Gaming and Politics

I am in a dilemma...

I recently looked through my friends list and noticed one of my American friends had changed their gamer pic and bio. Their gamer pic is promoting McCain for President, and in their bio they call for McCain-Palin '08. This really shocked me, as it is the polar opposite of my own political views.

I have always classed myself as a socialist, and recently took the Political Compass test and was in exactly the same spot on the compass as the Dalai Lama.

My dilemma is this; should I remove this person from my friends list, because of their political beliefs? Or, perhaps I should keep my political views away from my gaming, as I have done up until now?


ichienkai's picture

There are people out there that would say the fronts for the Government in any country are puppets working for a higher degree of power and I would say that's true to some extent - me owd Mum taught me never to argue about Politics, Sex Or Money and yes that stands (cheers Ma) because you can't make a tangible difference - the powers that are and the powers that will be will always be the powers that are, make sense? In that light, what does it really matter who gets in power and who doesnt when the bigger picture tells a perfectly different story?  I would say keep this friend on your list Zom, politics in this country or that are excruciatingly laughable

--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ZombieTron's picture

I hear what you are saying Ichi, and I do agree to some extent, that it doesn't make a lot of difference who you vote for cos the outcome is pretty much the same regardless.

But, I can't help thinking about a line to one of my favourite songs "I feel like a hypocrite, talking to you.. you and your racist friend" I guess it is more that I don't know how in good conscience I can be "friends" with someone who so openly supports the republican party and everything they stand for.

ichienkai's picture

Which song do they come from?  I liked them!  Maybe the friend in question is confused, they would think you confused for thinking opposite of course which is why I don't argue about politics as it's just a silly word. Let them run with it and prove them wrong eventually - it means nothing but do it for the fun of it?  Will a Black man ever get into power in the US is a furious question! 

--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ZombieTron's picture

is "Your Racist Friend" by They Might Be Giants. You can hear it on YouTube HERE so now you get an idea of my musical tastes  as well as my political stance!

ichienkai's picture

You know... I hate the Radio and when the guys I work with insist on playing Radio 1 I get the urge to decapitate them with a spoon - upon hearing that song my immediate reaction was to KILL someone by spoon lol Great words tho! Did you watch Rec yet Zom?

--Bootleg is a window lickin' stalker--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

ZombieTron's picture

No, I haven't watched it yet, but I will get around to it one day!

Gooner Rhyle's picture

A persons political beliefs are just that...beliefs. In the same way you shouldn't think less of people because of their religious views you shouldn't allow a persons political stance to influence your opinion of them as a person.

I find people who agree with me all the time a little dull sometimes, but someone who can be thought provoking (whether I agree with them or not) is always entertaining.

Remember - if it wasn't for the Republican party there would be no Eric Cartman.

SUFFUR's picture

I hope it's chips, it's chips...

The news over here is the 24 hour kind, and all I see is these candidates, getting the ssip taken out of them, today it was Moose, pigs and lip stick, a gun hoe VP female, with her own action figures than seem rejects from the Spice Girls days, sorry when your politics make a circus look fun, why bother, with the climate of everyone lossing their homes, jobs, and that American way of life, seeing this rubbish on TV must be very frustrating, I would vote for Hillary, even when she aint running, because she could put up with Bill, she could do anything, plus the moose would come to her die at her feet after it undressed its self. Games and Politics are the same thing, these dayz.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

oO EezO Oo's picture

Oh dang I can't stand that.   Political views aside, the eggbox should be for playing video games, not giving stump speeches on.  Keep that crap out of my video game face.  I green up the xbox to get away from all that stuff.  Its bad enough I gotta see all the mudslinging ads invade every damn tv show, but now its on my console?  I'm gonna vote for Donkey Kong just to cheese em all off.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


ZombieTron's picture

I just popped into the Ambassadors forum, I don't go often, but every now and then I will pop in to see what is going on.

There is a thread advocating putting your candidates gamerpic up, and updating your bio in order to encourage more people in the US to take an active part in the democratic process as part of the "Rock The Vote" campaign.

I guess if that is the purpose, I can't argue with it.

Quite a few Ambassadors have their candidates on their cards, Trixie is going to vote for Obama, so I guess that balances things out.

Still makes me feel sick knowing that people vote republican  but, I do strongly believe that EVERYBODY living in a democratic society should exercise their right to vote, or to abstain in a meaningful way instead of just not voting cos they can't be bothered.

If like Ichi said, you don't see the point cos the outcome will be the same, write that on your voting slip, or deface your voting slip in whatever way you see fit, but whatever you do... VOTE!

SUFFUR's picture

Was going to forum this but since it is an established blog, putting it here, I don't want to start a war, so please take my views as the usual rubbish, I normally write, ok, Disclaimer posted, lol.

Only going by what I see and hear mind, and I have not voted for many, many years, I have an opinion true, when I could, or was bothered, as I know where ichi is coming from, I voted for the Green Party in the UK, when I could, so thats my politcal view as an English man, because for more than 30 years I knew we were wrecking the world with polution. I was an oil kid, and I saw rigs burn off gas, everyday, that was equivalent to several rain forests, yes every day! But because oil was cheap per barrel like less than $10, it was not worth collecting, that has changed now because oil is $100 a barrel, so it is cost effective to make even more money. But the money from that $100 a barrel pays for the technology to get it, and does enfluence other energy resourses, like wind, solar, bio-fuels, tides, currents and nuclear. I think G. W. Bush Jr and probably Sr. was influenced by oil companies, and from their money.

If we collected that gas then and just on the gas alone, we could have possibly had 300 years of energy from that!

Oil is not just for our cars, its uses is for clothes, plastics, medicine, you name it oil is in it somewhere, and we are burning it all up in our cars to go to the drive in, a 2 minute walk in most cases!

One of the reasons I drive virtual cars, lol, via Burnout.

Now if I was American and had a vote, and still the person I am, but as I am not someone who lives in the US of A, your vote has that as an influence by, you liveing there as it is your home, family, community, area that you live, who you know, at home and across the world, because if you are reading this you are on Xbox Live or the PSN, so you must communicate with people outside of the US, well I hope you do? (I must go more into that, as I have met some people on Live, that just don't really have a clue, due to ignorance, nievatie (sp) or just plain stupidity, outside the bubble of their room, they have their Xbox or PlayStation in, sadly. The internet was supposed to make the World smaller with understanding and knowledge, but Porn won, sadly, and almost did in Italy when a female porn star went for a politcal office, lol.)

So have been watching the debates, sadly I missed the VP one, and was looking forward to it, as Jimmy Kibble or was it Leno, did a funny clip about it, saying 'Debate tonight, between Palin and Biden, starts at 19.00 and finishes at 19.05', which i thought was very funny considering.

So we have two men fighting for the living space at that house on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and leader of the really expensive, but they say free world. And they have picked their running mates, for Vice Presidents and where do they live by the way? That was never covered in the West West or Commander in Chief, lol. Oh other films that influence me are Wag the Dog, All the Presidents Men, Good Night, Good Luck and others, true some are dramatized for the viewer, but based from some truth. And truth can be stranger than fiction.

One man is black (well that is how he is sold in the news and interweb and word of mouth, I assume African-American is more polictically correct, sorry if any offence was taken, by the brothers and sisters, and I see people as human beings, yeah we all look different, have different colours of skin and is still an issuse across this world! Religion is another big killer of people, and that has been going on for thousands of years, and has had nothing to do with skin colour, see Africa for that. Hotel Rawanda can show this, if you have never been. And no I have not, maybe one day I will.) and in his 50's, the other is white and in his 70's.

Their running mates, one is white and in his 60's and the other is a white female and in her 50's (and in the Mail Online they say is related to Princess Diana and Democrat hero President Franklin D Roosevelt!) The others have probably got family trees linking to other famous people in history and probably influences a vote too! Even their wives/husbands and children influence the vote!

I don't know if any of them have any Native American in them. Though Mrs. Palin may have some Eskimo?

