Practical Driving Test - take one

OK... about time I updated you all on my Driving Lessons, if you haven't been following this for the last year here are my previous Driving Lesson Blogs:

Learning to Drive

Learning to Drive - Update

The Theory Test

Learning to Drive - Update Pt 4

So this is Update Pt 5...

This morning at 11.11am I began my Practical Driving Test, at 11.15am I knew I had failed as I had made the first of 3 serious errors! it's never good when the examiner has to reach over to turn the wheel!! oops!  OK so I made 3 serious faults, going a tad too fast, not planning ahead enough, and generally (well 3 times anyway) being unsafe on the road!  

Other then that tho, it went really well! All of my manouvres were perfect and I only had 3 minor faults!  

My instructor is confident that I can book my test again, as he still thinks I am ready, although my confidence has taken a bit of a hit today.. I know that I have learnt a lot from the mistakes I made, and will look on this test as a dress rehearsal to pass next time around.

In the meantime the L plates are staying on, and the learning continues. Hopefully tho, my next blog about this "Test - take two" will be my last on this subject!


Aaboe's picture

Almost every good driver I know has failed the first test. I see it as a way of learning better what *not* to do. Yes, I also failed my first practical test... and to this day I *still* hate reversing into a parking space!

I just can't get the hang of it... and no, I didn't get traumatized by the test, it's just a fact of life.

Well, at least noone got hurt and hopefully only a few scared moments were spread around. Could have been worse, you know.

On a personal note, I scared the living bejesus outta hubby on the way to Berlin this past Friday, as I completely missed the car in the blind angle on the motorway, and pulled out almost right in front of him. ...oooops... but again, no damage, just some serious adrenaline... and I'm actually an elite driver (no accidents for over 10 years) in RL. I can still miss things, tho.

For you, get it past you, learn from it, and for the next test keep focus and remember the distinction between Burnout and RL.



nismo_TK's picture

First thing... Well done! there are far to many people out there who criticise others driving when they themselves are not up to scratch. So stick at it YOU WILL GET THERE EVENTUALLY

People are different when it comes to cars and driving for younger drivers they have to remember that it isnt school you are not forced to do it and it should be an experience and fun. for older ppl tho they sometimes feel pressured by the 17 year olds in cars all over the place and feel like it was an opportunity they missed. but if ppl get those thoughts out their heads then anyone can pass if they set their mind to it.


Good on ya and GOOD LUCK!!!


change is inevitable... except from a vending machine.

change is inevitable... except from a vending machine.

Rofer's picture

Has inspired me to be a savage driver and potential racer.

YBMASTER's picture

 I am also just learning  to drive right now my test is in a month it seems kinda difficult  cant wait drivin  is so fun 


good luck hope u pass just make sure u dont go near any construction sites or you will want to slam through the yello gates and yell hell yea another smash