What do you expect from the update announcements?

Tomorrow sees the first of 4 update packs for Burnout Paradise to be announced over the next 4 weeks over at CriterionGames.com.

What do you think we can expect from the updates? What are you expecting? What do you think Burnout Paradise needs?

I know the racers would like to see some major changes and improvements to racing, but I don't think they are going to get any.

I know crashers would like to see a return to crash junctions, but I don't think this is gonna happen either.

Are we all going to be dissapointed by the updates? hmmm... here is what we know about the updates so far...

The Island is coming in 2009, I don't think this is one of the 4 new packs to be announced, but it is going to be a stunt playground with no invisible walls. Here is what Criterion Games have to say about the Island:

"The island is roughly the size of Downtown Paradise, but features gameplay unlike any other area in the game. We're running with the mantra "if you can see it, you can drive it" to introduce a new level of freedom to Burnout Paradise, and the island also features some big air jumps - the largest on the game."

So, then there will be packs 4 - 7, what will they contain? All we know so far is from the teaser that was briefly on Criterion Games website. The Party Pack, Toys, Car Icons, Big Surf Island, Cops & Robbers and much, much more. What could these teasers mean?

Party Pack - To me this must mean social games, so more online game modes, co-op freeburn challenges, and other great excuses to get online with your friends.

Toys - This one has me a little baffled? Is this even talking about an update pack? Or are they going to release Burnout Toys in all good toy stores? I know a few people over at the official forums want toy Burnout cars, are they going to get their wish? If this is a game pack, maybe it will be toy style cars to race around Paradise City?? I'm still baffled.. maybe this is a red herring.

Car Icons - I don't get this one either, there has been some talk about this being to do with how the cars look on the mini map?? It doesn't give much away and doesn't sound like an exciting addition... maybe another red herring?

Cops & Robbers - OK this I am less baffled by, it's kinda self explanatory, to me this must be a Road Rage or Marked Man style game mode, but with a cops and robbers vibe. I'm not sure it will be different enough from Road Rage or Marked Man to make it an exciting addition to the game.

None of these 4 teasers seem to indicate true GCC, there is nothing that will dramatically change the game, I'm wondering if Criterion's changes will go far enough? Or if they will go too far?? ?? (we know there probably wont be planes coming to the consoles) 

I can't wait til tomorrow to hear the first announcement, I think that will give us a good indication of what to expect for Burnout Paradise in 2009. I am expecting one of the updates to include online racing for bikes.

I just really hope that one of the updates includes the change I really want to see.... A Fog Off Switch!!


kevlar0's picture

I managed to extract a bit of info out of a source of mine last week, even though he was a bit worse for wear he kept tight lipped, but he let a bit of info out. The upcoming packs are not going to be for hardcore burners like myself and most of the people on this site, but are more aimed at the casual gamer, so it looks like most of the updates are going to be soft and fluffy with a sprinkling of kitten dust. not my cup of stella, but kudos to them for there commitment to the game.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

ZombieTron's picture

Seems you are right Kev, the Party Pack definitely has Casual Gamer stamped on it's forehead. Looks like a giggle tho, but before this announcement I thought all paid for content would be something I would get straight away, now I am not so sure. 

I might get this pack as an impulse purchase if 6 Burnout buddies decide to drop by for an impromptu party I suppose!

I am still really interested and curious as to what the other 3 update packs are going to be!!

Rofer's picture

Do you guys even talk about this game? its all about MIDNIGHT CLUB LAS ANGALES

ZombieTron's picture

so until we change it to MC:LAholics I'm afraid you will have to put up with us talking about Paradise, and other Burnout titles.

I can't wait to get MC:LA now tho, just so I can see why you are so psyched about it. It will need to wait a few weeks tho as I am eggboxless and about to leave the country for a fortnight!

Rofer's picture

Burnout pathetically tried to take midnight clubs open world idea. Midnight club redeemed themselves by proving who is the best.

kevlar0's picture

Rofer why don't you and your irritating little comments kcuf off somewhere else, cause quite frankly you are getting right on my tits. You are not community minded player or member of this website, you have nothing but negative comments on anything but revenge (which you only play with your elitist friends), I know you are only an immature little boy and probably don't know any better, So why don't you pop off to the Xbox.com site and spout you drivel over there.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

Rofer's picture

Like zombie tron says that if you were passionate about any game in the burnout series then you are welcome here so suck on that.

ZombieTron's picture

OI! Watch it or I might have to ban both of you!!!

Yeah you are welcome here Rofer, but please don't continually post one liners of:

"Get Midnight Club Los Angeles cos it's da bom"

as it will wind everyone up after a while (or in kev's case after 2 comments).

Remember that we are all Burnout fans here, and although we may all like Midnight Club: LA too, it shouldn't be a reason for us to stop loving Burnout and discussing the Burnout series.

Thank you for behaving yourselves in future!

Rofer's picture

Yeah sorry i am honestly being myself but i will try to not write stuff that "gets on people's nerves" but i might end up not posting here as much because i don't have much else to talk about. It's not like i can still talk about burnout because i am just not a fan anymore. I am sick to death of the tracks in revenge i don't know if i will ever play it again now that i know what midnight club is like. I still love this community for the most part which is why i'm here.

ZombieTron's picture


But do it in your own blog! I will probably do a blog review/comparison of Midnight Club: LA when I get it.  Our blogs definitely aren't Burnout exclusive, you can write about whatever you like in your blog!  You even earn more addiction points too!

Rofer's picture

I am really not the blogging kind of person but if the only way i can say what i want then i shall start making blogs. I have only made one other blog before and i just did that to make zombietron happy for the youtube video i submitted.


ZombieTron's picture

They do make me happy!  It doesn't take much!!

But, if you don't like writing blogs you can always use our forum for everything else to post stuff non-Burnout related.

Life, the Universe and Everything Except Burnout

kevlar0's picture

Yeah i'm sorry too zombs, sorry that rofer is a insipid little dolt with the opinions of a crayfish, only joking. :) .

Lets hope that in the next few weeks the announcements about DLC are going to be geared towards us more "hardcore" burners giving us some great content. Heres hoping.

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

Jinno Angelo's picture

Revenge is definitely boring now....

Paradise is just as boring... probably more so....


There's my one-liner for you....


As for the comment about rofer Posting one liners such as "Get MC:LA because it is the bom.." Bom?.. U meant cause its the "Balm".. The Balm!!!



"Remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always."

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).