Barak Obama and Joe Biden are Democrats and John McCain and Sarah Palin are Republicans. Hey, I am not really sure about this, but just reading some stuff, does the Vice President have to be in the same party? I know the West Wing showed it was possible.

Now people are influenced by so many things about a potential President, Race, Religion, Service Record (have they fought for thier country or not, or at least trained for it {WWII and the United Nations and League of Nations and WWI, was supposed to make this moot, but sadly in todays world, it is still important} enough people have suffured and we still not learned our lessons, does a President have to know someone who has died in a battle to be eligible?).

Education, where they live, who they know (see networking is important! Know the right people you can become president, one of the reasons G. W. Bush Jr. got in! Oh, and his Dad and his friends. And for almost all Presidents; I have shaken that mans/womens hand, so he must be my friend, he's got my vote, or he kissed my child/baby I trust him {though put in another context, I would phone the police, sorry, no, that is not funny but I'm suffur, and I type this type of stuff and I just did}.), what work they do, what they say, how they carry themselves, what they earn, what they stand for, thier opinions, and what they don't like, and 1000's of different other factors.

And because people run for President or even for any political position though out most of the world, everything about them is available to the public, via the internet, and other places where it can be placed like Libraries, etc. Including their finances.

And when people vote, they do so, influenced by the media, what they see or hear, what their friends think, stuff I said above and political views. An informed opinion, as you will! Well you would hope so.

People are even effected by, what tax bracket they are in, or if they are ill and need treatment!

I am glad I have a National Health Service (not sure how long for), America does not due to Tricky Dicky allowing Privatization during his office, See Sicko people, and travel to Cuba, for treatment, :0. There should be a World National Heath service, that you don't need insurance for, full stop!

In America I assume there is more than 2 parties, (the UK has quite a few, like the Loony Party!) but it seems to come down to Democrat and Republican at the end of the day, hey, I may be wrong, maybe it is only the two! And this has been going on for over 200 years for America since the civil war, and 1000's for other countries, though most going that far back it's not an election but a new King or Queen, or Priminister or all 3 these days or the church/relgion.

Of course the only people that get a vote are American citizens, no matter what race, creed or back ground, as long as they are not mad/crazy certified, in prison and some other exceptions, oh and over 18!

Hence why Rock the Vote, was created as most young people don't vote, what do they care, they are busy at college, working, to stoned or drunk hence having a good time and other reasons, like why vote for an old person, that is not in touch with me and my world etc. Rock the Vote does try to explain how it relates to you, and it just takes a little bit of your time to read about it, and from there you have your choice, to vote or not, but make sure they know you do or don't like the above with what Zombie said, with a recorded non-vote, or someone will steal your vote! Florida anyone?

As these people are congress men/women (is women used, has that changed to man like actor and not actress, anymore, and again all to do with a pay check), even their work there is an influence, how they voted, what they have proposed, now since I am not an America I don't really have a clue what they did in their pasts, other than via their Bio's, read them as this can influence your vote.

A vote can even be changed if any of the canidates have made a mistakes in thier pasts or just spent too much of the American Budget or supposedly wrongly.


Now going by what I have seen I would go with Barack Obama, one because he is African-American, and I think Black American History is one of those reasons behind that for me. He is younger, so nearer in touch with youth, his family came from another part of the World, so he can think Internationally, without starting a War, believes in other energy needs over oil, but there is probably oil money in his campain somewhere. He knows, to get World Peace, he will come or go to the mountain or Mohamed, to talk to someone about it. It's words between people without conditions, that may save us all, yes there is probably more to it, but at least he wants to try, which is more than most people.

History is supposed to teach us a lesson, not plot revenge, war must stop, as people are making money out of dead humans, children and destruction of places to live and resources, and we need to start this now, and it should have been yesterday. Ok there are some people that will kill us, for any reason or not, as some cases maybe, but we are talking coutries here, not individuals, or groups of extremists, and if they got the bit between their teeth, nothing will stop them, until they exterminate themselves, saddly some of us have to go with them due to collateral damage (I hate that but ... maybe another time?), and Obama wants to stop them anyway he can, as long as it is just them!

