What in the world...?

...are you doing, Khanon?!

What? Oh...all the blog posting? That's easy to explain...sort of.

I've been doing the internet forum thing back since all there was were bbses and newsgroups for us "internet" hounds. When FidoNet and UseNet were kings of the "Information Superhighway" and they were usually feeds to dial-up bbs systems, there was a familiar saying: "Activity breeds activity."


Yeah, it means that if you want something to be active, you have to seed it with activity. This is a great place, but from what I can tell, most of the "old regulars" just don't post much anymore. Add to that all the new people that don't post at all, whether that be forums or blogs, simply because there's not much activity. Thankfully, when I made a couple comments and my first blog posting, enough people responded that made me say to myself "this could be a really cool place to hang my hat".

I think if more of the "old skool" regulars made a simple posting every time they came here, especially if they found nothing of particular interest to respond to, this place could be a hotbed of activity instead of a handful of almost constant readers and rarely posters... I think that Burnoutaholics.com is well worth that effort, personally.

"Will just any posting in the world do?"

Of course not. First of all, rants, tirades, and "this or that sucks!" postings tend to push people away...especially newcomers...unless they are of the same mindset. I don't think that ZombieTron and Xandu want that sort of atmosphere here, and I really don't think most of the old timers here want that, either, regardless of how they feel about some aspect of the new patch. After all...look what happened to the Criterion Games forums because of the incessant rantings... Do we really want that to happen here? I'm betting not.

"Yeahwell...you're new here. We don't need you to tell us any of this."

That's fine...that's fine. I can dial it back and let it be quiet and nearly non-active again, if you prefer... Or, I'll shut up if you and your friends start posting again and give me something to read instead of letting my mind wander enough to make posts all over the place.

I don't think it really matters whether or not the posts are related to the game or the site, but if they were, it would help elicit reponses from the quieter people.

"So why didn't you just send a private message to ZombieTron or Xandu about your thoughts?"

You know... I considered that at first. The more I thought about it, though, the more I thought it should come from a member instead of a site owner or moderator. That way it seems...I dunno...Not like an official ultimatum or something. I know people who are almost solely console gamers are a very different breed from the PC gamer, and those who game equally across both are yet another type of creature altogether. This place, however, is meant to be a haven of information and friendship between all those types of people. Well...now it is. Before that, it was the XBox and PS3 gamer types (one in the same, ultimately...they're both consoles, after all...) primarily, with the console+pc gamer as a third wheel just about.

"So...if we start posting more regularly, you'll shut up?"

Oh Hell no! Well...yeah, if I'm asked to by the powers that be, or I finally run out of things to say... However, I'm a father, a grandfather, and have been around for a very long time...and my family has yet to see me be quiet for long... You've little hope outside a banning.


"No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die." --Pinhead


Jinno Angelo's picture

I can definitely see that Khanon is making himself at home here..... LOL...



Reminds me of the Boots....NIce!



"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. We Are All From The Dust, And To the Dust We Shall Return. Amen!" "Hellsing Ultimate Series I", Alexander Anderson.

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Khanon's picture

The recliner was a tough fit through the door, and I haven't yet figured out how to get the sofabed in, but I'm working on it. The lamps can stay, but the funky wallpaper has to go. I've got some great cedar paneling that'll go great on the wall with the fireplace, and the LCD can go in the corner.

Yeah..I'm trying to make myself at home, but I should get half my security deposit back up front for having to do some remodeling!


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

SUFFUR's picture

Well you nuts so you must belong?

Yes, it has been said.

And do you require regular medication?

The family think so, and since none of the other stuff is leagle, I will write whatever comes in my head.

Are you lonely?

As I said have a wife, kids and I'm a grand father!

Well everythink seems to be in order, Welcome to Burnoutaholics!

Why Thank you, as you can see I'm going to make some changes in my life, yours and find some wall paper to match white, to go with this site.


And I to, can assume anything I like as I am Suffur I approve this Burnoutaholic, way better than some of those Revenge, Pant wearing on my head, Hat stuck up my ssa, nerds. That all all they can write about is Revenge is the best, and no matter what they do to Paradise, I'm gonna hate it up till lap racing and a speedo arrive and some asia element from Burnout 3 arrives too! So Neer!

And Nito go make me a Burrito, with curry on the side, and big side of cows ssa with a Bottle of Argento, thank you! Noob Racer!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?