brothers.'

Is it because EA took over and they didn't want it to clash with their Need For Speed Series??? I found the pursuit mode Simple but Fun.

Yes, it is. EA just 'took over' the whole development team. Since then we've been held captive, chained to our desks and unable to think freely or make any game design decisions of our own. We have always wanted to bring back Pursuit Mode but everytime we tried some Men In Black Suits arrived from EA and prevented us from doing so.

Seriously though - when we made 'Burnout 3: Takedown' we focused on stuff like Takedowns, Online Play and Crash Mode. We were excited about the new stuff we'd made so didn't feel compelled to put everything from 'Burnout 2' in there.

It's highly likely that the Paradise City Police Department might be more high profile in the future though."

And in case you wondered what happened to the Dust Storm:

"The car will be released when the Island is available.

So it will be available with Burnout Paradise.

Earlier in the year we tested the concept of revealing things that would be coming nice and early. Whilst we enjoyed being open with you all in this way, it seemed to cause us too much hassle. So now we will only announce stuff as they become available. This seems best to avoid confusion."

It's kinda a shame that the community got a bit fuzudled by the early release of info from Criterion, I can't stand the Criterion Forums, if our forums went like that I would just close them down, I'm surprised that Criterion keep the forums open! But, I guess even if they didn't read them or respond at all, they would still be able to say they have community involvement as they have a forum, which I guess not all games do, and I suppose that gives them kudos even tho the community on there is a bit pants.

Anyway.. Back to the Dust Storm:

"It's a fun car and good for jumps and stunts.

The name 'Dust Storm' refers to an off-road game we once announced several years ago.

At the end of Burnout 1 we thought about making an 'off-road Burnout' type game. We were influenced by Namco's 'Dirt Dash' in the arcades. I've always been a big fan of an old coin-op (and excellent convered Commodore 64 and Atari ST game) called 'Buggy Boy' too.

So 'Dust Storm' was the name we announced.

Of course, it's something we'd never do now, as something like 'Motorstorm' did pretty much everything we were thinking of. Well, not everything, but it was close enough. And I think the first 'Motorstorm' is an excellent game. And I'm looking forward to the new one, but won't buy it until I've finished the first one - there certainly is a lot of game in there.

We got as far as putting a buggy shaped car on a simple figure of eight course. And then we gave up on the whole idea, and set to work on making Burnout 2 instead."

Reading on Alex Ward was talking about considering closing the forums, so I guess he has been as fed up by them as me!

"I must say we've all been VERY surprised at the amount of negativity directed towards us by people here. We wanted this to be a place where everyone could congregate and discuss the game. For all players, whether new or old.

It seems we've been attacked for everything. As a development team, I think we've done more than any other developer on PlayStation3 or Xbox360 this year.

We fixed issues with our game, we added new game modes and challenges, added fan-created content into the game, allowed people to visit the offices for the day, brought motorcycles and day/night into the game for nothing, added 1080i support, rumble support, Trophy support - this list goes on.

For everyone who complains about some small detail of the game that is not to their liking - all we can say is that we almost always have very valid reasons as to why things are the way they are. We have to comply with requirements enforced by the hardware manufacturers for one. I'd like to see a little more thought before posting from some members here, rather than just attacking us for 'poor decisions' all the time.

Only yesterday I was discussing closing this forum entirely as I browsed the threads. I think that would be a shame but if we can't improve things then it may well be the right thing to do..."

So, unless the community improves, they may lose the Criterion Games Forums all together!! I hope this makes the spammers/trolls/flamers and other idiots take note and improve their behaviour!!

Alex goes on:

"The forum became a very negative place, populated by a small and vocal minority who then took great delight in slagging off us, our work, our company and then went off to revel about it on other forums. As a result, we've stayed away.

But be assured that such extreme views do not reflect the other 99% of people playing the game.

So much for support from some of our so-called 'fans.' Even some of the people who visited the offices and spent time with us attacked us. It's hard to understand such behaviour really.

I'll state this again - we'd like this to be a positive place. We'd like to be able to post here without it causing such a fuss.

We'd like some more thought, some more understanding and little bit more respect for others.

. We'd like to call time on system wars, petty rivalries and rude and offensive behaviour. This is not a place about rank or status either. I'd like to see all of the big graphic signatures too. Could you please remove them voluntarily? Get noticed for your contribution rather than the big picture under every post.

Does that make any sense?"

I hope that middle bit about so-called Fans doesn't mean me! oops!!



PsychedelicBabe's picture

......why am i worried?.....well if these guys/girls over a Criterion lose there forum where are they thinking of going to start posting?......after reading some of the etihs over there i seriously HOPE AND PREY that they dont come over here offence but there posts are just ridiculous and like you said yourself ''if our forums were like theres youd close them down yourself'' rather have no activity at all than read that etihs


....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....

ZombieTron's picture

The Criterion Games Forums are currently unavailable with this message:

Important changes are being made to the forum. Should be complete within half an hour.

I'm interested to see what the chages are, hopefully it will be a big positive change for the Burnout community.

Edit: New Rules have been applied!

Criterion Forum Rules v2.0



Rofer's picture

Alex ward got pwned by his fans. I don't just hate one small aspect of paradise i just hate the game altogether. He tries to act all innocent but he is really just the ******* behind it all.

Edit: OMFG i just went over to criteriongames and almost every single one of the threads i have posted in (There is only one left) have been deleted. I guess criterion doesn't believe in freedom of speech.

----This post has been moderated! I do believe in freedom of speech but not when it's slanderous. ZombieTron----

ZombieTron's picture

to Criterion, they needed to do something about the forums because they were totally out of hand. I agree with most of what they have done. The rules are now much stricter, PM's and sig's have been removed as they were abused, some sigs took up half a screen!

Sadly tho, as part of the forum clean up, they have cleared out ALL old posts by the looks of it, and they have said that threads over 3 days old will be pruned.

I don't know that this is ALL bad, as it does make a fresh start for the forums, and hopefull they will be a nicer place to visit and discuss Burnout.  Only time will tell tho, as I think the community that use the Criterion Forums are a slightly different breed to those that use!

PsychedelicBabe's picture

 yeah i think they are all a different breed to us in here.....were all nice polite and considerable people....

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


oO EezO Oo's picture

They clobbered a couple of my posts months ago,  haven't bothered going back since...  whats the point? 

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


Rofer's picture

of anything??

PsychedelicBabe's picture

 i went in there and got abused mentally by them guys and there jargon ......... i felt like everyone in there was somehow related to i left running as fast as i could and never went back......i hope they dont all come here?......i think id feel braver in here though cos ive been here longer than them.......lmao......

Oh and eezo i will get my revenge sig b4 you.........the clock is ticking......

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....


Rofer's picture

i just checked out the website again and it says that there are no forums in this board. am i the only one seeing that?? then after i try to log in it says that i have been permenantly banned lol. All i did was go into the "Lets all apologize to criterion thread, and said that i will not be apologizing because i meant everything that i have ever posted.

Jinno Angelo's picture

It seems that the only thing they want to hear about what they did is just praise.. Its so funny because when he says that only that 1% minority, that is definitely exageratting it when the truth is that most people who dont like Paradise dont even bother going there and posting their opinions. So yeah, that number is way too low for me.

As for posts being edited? HAHAHA! I seen that Rofer's post got edited as well.. 

Its just like the Matrix, the place has been plumped up nice and good for you so you will think its a nice place to be but BAM!, your posts are liable to get changed and locked.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You are a slave Nero!



