What was your "this is it!" moment?

I often wonder at what moment people realize that the game they've chosen as their favorite was their...favorite...

I don't mean "you can change music" or "you can wreck cars" or "I got this great score!"

I mean genuine moments where everything just clicked. After all, with enough practice, most people can and will eventually pull off what seem to be amazing tricks simply because it is a computer game (yes...console games are computer games, whether one wants to admit it or not...consoles are computers) and the mechanics allow it, whether accidentally or on purpose. As for game features themselves, that's a stroke of pure luck as to which one ends up with the right combination of what someone looks for in a game.

Do I love wrecking cars in a game? Of course! And the music...the music! It's the best since Flatout 2! I don't much like the music in Flatout Ultimate Carnage. Racing? LOVE racing. But if it was just about racing, I'd play GRID or Flatout UC. The crash physics? ...and? They're about the same as Flatout Ultimate Carnage, and if I wanted realistic crash and damage physics, I'd still be playing GRID. Like the "open" feel of Burnout Paradise, eh? Yeah, but that's still not the "it" thing for me.

For most everyone, if they stopped and thought about it, there was a defining moment when they said "okay...this is it for me!" The proverbial "'It' moment".

For me? I was racing up and down White Mountain from the Wind Farm to the Ranch. Back and forth. Why? Because I suddenly felt like it. At one moment, halfway down the hill under full Boost, wide open, and doing  a long drift (nothing even close to what many do routinely and without trying) just before the small covered bridge, I thought to myself "I don't even know why I'm doing this, but this is just great!" I then looked at my wife (who was raiding at that moment in WoW) and I yelled at her "Honey! CHeck this out!" She looked at me with a puzzled look and I just said "this is just so cool!" She said "But you have a lot of racing games...why'd you have to buy that one?"

The only thing I could think of to say in response was "I can't do this...this right here what I'm doing right now, in any other game. This is just...it just feels...kickass!" She just smiled, nodded, and said "I'm glad you're enjoying it, honey."

(forgive my language for anyone with delicate sensibilities, but there was just no other phrase to describe the feeling at that moment, and I wanted to be accurate in my relating the events of the moment. I will refrain from anything harsher than that, though)

That was my "It" Moment. What was yours?


Aaboe's picture

I got hooked from the moment I saw the game, way back when... ok, so it's about 4 years ago. A friend of ours had bought BO3 for his kid and I watched a bit as the kid was playing and us so-called grown ups were sitting on the couch talking. No big surprise, my attention was sucked to the television and when hubby saw that I was sitting and well, tilting with the car in the turns, he just had to laugh.

Not long after that, we decided to get that game and do it for ourselves, and the fact that BO3 was (in our nearby store) only available for xbox, that's what we got. Yes, sometimes it's a very small thing that determines platform choice. Anyway, we played through that a LOT, and when Revenge came out, we bought it on the day it was released, prudently decided to wait until after dinner with testing it, and convinced eachother at 6 am that now we *had* to get some sleep.

It's basically gone downhill from there.

Right now I'm though sucked seriously and most likely irreversibly into WoW together with hubby, so the dear xbox360 isn't even booted up. Hasn't been since before xmas, actually... oh well, eventually I'll return for at least a little while just to keep the skills up.





Jinno Angelo's picture

There was no it moment for me...

When I first seen the game, I thought it was garbage, there was no skill, and racing games are by far the lamest games ever to play in any system... I would not play racing games... However, my friends/ neighbors 5 minutes down from my house, kept Eggin Me to play it... So I decided to buy it so I could play them... kind of just went with it... played it a couple of times, got mediocre in it... and just met new people along the way....



"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. We Are All From The Dust, And To the Dust We Shall Return. Amen!" "Hellsing Ultimate Series I", Alexander Anderson.

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Khanon's picture

Aaboe... You're not the first to find your way to a game that way! I've done it with a couple, myself.

The beauty is, we have to remember that some game devs are as old as me! shhhhh Most, if not all, are adults, and many at established game companies have been doing it since the 90's...even the 80's in an instance or three. IMHO, it's all fair game until they ban old people (adults) from making games.

One Incognito,

Well...there's always that, but then by your own admission, the game never became "It!" for you in the first place. hehe I was curious about those who did end up playing it as their "main game" to play... I appreciate your response, though. Something is better than no response at all.


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

ZombieTron's picture

Early games that I still hold in my heart as favourites of all time are Nebulus and Flashback, the main reason I remember them so fondly if because of the way the music and sound effects added to the excitement and tension of the game.

This is the same for the early Burnout games, before EA Trax. Mr Root created some of the best game music to race too, and the way the heart beat pulsed and the music changed while boosting was intense. I think it's that first time boosting in Burnout that made me know "this is it!"

Even after EA took over the reigns from Acclaim and EA Trax took over from Mr Root's compositions, the soundtrack played a huge part in how much I loved Burnout. Burnout 3: Takedown has an awesome soundtrack sometimes I would play just so I could listen to the soundtrack!  

