EA's Be The One '08

If you are in London tomorrow or on Saturday head down to Trafalger Square to check out EA's Be The One event and get some hands on gaming action on some hot new titles.

You can see Trafalger Square transformed on this live feed:

London Streeming Webcam over Trafalger Square

If you do go, make sure you let us know how it was



PsychedelicBabe's picture

.... i dont think anyones interested in this i blogged it as my last blog.....me myself i would loved to have attended but unfortunately i couldnt find anyone who was crazy enough to mind my four devil children....


The only way to have a true friend is to be one



ZombieTron's picture

I'm glad you posted it in your Blog otherwise I may not have known it was happening until after the event again like last year!

Still, I wont be going this year as its 2 hours there and 2 hours back so it's a bit of hassle to get into town for the event, especially as I am not 100% sure of what I will see when I get there. I think EA have done a really bad job of advertising this event, they didn't tell us what bands would be appearing or have a proper list of games on show.. the web page for the event was rubbish! They are doing live streaming, but that just seemed to crash my computer, and the twitter they have just makes no sense??!

Oh well, we did our best to promote it on this site, my blog is the first hit if you search for "EA Be The One 08" on Google!LOL!

I know we should support these events, cos otherwise we wont have gaming events anymore in the UK. So if you are able to get to London tomorrow, please check out the Be The One event.. go on.. please! Although I think having an outdoor event in October/November is just crazy!!


SUFFUR's picture

Yes, it was a complete surprize to me, an EA rep phoned me from Singapore to ask if I was covering the Event in London, and I said, I could not due to the fact, I don't have a pot to ssip in? He asked where I was, I said I was with some friends in HK, the Tigers, well he said if I could get to the Airport in 2 hours, a plane would be waiting for me to take me to London to Cover the Event. Now isn't that sweet, I tried to blag seats for the Tiger's but it was a no go.

So I'm on the plane looking at the line up and who to interview, looks like a good line line-up some stuff you know, some ya don't but lots of game developers there too! So if anyone is there, give me a shout, though, I might not see you due to being buzy chating to game makers, but will be wearing my, 'You Lied to Me', Red VS Blue T-shirt. And a suit jacket, jeans and boots, with my back pack! So see you there, and wear a game T-Shirt ot get your Gamer Tag printed on a T-Shirt so I can look out for you, if you have a Burnoutaholics T-shirt, wear that!

Suf. Lucky Dratsab. ANd this economic climmate, it still rain's money for some people, lol.

I've even got some sar'wheat pictures of this plane, a Learjet or something, should be in London, for 10 AM Saturday morning, so see you there! ;) I just they send me back to the Tigers?!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

kevlar0's picture

Blooming hell suff, Does this mean you have a job then?

And I hope you enjoy the bloody freezing weather we are having.. lol

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

The only way to have a true friend is to be one....oh my god suff i am sooooooooooo jealous of you right now.... i hope your having the time of your life........


this is my new gamercard i cant wait till the avatar arrives properly its going to look so much cooler......:p


kevlar0's picture

Yeah SUFF is a lucky bugger, but he does deserve some luck.

And psyche i like the new thing how did you do that????

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

ZombieTron's picture


cos personally I think Suffur was being slightly creative with the truth.  But if you are in a lear jet headed to London enjoy every second!            (the story of Suffur's trip in pictures)

PsychedelicBabe's picture

easy just go to mygamercard.net {presuming your a member} go to generate your gamercard and when you goto choose the theme there is one called NXE choose that and hey presto.....when the avatars arrive it will be included in the gamercard.....*psyche claps* cant wait......


PsychedelicBabe's picture

yeah i beleive him.....well at least i did until you mentioned it now im half wittingly doubting it..........but hey this is suff and hes not just going to say that tihs....right........yeah i beleive him.........

ZombieTron's picture

by watching the live feed HERE

I've been having a bit of a watch on my PC as its raining and I'm curious, I think it is a real shame that they chose to do this event in an outdoor venue at the end of Autumn, it actually looks like there are a lot of pods and stuff organised on the stage, but there doesn't seem to be many punters at the event, and those that are there do just seem to be milling about in a fairly unimpressed way. I'm sure if this event was held more at the end of summer on a dry weekend it would have been much better attended. The fact that it wasn't advertised that well doesn't help.

I hope EA do keep this as an annual event but that they choose an indoor venue if its going to be in the Autumn half term or they choose to change the date and have the event earlier in the year.

It is a good advert for EA games on the run up to christmas and I think they have got a lot of coverage with T4 coming from the event, but I think it could have been better! I hope they improve the webpage next year and announce what musical acts are going to be performing before the event, and spread the word amongst the gaming world earlier too.

PsychedelicBabe's picture

yeah i think youll find that sometimes Advertising IS the Answer..........if they had advertised this a bit more i think it would have been a really good event......id love to have gone.....maybe next time.....if they plan to do another one judging by the live feed i dont think they will.......but then i suppose to advertise costs money which will probably incur in us having to pay for a ticket to get in......so maybe thats why it was FREE they were hoping to go off word of mouth i presume anyways........still looks like it could be fun......as for the weather that wouldnt bother me in the slightest......

ZombieTron's picture

Yes, advertising does involve costs, but I'm sure getting McFly, Natasha Bedingfield and Kelly Rowland to play doesn't come cheap.

I think the money would have been better spent making sure the weather doesn't wash out the event completely.

Hopefully lessons will be learnt for next year!


SUFFUR's picture

But give me till the end of the week will have written something... to be continued.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?