"Take the light, undarken everything around me." "Call the clouds and listen closely I'm lost without you." "Call your name every day when I feel so helpless." "I've fallen down but I'll rise above this, rise above this."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

SUFFUR's picture

It's all good that some people like Paradise, in it's mainstream, in-car-nation, but they 'Criterion' did walk away from their games of old, and what worked on them, and true it's next gen console now, and a new gaming engine, new community features etc, and understand 'we like to do something new and don't like to repeat ourselves' (there then would only have been Burnout, Do'h), but the point of games is game play and if Paradise had all the little bits from thier other in-car-nations, I think Paradise, would have been better received, and liked by all, not just a young, not really knowing, PS3, gamers.

What happened to game play, and gaming, competativeness, true ego is a problem for people, but then Criterion removed that as much as possible from Paradise, except for Alex, who talks about how great an idea is, and trying to sell it and that we do it different for each game etc?!? Are you looking for the greatist Gamemaker award Alex? Because Paradise is good, but not the great of 2, 3 and Revenge (and this bad boy of the bunch), and yes new engine etc, but you and yes Alex you are da Boss, left out all that was great for 'No-Loading' which is well hidden, sort of instant joining (Ps3 yes), and an open space. That to add a semablence of game play we had to wait for a GCC pack, to play something other than free burn challenges, because the rest of it, races are(still) parc, unless you LAN'ed the game or live in a internet 'rich' enviorment to enjoy it!

A car game is more than driving with ones kcid in ones hand, and Alex you say something and then run, to tinkler and do something, that might sell the game.

There is nothing in Paradise that does drive a community, unless the community attaches it self to it, like ShowTime, nope, a couple of guys have done the billions, so no-one bothers? Road Rules, the Gateways, and only link to friends? Timed Challenges was good but gets boring due to a lot of people again can't be bothered to going back? Racing, no, people try but due to internet of the world, it's poor, compared to any racing game. Oh the Dailies like barrels rolls, glitched flat spins, etc, run down after time, you can do them for a while then, done, This game is just pick up and play, and put down. The other Burnouts, we had adrenaline fueled racing for 8 sold hours, I don't get this from Paradise, I have fun with who I am with, it's not like it's intense, it's sort of run of the mill.

I still got to finish the bike stuff, its just hard work done by Criterion to keep us hooked, but it's not Burnout, and it's not great, good again, but nothing that the other games did. Play-Doh, Plastacine(sp), clay, mud, earth, dirt, tihs and the imitation stuff too of all the above molding stuff, and Paradise is the cheap Play Do'h, and that is for game play, not creative work and energy of the team, but the others were fire hard clay that stand the test of time, yes the kiddys can have fun, but you Alex feared the competativeness of you older community, and tried to pulled away from that with Paradise. Wuss! 

With the new Island it's looks like we may get the feel of Skate, TH's etc, the game will be just a sand box, for cars, and I did that when I was a kid, with Matchbox Cars and a sand pit, and that was more fun then, because I control the enviorment, we have no control in Paradise, none what so ever, other than not to play!

I just read through this and it's parc, I've no clue where i was going other than, Paradise is an experimental game, and the experiment, if for the community, the game makers and game playing, or just for Alex Ward, i don't know, I play it because it's still new, but only if my mates are on, so at least we can say something to each other and complain about Paradise! Howard Stern was huge but only because more people listened to him, so they could complain about him, he only had a few dedicated listeners compared to the scale of haters, lol. I think Paradise is like that, and is only loved by people who don't know any better, and stick with it because Paradise is not really Back compat to the other games, lol.

I like Paradise, but I love 2 and 3. But I wonder if with all this back ground work that team are doing will bring more to the burnout experience of old or we get something that moves away even further.

Pure sold out in HK(when we went to look for the past 2 days) and Baja is also selling well, on both 360 and PS3, so will I be bothering to finish the Bike pack when I and If i get home, or will there be something else out that will mean i will not even play Pure. Games comeout so fast that if you don't get it out on the day or less than a week, you will not beable to play it, because the crowd have moved on, Like what Revenge is like today.

Anyway, with the clear out of the forums over at the doghouse, some answers will never be answered, head lights and thier colours and what are the real differences between Paradise and the other older games in the cannon, and why walk away from a great working model to something, that is just ok? IMHFO.


