PCPD pack.

It was announced yesterday on the PS3 and PC news pages about another premium download, Cops n Robbers or pursuit mode, i have been looking on other fan sites for details but the PS3 users seem reluctant to give any infomation away to 360 users, i found some pics on Operation Burnout but there were no details of what the news feed text said, although the question was asked many times by 360 users, one poster said we should have bought a PS3 then we could have seen what it said, (very helpful member of the community indeed).

Some pics i stole.. Sorry i struggled putting the actual images up here so you will have to follow the links




I for one am looking forward to this DLC, maybe it will give us back a flavour of Burnout of old, The news will be released to all on monday from the doghouse website.


Chu's picture

...................... ****ing. Sweet.

Dodger455's picture

"Dude" indeed!

I need more details about this pack. If it is as awesome as the pics suggest then this could be stupid fun!Any car in Paradise as a cop car?,how about police bikes as well?

Now this is what I call a good pack.Love the whole cop chase thing.Can you be the bad guy?I hope that this is not an inhanced Marked Man.Lets see some road blocks!

Guess I have to wait until Monday to find out, DAMN!

gravy666's picture

 Only on the PC and PS3???  I feel betrayed...

Khanon's picture

Don't feel too betrayed. They said they were going to post the details on the In-Game Burnout News, but that feature still isn't working, so... lol


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

ZombieTron's picture

It is only the news about the pack that is meant to be available to PS3 and PC players first, everybody will be able to see all of the info at criteriongames.com on Monday.

Xbox 360 will get the update as well, just not the initial news about it as there is no browser on the 360.

Khanon's picture

Errr...well...yeah, that's what I meant... The news is only for PS3 and PC, not that those were the only ones getting the new content.

Apparently, you can mention 1000 times about the in-game browser thing and people will still ask. *snickers* Oh well... As I used to say on some other forums... "maybe I should just macro that response! " hehehe


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead