RROD - take 3

This day is just getting better!

Now for the third time my Xbox 360 has suffered from the Red Rings of Death!

It is only a few months out of the years warranty with Gamestation, so will need to be sent back to M$ for repair.

The timing isn't too bad tho, as we are off on holiday to Norway for a couple of weeks soon, and in the meantime we still have Xandu's 360 so we can share, although that's not really ideal! I haven't been playing much online lately anyways so you may not notice my absence too much.

Enjoy playing without me, and I hope to be back soon!


Xedec's picture

oh sad!! i feel for you im moving to california tomorrow and i havent been online for a few months now because my parents sold my xbox ugh thank god im moving lol


(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

Jinno Angelo's picture

What do you all do to your 360s?.... I have two 360s and Ive had them for close to 3 years now since the 360 came out.... NO RRODs.....Im still play and use them both.. 


"Igne Natura Renevatur Integra"

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

ZombieTron's picture

My first 360, which was one of the dodgy early batches, lasted a good long time, it conked out a few months before they announced the FREE fixes for RROD, so I just boxed it up and kept it and instead of shelling out £80 on a repair, I paid £120 for a pre-owned core system from my local Gamestation. This meant I had a 360 straight away and it came bundled with a game, and a wired controller and all the cables.

That one only lasted a couple of weeks tho, so I then exchanged it at the store, so again no waiting to get it fixed.

This one has lasted just over a year for me, but it was pre-owned when I got it, so I don't know what happened to it before I got hold of it. The wierdest thing is that we were watching a Video through the Xbox, then switched it off for a couple of hours, turned it back on again and wam 3 Red Lights. No warnings, just death! I don't do anything to them!!

I can definitely wait for a Microsoft repair this time around, I definitely don't want to pay money to get it fixed, or buy another one!! There's a recession on!!

Xandu's picture

My original XBOX 360 was from the second batch that was manufactured in Dec 2005. It lasted almost 10 months (it died the day after the fall update... I think there might have been a connection). It died when I was watching a dvd. Lots of funny purple lines across the screen... then silence.

Sent it in for repair. This took almost 4 weeks so the day after it died I went out and bought a brand new core system. The store I bought it from has a 30 days - no questions asked return policy. So I returned it after 30 days and the day after I got my premium system back. The xbox started up fine and seemed to work... but after 10 minutes of gameplay the sound was gone. Called Xbox support and they wanted to have it back for repair again... well that was when I lost it . Three days later a brand new Premium system was delivered by DHL. I have never had any problems with the replacement system.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

PsychedelicBabe's picture

....The only way to have a true friend...Is to be one....

yes you read right i have had 8 xboxes and touch wood the one im using now has lasted since the Elite launched and ive had no problems.......4 out of the 8 ive had have had the same problem when ever ive inserted a disc its come up with the white screen and all the japanese script on the screen telling me to insert an original 360 game into the console....2 of them had disc tray problems so everytime i opened the tray i had to duck as the disc would fly out at like 200mph......lmao......and 2 of them had RROD.....so ive had my share of bad luck with them.....luckily i too have always bought my consoles from GAME so the extra warranty is helpful.....same day exchange so no waiting for a new console or a repair......zombie never never buy a reconditioned xbox imho your always going to  be asking for trouble as you said you dont know what has happened to the console before you got it....well hopefully youll be back up and running before the update arrives.......