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

kevlar0's picture

There are sweeping changes going on at the moment within the burnout community, Both here (Thanks xan and zom, for all the work you put in to the site, looks great) and over the wall at Criterion.

Lets hope that the idiots on the forums over there who post the etihs and swan around like they are something special, don't come over here, (we already have a few haters on here, who never post anything constructive or are remotely helpful). But on the flipside we have some great contributors who keep the site vibrant with there wit and wisdom, to these people I salute and say keep up the good work.

IMO the clearing of the boards over the wall was a good idea in principle, fresh start, fresh ideas and the banning of members who quite frankly deserve there heads kicking in for some of the drivel that has been written. The removal of the sigs was a master stroke by C/G, although the forums look a bit sterile now it will stop some posters commenting just so the get there sig in the thread and is much easier on the eye, even though i say so myself mine was wayyyy cooler than everybody elses :). Admittedly they were a bit harsh with the pruning of some threads, but you can't please all the people all the time, I'll start a thread on here about headlight colour and see if i get an answer that is somewhere near plausable.

For all of you who say Paradise isn't burnout, for me it is, its next gen Burnout, It isn't Revenge or Takedown and for that i'm glad, To play Paradise to its full potential you need to have an open mind and a willingness to accept it for the game that it is, To do this, you are going to have to put the hours in, just like we all have on the rest of the Burnout series (i shudder to think how many hours we have put in between us) . It has its flaws in abundance, we have heard them all a million times on all the forums, working round these flaws is what make the game more challenging for me, but thats just me.

Kudos to the aholics team, Its always a pleasure never a chore.

my dog ate my disc.

kevlar0's picture

Rofer i didn't realise how young you are until a couple of days ago, now i know why all your post seem very immature, its because you are. I don't mean this in a bad way. As you grow older you will see its not always best to go straight for the throat, sometimes a more subtle approach can be a lot more effective. Perhaps your banning on the CG forums was a blessing in disguise, you might think before you open your mouth in future. or not.

my dog ate my disc.

Rofer's picture

Yeah i see it as tht i am very open minded nd that is why i give games a chance by playing them to see if i like it. The problem is that i hve had so much fun on revenge that it is impossible to have that much fun on a video game anymore because i have already experienced it and now i know what true fun is. That is the goal in my life to have as much fun as possible.

SUFFUR's picture

And Alex has been busy, which is nice! He does have a gravitas to shut people up, because he knows all about what is in Paradise, because it was his idea and it is in his head, I believe in the first place! Though Fiona must know quite a bit about it too to get her name at the top! Maybe I should interveiw him and her when I get back?

Will he talk to me? Will he have the time? Will I find suitable questions to ask? Will they I wonder, lolz?

I would like to start from the begining, a'la Burnout, ask some of the same questions, but then it's from the horses mouth per say, and most of you know I'm going to write what he says to the best of my ability, anyway something for me to think about, and with the amount of questions I could think up, I may have to email them anyway, lol. Then they would be from the man himself!

I have raved, raged, complimented, i'm sure I have, about Paradise, and will drone about it some more in the future, still have a bike pack blog to do yet, since I have 100% on it, yes I have only done a few challeges, but the rest done! And in 8 hours too, over 4 days in HK, wow!

It's a game, from the Criterion team, and is so different from the past, but I still have issuses with it, and since I'm not a game creator, and though I have a great interest, I feel I am too long in the tooth, to learn new tricks, not saying never, but, other than for writting, I prefer to stand up, walk about while I work type of guy (work, me, lol), so hence why I am a film maker, yes you need pre-production (parc, I hit the insert button, instead of delete), so that's a sort of sit down, and post production is also a sit down, but not all the time because the editors etc are doing that!