Burnout Revenge has a great soundtrack too. Paradise however is a bit hit and miss and the levels seem really off, I have my music set to 11 but I can hardly hear the music over the engine noise even tho I have taken effects down to 6.  Personally the sound effects on Paradise don't do much for me either.

I think the sound effects and music affect my love of games more then any other feature. As long as the graphics are fit for purpose my imagination can fill in the blanks, but if the sound isn't right I just wont want to play that much.

Poker Smash is another great example of me loving a game because of the soundtrack, I absolutely love the game music and sound effects on Poker Smash!

Segaswirl's picture

My first online takedown on Burnout 3 was the moment I knew the game was special. After months of playing Project Gotham Racing 2 and listening to people crying when you have even the slightest contact with their car, Burnout 3 was like fresh air.

Even though you're supposed to take people down online you do still get the odd person that complains about it, but to me that just makes getting takedowns that much more enjoyable.

There are other reasons for me liking the game, like the graphics, the sense of speed... but to me the takedowns and online play are what made it stand out.


Khanon's picture

*nods* to the both of you. I agree that the music makes all the difference. Sound quality must be at differing levels between platforms, as I have the music at 10 and sfx at 8 and it feels like the perfect blend of tunage and wreckage... The sound of twisting and thrashing metal as twisting and thrashing metal music come blaring out of the car's stereo. *shudders* Love it!

And yesyesyes! Takedowns! I race with a slower and agressive car so I can win race events by atrition; taking out my oponents rather than just trying to beat them to the finish. lol

Is it just me, or does the AI get more aggressive to you the more aggressive you are to it...? I've noticed certain vehicles I've done multiple takedowns to in a single race seem to start gunning for me. hehe *shudders and shrugs* It must be my imagination. Right? RIGHT?!


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

Jinno Angelo's picture

Like I said Khanon, the game didnt really peak my interest at first...

But, Revenge is a lot more technical than what it makes out to be.. which is cool with me... I guess you can say that I have what you would call OCD... Of course, thats just my opinion... because there is a bit of a rush, a hype in me to get the best out of anything... So when I realized that I could go so much faster on Revenge... It just kind of became a habit for me to play it on a constant daily basis.... so that I could get really quick times and so that I could beat my OWN times... So, yeah there was no moment for me, that ultimately said Yes, I will play this.... Its more like, Oh yeah... I can do better here or there... and thus I play Revenge on a daily basis..... not as much as before.... but still daily...

I think its like that for many really quick racers who obsess about how fast we can go... Its like a perfectionist mentality.. thats why they keep challenging and pushing themselves to the limit on how fast they can go... They may not see it, but when someone gets a better time than them, that becomes motivation to beat that other person's time... that motivation is enough to keep people playing this game without having that "IT" moment...


Unfortunately, I dont race with music on... I wouldnt know the music you guys are talking about... Every race my TV is always set to 0 volume, even on the Revenge options.. Ive set the effects and music volume to 0.. Its too distracting for me..


"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. We Are All From The Dust, And To the Dust We Shall Return. Amen!" "Hellsing Ultimate Series I", Alexander Anderson.

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Rofer's picture

I have some very incredible memories on burnout revenge where nothing else mattered but the savage things that were happening in the game. My favorite is haveing a legendary race with segaswirl. Jinno you don't use music thats pretty lame. I remember the legendary races i had i was bumping some of the most savage music into my head. Honestly, revenge actually got me into music before revenge i never knew what was the big hype about music it was mostly just annoying sounds to me, once i started to really get into revenge the music i was listening to whilst savage things would happen, everything just clicked in my mind, and i realized what awesomeness truly was in my perspective. Although i will admit, music can be distracting when your going for laptimes, for me it would make the laptime feel alot more intense and dramatic though. Now that revenge is boring from playing all the same tracks i have kinda lost interest in music again. At this point, the only music i really enjoy is when i am driving really fast in real life. Speed plus melody equals bliss.

Jinno Angelo's picture

No I dont listen to music when racing.... Ive tried listening to the Burnout Revenge music.... just didnt get me going....  so I turn it down so that I cant hear it...

On the otherhand, whenever I do feel like messing around... I put my own playlist in with some Linkin Park, Avenged SevenFold, Seether, Gin Blossoms, Hinder.....ect.... and listen to it while racing...




"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. We Are All From The Dust, And To the Dust We Shall Return. Amen!" "Hellsing Ultimate Series I", Alexander Anderson.

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

Khanon's picture

...that PC users could change music. If you can, I can't find it. I wouldn't want to get rid of the current playlist...I'd just like to add my own tunes to it, like some Def Leppard, Meatloaf, AC/DC, more of the Seether album, etc.


No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead

No more games, no more teasing. Time to play...time to die. --Pinhead