With McCain, this guy in my eyes is still in the Cold War, and seems to want to start it up again, so we have another enemy to fear, and have alerts on TV about, there is no such thing as selling good news, because bad is so much easier! And that has controled us for to long, FEAR! And this guy is late on in his years, he could pass away in term, and what have you got, a Female President, that has only just got a Passport, has been living in Alaska, and hunts and dresses moose. I'm not saying she is completely out of touch, but she is a house wife, and seems good at that maybe that is what America needs, a mother! I really need to have watched that debate, will search YouTube.

Joe Biden, seems like a interesting fellow, but in this race, he had to be picked, as Hilary Clinton, would have been a good pick to go against Sarah Palin, as she has been in the White House and knows what is invovled and saved her Husband's, Bill's, ssa loads of times, lol, I also said that in an above comment, lol.

I know with age comes wisdom, and all these people are over 1/2 a century old, so they have seen a lot more than me and are in places of power to know way more than me, so I could not be President, and yes people when I was a kid travelling in America, I wanted to be The President Of The United States Of America, but then when I flew on a plane to go over there, I though America was the Moon!? But I was in New Orleans at the time and at the age of 8/9 and seeing all the strip clubs, I thought it was wrong and if President Kennedy, would not do something about, I would! By the way this was in 1978 and the President was Jimmy Carter. See even at that age, I was not sure of anything, nothing has changed today, lol, but still knew about Kennedy and he had been dead for 15 years, 7 years before I was born!

So the fact that Xbox Live has jumped on the Election race, in association with Rock the Vote, is a good thing! I know some people don't like it and I feel for you, I hate Politics for so many reasons too, but I have a friend Brokendisk, who I think should be President, I don't agree with everything he says, by a long shot, but I think he would shake up the World to it's core, because he is so different, maybe it would not all be good, but I have been told it's good to be President and have him as a friend, too ;)!

So if you can vote, do it! Really you should, put down your controller, in November, this year 2008 and vote, or not lol.

It may take an hour or two (with research too!) out of your life every 4 years or so, but only you, through your chosen President can change the World for the better and your country! And it's your country, The President is your spokesman/person/women and the people that work under them.

And one way or another, he could be African-American, the same age as your grandad, or a woman when grandad passes. And they have their keys to your money, the Button and a face for the rest of the World to look at and hate (sadly) or like (hopfully) but influence how the rest of the World maybe like in the future! And feel about you?! Yes it's true, after Bush got in, we lowered our opinion of the American people, sorry, but I Love the ones I met so far, lol. Well the ones on my friends list anyway;) and met on my travels anyway.

Oh and some big companies can influence their staff on who to vote for, for reasons of tax breaks and other reasons, yes it's true!

But hey, should I care, I already said I don't vote, and I'm not American, and don't even know what I am talking about, but maybe you could know or don't, comment or not?

America, Kcuf Yeah!

And don't let my opinion influence you people either, I just like Obama. Find your own, have I said that enough now for some of you to do so, or are you too young to vote anyway, lol. Gamers are kids, some on the outside, but always on the inside, no matter what age.

PS any typo's may cause me coming across very wrongly, but hey you knew that when you saw the Suffur, wrote this lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

SUFFUR's picture

I have just seen, some news, and going by that, a lot of money should be spent on education!

McCain is hitting walls of ignorence, some of his voters think Obama, is an Arab and a terrorist and associate's with terrorists, and McCain's tribe can't really use that sort of information for 'dirty tricks', a rightly so. And if they do, well I hope people notice, and report it!

I am glad McCain, corrected the lady, that Obama is not an Arab (sorry to my friends, or not, who are from Saudi Arabia), but I was hoping that the American Public would know, that to be a President in America, you have to be born there, and not from some other country.

Some voters will not vote because they think the runners associate, with terrorists, so why did Bush Jr. get back in, there is enough evidence to say he was friends with the Binladin family, way before his second term!