I like the stuff inbetween, the running around getting the set, lights and camera ready, talking to actors, and the other people on set, I also like a fast set too, true it's not all fast, but with HD cameras, rather than film, time is just tape, as long as no-one on the set, minds. Oh and yes OK I have a bad back so I will sit and lie down when the need takes me, but a set does fire me up, and i can shout orders from the floor, while the camera is not rolling and pain killers cover anything that entusiasim doesn't! Through stress is not good for bad back, but since I am normally happy on set, it's rare, even when the etyhs hit's the fan, a quick ciggy with the brain motoring, normally finds an answer.

(I just tried to cut and paste from IMDB, and it pasted my Toilet Paper forum post lol. Really don't go there, stay here.)

Robert Rodriguez (Once Upon a Time in Mexico), George Lucas (StarWars (Next Gen, lol)) and many others prefer the Digital format of HD, not saying they don't like film, but HD digital recording is fast,  you see the results, if you are the director, as you see it on the monitor as it happens, can rewind if you want, and repeat takes can be taken, not that you should not forget the discipline of film, as not many people are happy sitting around for 100 takes or more. Directing is not easy, but then again a Camera person/Cinematographer, needs to be able to bring the directors vision, to life for the screen! And with CGI work, well really the art department, so staging is set well in advance! And since it's shot digitally, that can be easily manipulated via a computer, like CGI, colour, frame size etc, it's another long list. And can apply to games as well? Sort of.

I can see some similarites with movie making and games, like Pre-production, what are you going to make, what tools are you going to use, who will do that work, how long you hope it will take, and how much will it cost? There is more but you get the drift.

Then there is the making; Production, and with CGI, there are some similarites again, as code has to be written to build the scene, sort of like Lego Blocks. But there it does end, game making is then all computer work!

I used to make sets out of Lego, to show the space of where I may like to shoot, even using Lego Figures to act out scenes, people have gone from there to make Lego movies and Games!! But nothing beats a good story board artist for showing what the camera is going to show, and I know you can do that with games, to give an artistic impression of how a game is going to look, but then again thats all done in Pre-production again. (Will I ever write in order, lol, see an editor of books/newpapers etc deals with that).

For game Production, you have to build it all, from scratch or use a current engine. Like the Unreal Engine, see Gear of War, etc.

Paradise is built from Scratch, it can be expensive, time consuming, and never really sure what you are going to get,  till you use it! Hence the previous Burnouts came out quickly after the first one because it was pretty much the same engine and they learned what they could do with it, I still think it has some life in it too, but I have not heard anyone doing anything with it, not even that Rumoured Revenge 2 game, lol.

Now with Paradise we have a wait and see approach, as it so new, we, to us the gamer, only see what is released, ok some visitors to the dog house may have seen some stuff, but will it see the light outside the 'factory floor' probably not. 

Someone built a plane, using the engine, and people went nuts both ways, it was just a test of the engine, we are testers of the engine, and I have stated that before, but the Burnout Team, have done things we will never ever see, or maybe a variation of it, but used for something else.

When Crackdown was being built (using Renderware by the way by Real Time Worlds, awaiting their APB game to see what they have done beyond Crackdown and has been used in the GTA games), a bug came up, that allowed the Big 4x4 to climb walls, they left it in for game play value but it was a bug.

The same for the Revenge Boost Jump, I think Alex may have handled the gamers enthusiasm, a bit wrong, as no-one wants to hear someone doing something different with their product, other than what they built it for. See pride and vanity can be a bugger, not saying that Alex is, just I felt the same way, and no one likes a critic, one of the reasons I don't have many friends, lol, now or when at Uni, lol.

I know when I shot my end of year film at Uni, and I showed it to my Dad, he wanted to add a Rock score and put more beardy people into it, mostly dictators by the way, lol. I may see if i can find a copy and YouTube it, though I think I only have a very ruff edit left, and I still have to credit it to the University too! Part of the rules and regs, so maybe I can't.

Anyway I digress. Paradise was being made, and by some very talent people, all game makers are talented, and are run, by a person or persons in charge, and then by someone who pays the bills. Sid Myers, is a good example of a great game maker if you like his type of games, who had an idea and made a lot of money for himself and for someone else too, so does get some time to do what he wants, same with Peter Molyneux (I hope I spelt them right), with Fable 2, that has been in Production for 3 years! And I loved it's look and game play, but again no lefty controls, lol.

