Podcast 16: PC Trial and RESTARTS!!!

Check out the latest podcast over at CriterionGames.com. Jez and Matt Follett talk about the Ultimate Box PC Trial available in February 2009.

The first 3 cars will be available and the whole city will be open for you to explore in a time limited trial.

The beans were spilled and the PC version of Paradise has RESTARTS!!!

This is a funny short podcast... so go check it out!!


ZombieTron's picture

"...to see restarts put into the PC version, is very odd? Next they will have boost starts! And a speedo?" said Suffur in one of his comments...

hmmm, I wonder what other refinements the PC version will have?

I was quite shocked by it having restarts, as that means in-game load times, although there are lots of good ways to disguise this. I really like how the restarts and other event starts which teleport you to the start of the race, work on MC:LA, it zooms out to the City Map and then zooms in to the race start once its loaded, only takes a couple of seconds.

As this is against the grain that Paradise was built on, 60fps, no load times, seamless open world gameplay etc.. it does make you wonder if the PC version will compromise in other areas too..

Big Yellow (or Green) Chevrons perhaps? I think a speedo would be great for the PC version, if you can run it on 3 screens you could have 1 screen dedicated to stats/HUD stuff. I really don't know why Boost Starts were removed from Burnout in Paradise.. I love getting a Boost start! Why not just teach everyone how to do it in the game, so it's not such a secret hidden skill??

It's surprising me, reading other Burnout forums, how many Paradise players are looking to getting the PC version, even though they have already completed the game on PS3/360. I wasn't planning on getting Paradise on PC, but maybe the refinements will make me change my mind??

NIGHTMAR3xGTx's picture

But I do plan on getting it for the PC. Its the 1st Burnout game to be release on the PC, and I just want to see how awesome the game can look on the pc