Please Dear next President, take the money off the rich, via taxes, and spend it all on Education and Health!

Dear the Rich of America, use your Tax Breaks and put it into Schools and Hospitals, name them after you and yours and make it cheap or even free to use them , you are not going to be buired in Pyramids, so you can't take it with you, and take half your 'nest egg, lol' out and spend it on your countries future!

All the rich should do this, no-one needs more than a Billion Dollars in savings? Do they? 1/2 a billion would be fine in truth, but then how much does it take to live in 10 houses across the world and pay the bills, and visit them, each year? Buy a big boat and make it green, and float from city to city, lol. But then you probably have more than one boat too!

I can't really knock the rich they do spend it, but we do need more education and heath problems sorting, and the governments can't seem to get it right as yet. Help them and don't make a profit on them, please.

Hey what do I know, I'm poor compared, but rich in other things, but no-one should starve or be uneducated or sick in this world! Get this right, and the rest will follow, true some sdratsab out there, with no morals, that are money grabbing,*&#%'$, but even with the money issues we have now, we can get this right, as the future is all we got, and if we save and educate, someone from this could save us all, the kid, that has had a chance to think, I has a plan to put humanity, safe in the universe.


Sorry people it just made me sick to see some stuff we see on TV, one of the reasons I don't watch it at home. I know the world is dekcuf, but someone,  and all of us should try to change this! Starting yesterday! And it's more than money, but it helps!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? Ignorance will kill us all!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Jinno Angelo's picture

I vote for Dave and Chuck the Freak ........ 89X in 08!



"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor!..... My Bullet Punishes All, Without Distinction!!"

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

ZombieTron's picture

Especially as EA have now accepted ad's in Paradise for the Obama campaign:

Jinno Angelo's picture

Degradation of an already shitey game .. EA has completely lost my respect... My vote goes to McCain....


"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor!..... My Bullet Punishes All, Without Distinction!!"

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

ZombieTron's picture

At least Obama has heard of video games. McCain must be about 700 years old!

PsychedelicBabe's picture

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....

......yeah im covering the Obama Campaign ads in Burnout for my 1st official FRONT PAGE article over on XLN........

edit: heres the link to my 1st featured article .........

Jinno Angelo's picture

"Releasing Control Art Restriction Systems, approval of Situation A recognized. Commencing the Cromwell invocation. Ability restrictions lifted for limited use until the enemy has been rendered silent."


"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor!..... My Bullet Punishes All, Without Distinction!!"

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Jinno Angelo's picture

If your in the UK, as a UK citizen, and the you cant vote in the US Elections, Why do you take it so personally if someone else votes for a candidate that you yourself cant vote in the matter?


"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor!..... My Bullet Punishes All, Without Distinction!!"

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

ZombieTron's picture

The choice of the US president doesn't only affect the US. It affects the whole world.

If George W Bush wasn't re-elected, we wouldn't have had a 2nd war in Iraq, and the UK wouldn't have lost the young men and women that we lost in that campaign, this is just one example of how US choices affect all of us, the current world wide financial crisis is another example, oh and global warming is another good one.

I don't take it personally, and I was just joking about removing you.... but I do lose a lot of respect for people who choose to vote for McCain, who voted for George W Bush, and who vote for Tax Cuts over Education, Health Care, Peace and Environmental concerns.

Especially if your reason for voting McCain is because Obama advertises in Burnout Paradise?! That's just crazy! If you are gonna choose to vote Republican at least do it because your a war loving gun toting patriotic greedy ignorant redneck, and not cos of ad's in Paradise!

But, what do I know, I'd be considered a commie by republican standards.

Rofer's picture

lets go play some burnout!!