Microsoft you need to do a mail order Mirrored Controller, D-pad on the right, or get companies to use that dash feature for custom controls. Rant done there!

Kevlar0 may have been right, about Criterion having to release the game early, or maybe what they put out was enough from their point of view, though having challenges being 'tacked on' 6 weeks before release does not sound right to me! Must have been before it went 'gold' at least? 

They had a game play space, cars that went fast, and a good 40 hours of game play minimum, what more can a gamer ask for? They set and said what they set up in their pre-production, Minimal Loading, Instant Joining online while you play, and a true open world. True going by some talk in the rooms, stuff was changed, new and old map ideas, that got scrapped, though I did hear that a Revenge track was placed within the Paradise 'space' to see what it was like as a test, and it did work, or so I hear. But then it went in a different direction.

We as players of the other games, knew a formula; boosting, drifting, crashing, going really fast and in control of our routes, they are in Paradise, but due to the new engine, it's not really the same type of game, and on the Podcast they said as much. They had to say as much because they could see and feel the difference as they built it, since a good number of the designers built and played the others before, maybe not to the extent we at Burnoutaholics have, but enough to warn us, that it is different.

I even asked the question what was the difference on the forums, got the jibs etc, but they did start to show us with the videos of the map design, car design, bike design, and this version is better, sorry Revengers, but then I am taking about the engine not the game play, which completely different, kettle of fish! It is Next Gen from a technical stand point.

So these designer built the Map, Paradise City, which has all the run of the mill stuff you find in most areas of the real world with all the mis-en-scene, road markings, lamp posts, fire hydrants, grass, water, windows, signs, traffic lights etc the list is huge, can't remember, but I think it was 6000k worth of familiar stuff, we all know belongs in the world of driving about; by the way mis-en-scene (even after writing essays about it is probably spelt wrong) is a word the French use for staging in Film, it's what is put on a stage or a set to make that area look believeable to us, the veiwer/gamer.

Of course, in Paradise, these are all built out of Pollygons, pixels or something else (I did learn some new words at the GCA at the Key Speechs, and the use of triangles, shaders etc but they are in my bag on the other side of the room, lol) etc, but part of a computer code, via a program like C/C++,  C#, etc and 3D, 2D builders just alot of stuff, maybe even Flash and they all have to have the right colours and textures, so we as a gamer, know that yes that is a road, it has the look, feel (via driving over it), texture, the white and yellow lines, the Stop line etc, so we know they have built us a road.

They then have to build the cars, and they go into a lot of detail with these, on Revenge they were just sort of sliding boxes with a texture put over the top, well it's more that but less than when compared to Paradise. Now they have crumple zones, four wheels, that are independant, stuff that falls off, and a hell of a lot more, see I hardly know anything here, but some of you know what goes into a game, of this type, so you can see where i'm coming from.

But what you see, how it moves, how it reacts with the enviorment, other types of cars, on the road, paths, ramps, dirt, in the air, all has to be worked out, and this all is restricted or opened up by the engine that Criterion have built, and way different from film making, as film uses the human machine, until the CGI stuff, and way more easier to manipulate, though both use math to some degree, I have to measure light, the code for light in game must be a huge type of formula, obviously a code, sort of the same thing, really! But one uses the ral thing the other comes from someones idea and is then created, and each creator of a game has a different point of view, of how light should look!

So Paradise is different to Revenge because of the code used, so that code to us as a game player is a restriction (i spelt one of these wrong up above, i'll try and find it in a proof read sorry, fixed), because it is different, and that is what i was getting at with my question at the dog house forums. What is different, between the games, Xandu did it for the other games previously, but he has not tackled Paradise yet, or I have not seen it?