PsychedelicBabe's picture

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one.... 

i couldnt agree with you more Rofer thats one of the reasons i havent participated in personally it has no effect on me or my life whatsoever *i hope*...... anyone on here got the COD5 World at War beta?......if so hit me up i need familiar faces to play it with?................i also have the EndWar beta if anyone has that


Jinno Angelo's picture

Yup thats it, I love war cause Im greedy and it gets my business going.... Seriously, your very much a Democrat. A hardcore one at that, and any means by trying to get you to vote on the Republicans is fruitless. But if Gore did the exact same thing as Bush, would you have said vote for Obama anyway?

And it seems to me that your blaming the US for everything. Everything. Even Global Warming? Yet what people fail to realize is that the US spends Billions and Billions of dollars out there and is now in debt to help a lot of countries in the world. Thats one thing that has been overshadowed by just about every problem being blamed on the US. I wonder, if the US stopped sending money out there, would other countries still ask for it? And would the US be blamed again for not helping? Whats a country to do when you send aid out you still get blamed and when you dont send any out you still get blamed?

Its just kind of interesting how your really into it and the fact that you said people who vote for McCain just lost a lot of your respect. Thats like me saying, Zombie you lost a lot of my respect because you dont have fast lap times. You see where Im getting at? Its just a little arrogant to be saying that cause someone else doesnt really see your views and opinions in the same light.

Instead of saying that Im a war loving, gun toting redneck, you should have just said that you lost respect for me cause hes voting Republican cause Sarah Palin is one Hot VP!! That would have been a better line..


"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor!..... My Bullet Punishes All, Without Distinction!!"

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Aaboe's picture

Ok, I normally *never* talk politics, as I've been taught by my mom not to discuss that with friends, but now I kinda have to.

zom, you're right in a lot of ways, especially on the point that what happens in the US effects others greatly. The Kyoto aggreement went down because the shrub didn't want to cut down on power use in the USA. Therefore we keep having big problems with green house effect, and the US keeps having rolling blackouts due to excessive power use. The gas prices are sky high everywhere BUT the US because they keep loving their gas guzzling killer cars (they're not even that fast! Try putting a Porsche up against one of their lookers and see the dust!).

Personally I, as a company owner in Denmark, are hit on the wallet by things in US. Most European countries have sanctions against the US due to the foreign politics of the US, which means that I get hit with a penalty import tax for importing shoes and boots from the US. 12% extra tax is something you can feel, trust me.

And yes, first, last and always, the senseless war which costs millions if not billions of dollars, takes young lives, digs a big hole in the US economy, and for what? To show that they're the bigger bully? It certainly doesn't exactly make peace there. At the same time, at home in the US, you have people who are morbidly obese due to bad food being the only stuff they can afford, have to go sick cos they can't afford a doctor and/or treatment, can't read, doesn't have a place to live or any other thing that we in Europe take pretty much for granted.

And my pessimism in the lobbyism in the US is big enough that I fear that status quo will be maintained and McCain will win. The old ocmpanies and the gun-loving persons (not the ones *going* to the war, mind you) will see to that. And the world will be left to weep at the result.

And here I say with rofer... let's go play some BO and ignore *that* place over there until next we *have* to.




ZombieTron's picture

I have been discussing this a little over at Criter's forums too, due to the Obama ad's there is a thread over there about it.

The best quote was this one from Bill Hicks, which I think is what Ichi was saying above:

"I'll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here. "I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs." "I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking." "Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding out both puppets!" "Shut up! Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control. Here's Love Connection. Watch this and get fat and stupid. By the way, keep drinking beer, you effing morons."

I LOVE BILL HICKS  such a great comedian... the best! and still as relevant today as when he died 14 years ago. And awesome as that quote is, I prefer this one:

"...I'm gonna share with you a vision that I had, cause I love you. And you feel it. You know all that money we spend on nuclear weapons and defense each year, trillions of dollars, correct? Instead -- just play with this -- if we spent that money feeding and clothing the poor of the world -- and it would pay for it many times over, not one human being excluded -- we can explore space together, both inner and outer, forever in peace."  

SUFFUR's picture

And I will miss him alot! Comedy, for me is the way to stop us from crying, and he did not die, that long ago, I'm sure it was more recent, than 14 years? But he was angry and thought about us and our world, that is so similar to how I think. Though he thought it first mind if you get me, lol, and others before him too. He just did something about it though, through his stage work! I just feel sad, that he smoked to get back at America, if you get me, you made these death sticks and I'm going to smoke as many as I can, to prove they kill you! And they did!

But he did try to have fun along the way, I'm sure of that, and though he may have had regrets, he did not really show it, like his excess, but he did regret not getting to enough people to hear his point of view. George Carlin, Richard Pryor, and many others tried so hard to put strong point of view across, that if they did it via normal means, they would have been imprisoned, instead using the freedom of speech, through comedy. Hey they did try with normal and not normal means and did get into trouble, but they wanted to help however they could. But they did do some bad things too, so they were no anglels either.

Spike Muligan was another tormented soul, whom I will miss. He even commited himself, and this guy was a genius, an amazing mind! 

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? Oop, I farted and added to the world problems, that Kyoto agreement can be a bummer! But I would look silly with a bottle up my ssa!

And just a search and sadly he did go that long ago, it seemed like yesterday, anyway stole a quote from his site, and I don't take acid, but I get this way of thinking (maybe I am naturally on acid):

“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here’s Tom with the weather.”

And it's hot and humid, and I'm writing a story/screen play about a A girl called Faye, 'Faye the Queen of the Jungle', why because it is time to write something, I have had over a year of practice, and thought I should type something, I still see it as practice so might as well try it and see. And no it's is none of any of the ideas I have thought up, starting from scratch as it were, to see where it will take me?


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Aaboe's picture

The stuff about Bill Hicks (yes, I also researched him in wikipedia) made me think of a quite good song/stand up comedy act that was very popular around the *last* election... Lazyboy with "Underwear goes on the inside". It says a lot also about today's US. If you haven't heard it before, here's where you can hear it.



SUFFUR's picture


It's great news, and now it's all over, now the wait for finals, and him being inaugerated, and in true power in Feb or is it Jan, the world has changed, and a historic event.

I have been watching different news channels, CNN, CNBC and the BBC, all had their Bias, but thats what the media does, and yes they are pushing the African American card etc, A Black President, seems like a news worthy thing, and part of the History. Ok, but he is an American man, and leave it at that. One day a woman will be in power? Really it will happen!

It has been said that a lot of Republicans would not vote because Obama is an African American, so low vote scores, from them, and a lot of young people voted, Democrates and wanted change too, they want a future, and Obama seems the man to change America. And it has, he is President, that is Change, end off, hopefully the rest of the world will follow suit.

Now we will watch to see what he does from next year, as America and the rest of the world needs change and help, with finance, education, heath, and hopefully peace. And this may be the start of this road.

I am happy for America, and for me, people I know, and the world, to see this happen in my life time.

And to see Jesse Jackson Crying almost made me cry too.

I also looks like a Land slide, but I don't know enough to prove that.

And McCain is not a bad man, his bow out speach was a great one, respect to that man, and he knows America needs to see Africa Americans are just that, Americans, end of, he did his best to educate his followers, that Obama is a good man. Go America! KCUF YEAH!

Well enough, welcome to the New World people, lets hope this is a good ride for us, into the future.

Now Sarah Palin, needs a space in the White House, as Education Minister (it's something else, but what do I know, I'm just a Media Creature) or something else, she does have a presence, that should be used, for the good of America!

I do ramble and talk some rubbish, bye!


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? I breath a sigh of relief, as I was holding my breath for this.

Now the Secret Service have a lot of work cut out for them and have done so for almost 2 years, saddly, Eddie Murphy, Spoofed this in one of his stand up shows, Delirious (sp) or RAW, in the 80's, may have been funny then, but now a reality, and not so funny. I'm not a religious (SP) man, but I look up, and ask to keep this man safe and the world, through him. I should say keep my fingers crossed, but thats superstition too, oops I bad.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Jinno Angelo's picture

Hey Zombs, I remember you getting wiled up about this topic when I said I will vote for McCain...

The truth is: I voted for the other guy....


"Remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).