A Revenge Racer in both games is the comparison, I can use, though it has been a while since i used both (see now, is when i miss my Xbox), but in Revenge, apart from the Boost glitch/bug, the Revenge Racer in R (keeping it shortend as this is turning into a long one) drifts in an arc, and is just affected by the whole shape of the car, like a box on a slippery surface (per say because its not really like that as anyone can say if you have played the game), while in P, the car is affected by the four wheels, touching the ground, which changes as you go over different surfaces. True there are different surfaces in R, but they do a different effect (do i use an 'e' or an 'a' with these words, but you get the drift, 'Oh, I told another joke', with a pun on words, lol) to the handling, but as a whole shape of the car, not the wheels!

Also since there is a physics engine in P, the car will also be affected, so on some drifts the car, would jump about if you turn too much, and twist the car and it's shape, which may lead to a loss in control. In R you were affected by the scenary, and other cars, and rarely by the car it's self, though the Black Elite racer, would explode off the While Mountain jump when trying to drift jump or even a large jump without the drift, so there was some physics there somewhere. But in P it really does effect the way you drive on so many levels. And this comes from the engine.

Now since there is a difference, P is sort of harder to play when coming from the older games, and R is an easy game when you compare it to any of others before it, with the use of traffic checking, which is another physics that is different in P. I have issuse with the traffic in P, and not because of R, but because of BO3 or TD, for lovers of that game. P and TD should in theory, be the same type of game when driving, you avoid traffic, or you crash, but in TD you can side swipe a car, even a bus, but it can mean death but normally you just skim along it and drive away! It can happen on revenge too. On P you hit a car and the loss of control, is very upsetting, you can't skim along you just bounce off into the other traffic and crash, which I do find frustrating, but this again is due to the engine that is P, will it be sorted, I hope so but then again it affects us all, so we do have an equal playing field.

I will get back on topic and I hope you have enjoyed the Gamers Studio so far, and no I am not James Lipton but you get the idea.

I will continue this but Dad just called and I have to be at the pub in 1/2 hour, but I do want to continue with what I am doing, so will be back for a edit session as well as this is going is strange direction and i need to hold it together, but please comment if you wish of what I said so far or any ideas you may have, cya laters.

So I'm back done some proof reading and corrected some stuff, and I realised I started this comment about Alex and his appearence on the forums and started to rabble on about Game making from the point of view of a gamer and a student film maker and some little research I have done, but with Alex in mind, I was trying to get in the mind set of a game developer, with just playing the games he made, what he has said or written and my general knowledge of the Burnout games. So all I have written is theory, or as Mel Brooks wrote for the film 'History of the World Pt1' about philosophers as a guy who just s'tihsllub, lol. Oh, had a nice Curry too! With these baked battered mushrooms stuffed with peppers and onion, was nice with a coconut sauce, and they were only just created the last time I had a curry 3 weeks ago, or so Paul says, the guy who runs the kitchen, this is at the Bar Bar Black Sheep, plug, and me saying what i will say below, but had to give a reason why I left this blog half done, lol.

So Alex is clearing up and taken some control as he is the voice of authority, for all the Burnout games, and the forums are looking good, shame we lost some of our posts, but is was going a bit pear (soggy in the middle)shapped over there, I'm glad I sort of have a home here, though my Motto rant was a bit OTT and may have cost me my home, but that was worse in my eyes than Welcome to Paradise, lol. I have said sorry and doing it here, but i just saw red, especially after the 4 hours of coming up with other ones after people complained about a Burners Paradise, and I thought Zombie wrote those ideas down, some were lame, but sorry Zombie way better that that heart boost one, my fingers burn writting it, lol.

But since Alex has popped up, I would think it would be a good idea if he did keep it up, as well as Ian, Matt, Jez, and others and they do a week or day each, doing a blog, like Bungie and some other emerging gaming houses are doing, games are about community now, communication is key to fans of their games, they started the Year of Paradise and should try and keep that up, I know it's new to them, and can't be easy as you work at a game, but they don't have to write about the game, they could talk about Craig's, strange food habits etc.

Some game news would be cool, but since some ideas are best left wrapped till released, for the shock and awe value, to the consumer and gamer, but being open is how this started, true some people jumped all over it, and sort of ruined it for others, but now once bitten, twice shy, is what people about dogs do, not a gaming house that does have it's gamers, by the sllab, for any sort of news, lol. But not many people can fight human mob behavior, but what has happened is a good stop gap till something else can be done to deal with some of the stuff that has happend, not keen on some people trying to advertize stuff not even related to games?! And on a site that children use, don't people have any morals.

I enjoyed the developers game playing videos, it was fun, funny and showed the game how they played it, and we need more of that, and we see who does what etc, Crash TV is great, but we need more of the guys like the early Podcasts, just capture that flavour of the guys and gals community at work.

Sadly, and sorry but I have lost my train of thought, The History channel is showing some 360 view battles of the Pacific in WW2, about the Japanese Kamakasi (sp) Rocket Propelled Planes, these things travelled at 500 mph, with a 2,600 lb boom on it's nose, one even went so fast that it went through a battle ship, and blow up on the other side of the ship!

So I will be back, and sorry for the mixture of stuff being said in this comment, but it is a comment, lol.



Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

kevlar0's picture

Dude your gonna have do less words. I think i'll try the just using the first letter for words as well, try this: s i a k g w w f t m w, wow a full sentence in the blink of an eye, cool.

Right then thats your C.V sorted, I think Mr Ward should be suitable impressed. My knowledge of gaming programming is quite limited compared to you know-it-alls, with your c++ and all that techie stuff(er), but what i do know, is that when i play a game on my console the last thing going through my head is the complexity of the game engine (and i'm guessing its quite wordy and took lots of man hours to create), all I see is the world that has been created for me, just for me alone, screaming past me at a million pixels per second, gripping me beyond the realms of reality, thirty years of gaming experience and still no idea about the ins and outs on how it works (although i did do some simple progamming on the spectrum((my current job don't count in this equation fish. kettles. different. (((got that one off alex lol))))).

Anyhoo STUFFEY, comment my ar5e, kin War and peace more like, and dont get me started on your toilet article, and if you must know i use my left hand to wipe my ar5e, then lick my fingers clean, mmmmmm chocolatly goodness, only second to brown cake.

my dog ate my disc.

SUFFUR's picture

AS I can't work out what 's i a k g w w f t m w' means so a translation anyone, though Kev has the Dribbly Code to unlock it I assume, locked in a bottle of Stella, lol.

And yes again I started something, thats on my mind, and just write it down, but hey it's not like I'm getting paid, and it is a comment, and even if i blogged it, it's just a blog, but my interviews seem to be the bread and butter, from some of the word of mouth comments i have received.

I wanna make films darn it, but I write here so i'll sit down and write a script I can sell.

This is all just practice, fun, good to get a comment and make some people laugh, with my wordings.

I have picked up the idea of making a game, because Alex said that is where the money is, in media consumption of today. The games industry is bigger than movies now, and way bigger then the music one.

Lots of money, me not saying I don't want to be a millionare, I just want a job, in the field I like and love, films, games and books. I thought of a book, and have a great idea for a film, but making a game?

Do I make a Fable adventure (like a film tie in), or a Car driving shooter (as that is the type of game i want to play), or try and find something no-one has thought of?

If that code is my CV, I can fit it on my Business Card, lol.


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Jinno Angelo's picture

Dude Im deducing from this that that reply was at least 3-4 pages long. Its about the same length as the guide I created and that took a day to create........For Goodness sake's man, I really do not want to read anymore essays or books unless my grades depend on it......ROFLMAO!!!!

You must have a lot of free time Suffur, or you must just write down what pops into your head even if its off-topic.....


"Take the light, undarken everything around me." "Call the clouds and listen closely I'm lost without you." "Call your name every day when I feel so helpless." "I've fallen down but I'll rise above this, rise above this."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).